I am 46yo male 300 lbs Adult diabetes (under fair Control) hypertension (under good control), Cholesterol at 175 total with lo HDL 38 Overall I am physically active ride a bike martial arts etc My Doc put me on Lipitor back in 2006 and after about 1.5 year I was having general malaise, fatigue, leg pain, plantar pain...............some memory issues etc
I brought these complaints to two of my docs and they pretty much fluffed it off about mid summer in 2007 and at the height of my discomfort after doing google such research I took myself off all statins and within 2 mos I began to feel markedly better I could work out again aggressively very little pain or discomfort etc etc
I had a doc appointment in mid Nov 2007 was scolded for stopping my Lipitor and was put on Zocor as an alternative Nov ok Dec ok Jan ok sort of by mid Feb I was having leg pain especially Knee Tendons and Achilles Tendons to the point I was having trouble going downstairs and navigating slightly uneven ground there was a real sense of knee instability and my plantar issues were increased...............visited Doc he suggested a knee specialist because "No Way" would Zocor do that that appointment was in mid April 1.5 weeks ago I wanted to shoot myself from the aching and instability in my knees...................... :(
I stopped my Zocor cold turkey..........now 1.5 weeks later I am about 60% knee pain free and the instability is greatly alleviated, my plantar has subsided to tolerable and my head feels clearer. I have begun a regimen of Vit C, Fish Oil, CoQ10, L-Carnitine, Osteo Biflex, I see my soon to be former doc in two weeks ................any suggestions on recovery :?: