I know the problem, but not the cure

A forum to discuss personal experiences and share information on statins and other cholesterol lowering drugs.

I know the problem, but not the cure

Postby gotts1936 » Sun May 11, 2008 1:53 pm

I have determined, after one year or research, I have a chronic neuromuscular degeneration disease ( Myotonic Dystrophy ) triggered by a statin drug which activated a gene that is larger than it should be, which, may include symptoms of Plantar Fasciitis and Pseudohypertrophy without elevation of CK levels.

Myotonic Dystrophy is the most common adult form of muscular dystrophy. It is marked by Myotonia as well as muscular wasting and weakness. Myotonia Dystrophy varies in severity and manifestations and effects many body systems in additional to sketelal muscles, including the heart, endocrine organs, eyes and gastrointestinal tract.

Plantar Fasciitis and Pseudohypertrophy are other manifestations of statin drug damage.

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Location: mcminnville,OR

statin drugs

Postby gotts1936 » Sun May 11, 2008 2:25 pm

I might add, that once a defective gene is activated there is no cure. It is the triggering of that gene which must be stopped.
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Location: mcminnville,OR

Postby Cat Mom2 » Sun May 11, 2008 6:58 pm

Gee thanks!! My gene has been activated for sure and it ain't over YET!

If you read my posts you will read what I worte about that sudden, grabbing pain in my ankle that was so bad, it would almost throw me down. You just put a name to it. It started while I was on the statin drug and kept on after I quit but hasn't happened in about 6 (?) months. The last round of it was horriable, I couldn't walk when I would get up in the morning, it was AWFUL and greeted me about 3 mornings in a row. Thank God it passed!
Cat Mom2
Posts: 250
Joined: Wed Dec 20, 2006 4:18 pm

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