My notes Radio Interview ~ Dr Steiner featuring Dr Graveline

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My notes Radio Interview ~ Dr Steiner featuring Dr Graveline

Postby sos_group_owner » Sun Mar 26, 2006 8:05 pm

My notes from Live KRLA Radio Interview by Dr Gene Steiner
~ featuring Dr Duane Graveline ~ Author of:
"Statin Drugs - Side Effects and the Misguided War on Cholesterol"

Dr Graveline is a former NASA astronaut, flight surgeon and retired
family physician that experienced TGA (transient global anmesia)
from Lipitor. His first incident of TGA was from Lipitor 10 mg
which he'd taken for just 6 weeks. He stopped Lipitor, but the next
year resumed with just 5 mg of Lipitor following a NASA physical.
TGA is the complete inability to form new memory.
* 15 yrs ago during statin trials - there were 11 cases of cognitive
side effects - 7 were TGA and 4 were "other" cognitive problems.

* Myopathy (muscle damage) is definitely caused by CoQ10 deficiency.
(Many respond to CoQ10 supplements)

* Merck knew CoQ10 was an issue, holds a patent for a statin plus
CoQ10 but never manufactured the drug.

* Libido & ED (erectile dysfunction) - cases seriously "under"
reported. Testosterone depends on cholesterol (presursor)

* 55% of those that have heart attacks or strokes have normal or
low cholesterol levels.
Callers topics/questions & Dr Graveline's responses:
Type II diabetic:
Diabetics have a high incidence of PN (peripheral neuropathy).
Statins are knows to cause PN. Diabetics should NOT
be placed on statins just because they are diabetic.

Ideal cholesterol levels and Lp(a):
Our cholesterol levels are pre-ordained and specific to "us".
There are no "natural" levels.
Vitamin C doses as high as 5,000 mg.
Dr Linus Pauling was the first to recommend high dose vit C.
We are the only species that needs all our vit C from outside sources.
Clarification directly from Dr Graveline Re: Lp(a) and Vitamin C...

Everyone's cholesterol is the natural level for them just as with
height and about a thousand others things. Lipoprotein(a) is our
natural defense against bleeding to death, acquired at the same
time we gave up Vit C synthesis (40 million years ago). Vit C is
vital to keep it under control, for unchecked its natural inclination
is to block arteries. Vit C concerts it from velcro to teflon
after it has done its job repairing arterial wall damage.
Statins are a potent anti-inflammatory. Inflammation is the
problem, not cholesterol. Cholesterol levels are the only gauge
that doctors use to determine our health. This practice is incorrect.
Simple tests that should be routine: homocysteine and CRP.

We are seeing more incidents of cancer in those taking statins.
Statins suppress: nuclear factor - kappa B (NF-kB) - a key factor
needed for our immune system to prevent cancer and infections.

Vitamin D:
Most have a Vit D deficiency today. Vit D slows calcium loss.
Dr Graveline referred most callers to his website:
And for those without internet access, for book orders only: 888-542-1920
Posts: 482
Joined: Thu Oct 13, 2005 6:03 pm
Location: Connecticut

Correction Re: vitamin C

Postby sos_group_owner » Sun Mar 26, 2006 10:07 pm

Fran wrote:
We are the only species that needs all our vit C from outside sources.

"To the best of scientific knowledge, all animals and plants synthesize
their own vitamin C, except for humans and a small number of other
animals, including, apes, guinea pigs, the red-vented bulbul, a
fruit-eating bat and a species of trout. "

Posts: 482
Joined: Thu Oct 13, 2005 6:03 pm
Location: Connecticut

Postby vicki » Wed Oct 20, 2010 6:36 pm

here is more info on Cancer and NFkB, NFκB — Nuclear Factor Kappa B

I got CLL, I believe from taking Statin Drugs for 7 yrs.
Posts: 71
Joined: Mon Oct 18, 2010 8:13 pm

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