I thought I'd share with you Bill's experience with his V.A. doctor yesterday. We met for lunch so that he could vent with me and cool down. I laughed so hard I cried in my soup!
He has not seen this doctor since he was last there searching for what was wrong with him. He only went back yesterday to get him to sign off for a disabled parking placard. First, do you remember George Carlin's bit that went, "Somewhere out there is THE WORLD'S WORST DOCTOR? And, what's more, you have an appointment with him"?
I must start by desrcribing his other two visits with this guy. Bill complained that he was having muscle pain all over. The doctor told him that he walked funny and should get more exercise. Of course Bill told him that up to a week ago he was digging trenches and laying sprinklers for a living. So yesterday, without reading any notes on his computer screen about Dr. Golomb's findings, this doctor started asking Bill how long he's had diabetes (he doesn't), and that he must have arthritis in his hand (it's crippled from when it got cut off working in the oilfield and it was sewn back on, the good doctor sort of forgot this unusual story from the last visit). He continued to ask him a bunch of the same questions from the last visit, as he laboriously entered them hung-and-peck style on his computer for an hour, and Bill got so frustated he called him a fat f---, saying it was the V.A. doctors at fault who prescribed all their drugs and caused him to be like this. The doctor looked at him sternly and warned him, "Are you trying to make me mad"? By this point in the story, I lost it! Of course, it was just as I had warned Bill it would go, and told him to just stick out the appointment long enough to get his parking thingy. I'm just glad he had enough restraint not to hit this portly little obnoxious man over the head with his cane! The final outcome was that the doctor signed off for a parking placard limited to six months. Hey, good news for Bill's myopathy prognosis! He'll be all cured in six months!
I hope you were able to laugh at this "worst doctor ever" story as I did!