A couple of comments. You write:
"Todate, there are no studies showing statin drug damage
can be repaired or if there are any supplements that can
provide nerve regeneration or remove dead scar tissue and
allow new growth.
Correct. There are no well-done well-funded studies done on statin damage recovery because statin damage is not acknowledged as being real. Statin damage does not exist. (It would be bad for business it actually existed.) So why should there be studies?!
So we have to go by the next best thing regarding studies. Here's one (while there are several others to be found on this forum) with an excerpt provided with the hyperlink found at the following URL:
You write:
"When or if that day ever comes the drug
companies will smash that information before we know
about it, because the elimination of disease is not profitable."
Correct again.
Here's another example of it. It sure appears Big Pharma is making a play for creating even more sickies to "treat." They would like to do away with (i.e. "smash") the Multivitamin this time, per this article:
Here's an excerpt:
"Some of the study authors also have drug company affiliations.
One of the researchers reported being a consultant to Merck
and Bayer, another researcher reported receiving research
support from Merck and also is a consultant to Merck, Bayer,
GlaxoSmithKline, and Procter & Gamble."
BTW, carnitine first make my leg hurt worse. I could not find the post where I made that announcement here over a year ago. In a few days, it started to work and the pain went away. The only reason I could come up with is that much lactic acid was being liberated by the carnitine from the cells all at once. After that, things got better. I have not been without it (except for a short failed experiment) since I started using it. I was however, "amused" (read: "incredulous") that at first it set me back for a day or so. This may or may not be the case for you. We are all different and therefore have different types of injuries from our statins.
Interesting posts/ideas, adec. No joke. You might be right on some or all of that. However, I believe you maybe misusing the word "analog" and "anecdotal" though.