by pgrimm » Fri Apr 18, 2008 9:36 pm
kkolk, you sound very familiar, just like Bill. His timeframe as a statin victim is right alongside yours. His doctor prescribed an antidepressant the end of December that coupled with his lovastatin had an interaction that manifested a horrible headache overnight, then within weeks, he was walking with a cane. Just like you. Just a couple weeks ago, he was able to put his cane down, and he was thrilled. He still has to use it on tough days, but not most.
Dr. Golomb says that some people are not taking enough or the right supplements. Please read the instructions she gave us yesterday. She feels that if you're doing it right, you will see some results, but your recovery has it's own timetable, that can't be compared to others. Take a look at your supplements, can you step them up to a higher dosage? Are they fresh, kept in a cool place, or are they exposed to hear? Are you taking vitamin E? Lots of variables that will make a difference.
Hang in there, we're all here for you, and the first time you have a really great day, you will forget how depressed you feel right now. It's a crappy thing that happened to you, that's for sure. I'm sorry, so sorry, and so mad, but please listen to the others who have had such strength to fight this, they have had such patience, sharing their information, learning, they are my heroes. Honestly. There is nothing about this statin thing that is fair, so bitch away, you deserve it, but please don't give up the fight.
Climbing down off my soapbox now.