My Statin Story - Read The Introduction First

A forum to discuss personal experiences and share information on statins and other cholesterol lowering drugs.

My Statin Story - Read The Introduction First

Postby spaceadmin » Mon Apr 28, 2008 12:45 am


This is a topic on the message board where individuals can post their own statin story.

Do not reply comments to any of these statin stories - the idea is that visitors to this thread can post their own statin story and that they be archived for other readers to see. But it should be just a collection of stories.

Comments can be posted elsewhere on the forum as usual; just want to prevent this thread getting cluttered with comments - it should just be a collection of your stories.

Everyone is welcome to post their own statin story - just click on the Post Reply button.

You can read Dr Graveline's personal statin story on the main site here:
Last edited by spaceadmin on Fri May 02, 2008 11:10 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Newly Diagnosed

Postby mskitty45 » Mon Apr 28, 2008 6:18 am

Hi Everyone:
I just received a letter from my doctor confirming my diagnosis of mitochondrial disease along with the recommended supplements that I should begin taking which seems to correspond with other posts.. Vitamin C 500mg 2x a day, Vitamin E, 200U 2x a day, Coenzyme Q10 specifically Q-gel starting at 100mg 2x a day - working up to 600mg 2x a day. Finally, creatine 1-2 grams 2x a day.

I have been sick since November 15, 2007 when I went to an ER where I was diagnosed with having had a stroke. After I was admitted to hospital I had a number of tests - and the only thing that they could conclusively come up with was that I was dysdlipidemic and had thyroid nodules. Because I was under age 50 they ran a number of tests associated with younger people having strokes. They even did a TEE Bubble study looking for a hole in my heart. Everything came back negative.

Protocol in the hospital for a stroke patient is lipitor and at least 81mg aspirin. Even though it was never concluded that I had a stroke I was given the lipitor and aspirin. I was hospitalized for 2 days and was sent home and told to stay off of work for a week and follow up with my primary care doc. I also needed to have a thyroid ultrasound. I was discharged on Crestor 10mg and Aspirin 325mg.

I filled my script for crestor that same day and every day I felt more dizzy, experienced blurred vision, brain fog- almost as if impaired from 2 alcoholic beverages. My legs were weak and my left arm weakness would come and go. My primary care doc at the time said that when you have a stroke it takes quite awhile for the brain to repair and even though no diagnostic test confirmed I had a stroke my hospital discharge papers said I had a right thalamic infarction.......I kept getting sicker and sicker - couldn't get into see the neurologist that saw me in hospital so I went to a new one - He couldn't explain anything from the MRI and other diagnostics tests so he sent me for more. - still no explanation - I even asked if it could be the crestor - he said no - On another day I felt so sick that I went to an after hours care and saw a nurse practioner - I asked him if it could be the crestor - he said no - he thought it was added anxiety over everything that I had been going through - he wanted to prescribe me atavan - I refused it saying my mind was messed up enough - I didn't want it any worse.

I ended up in the hospital 2 weeks later from the original hospitalization - same battery of tests - no concrete evidence but was discharged 2 days later with diagnosis of Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA).More tests with neurolgist, new specialists - ENT and ultimately saw a brain surgeon who did an angiogram - still nothing - Along the way I got a new Primary Care doctor who was definitely more thorough and more understanding than anyone I had seen. I had been hearing that it was anxiety from many of the clinicians I had seen even though I had no history of anxiety and had no changes in my life preceding this whole incident so I knew it wasn't anxiety.

My primary care doc finally suggested that I see a specialist in autoimmune diseases - He had to write a letter getting this doc to see me since he had such a heavy patient load. It took me 2 1/2 months to get the appointment and within 10 minutes of my first visist with him, he said it was the crestor. I told him that I didn't believe it was because some days I forgot to take it. He explained that there is lot of evidence that statins cause mitochondrial damage etc. I was very diligent about keeping my medical records in a notebook even though many doctors were reluctant to give them to me. Because I had results of all the diagnostics tests he was able to review them and was quickly able to see what others had missed on the MRI's and blood work, etc.

At that first appointment he ran numerous blood tests including a 6 minute blood draw and an ischemic arm blood test. This is where the final diagnosis was made.

This doctor believes that my original symptoms that brought me to the ER was because of my thyroid (multinodular goiter). The ER misdiagnosed me which sent sent me along the stroke pathway and being on a statin. My cholesterol levels were elevated mostly because of the thyroid...

I can't tell you how many different potential diagnoses I had and an estimated $40,000 in medical costs. Fortunately I have excellent insurance and out of pocket costs to me were around $1500. If only someone would have listened to me and said to take a break from the Crestor I wouldn't be telling this story. I am lucky that it was only five months but the damage is done.

Originally my doctor said that there is a possibility that it is reversible. From the posts that I have read it doesn't seem like it is. It seems as if most people are like me - there are good days and there are bad days. I have been off of Crestor for about three weeks. While I felt I was getting better within a week of discontinuing the medication I realized it was because I was on vacation. As soon as I went back to work slowly the symptoms returned by the end of the first week back.

If anyone can point me to sites to get information on long-term data of mitochondrial disease - specific to lactic acidosis I would appreciate it. I have scoured a number of sites including all of It seems a lot of the data is old.

I am glad that this forum is out here - it is nice to know that there are people who will understand me and not think I am crazy. My immunologist said that by the time patients come to him they have seen a number of specialists and the most recent one is usually a psychiatrist. I almost went to one but got lucky to see the immunologist before a psych.

Thanks for letting me tell my story............Ms Kitty
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Postby cjbrooksjc » Mon Apr 28, 2008 11:32 am

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statin drugs

Postby gotts1936 » Mon Apr 28, 2008 2:27 pm

Retired at 68 and thought I was pretty healthy for my age. I was not on any medication. Until I retired I saw my GP about every two years. Once I retired, in Oregon, I decided to establish a relationship with a local GP. Probably a bad decision.

The first thing he did was put me on 20mg Lisinopril to lower my BP ( 150/85 ). The following year ( April, 2006 ) he said "it is time to lower your cholestrol ". My cholestrol had averaged about TC 260, HDL 55, LDL 145 and Trig 149 for about 10 years. I have copies of most blood work.
He recommended 40mg of Lovastatin. I thought the dose was high , but he reasured me it was fine.
Three weeks after starting Lovastatin 40mg I had minor knee surgery. One month later, after knee surgery, I noticed my right leg began to ache and hurt. I went and complained to my GP. He said, my right leg hurt because I was favoring my left leg due to surgery.

Also, he said, because I am old, it would take longer for my legs to be normal. I asked how longer did he think it would take. He said, " I have patients at your age and after 6 months their legs still hurt. So, like an idiot, I suffered for seven more months before I returned to my GP.
He ordered a blood test and it came back normal for liver activity. And than, He said, " you might be having a reaction to Lovastatin. I recommend you stop using Lovastatin".

I have been off Lovastatin for about 13 months. The burning and pain has stopped, as long as I never use my legs. Any use of my legs Ex: sitting down, getting up, walking, getting in or out of my vehicle hurts like hell.
I am presently taking supplements 200mg COQ10, Carnitine 500MG, Creatine 500mg, Omega 3, and many other vitamins.

So. today, April,2008 I am still in pain, but I have no other symptoms just leg muscle pain when in use.
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Postby garystil » Tue Apr 29, 2008 3:07 am

I'll keep my story brief because the consequences of my statin poisoning pales in comparison to most on this site.

I had been taking Simvastatin for 3.5 years without any problems when it suddenly (and unknowingly) became toxic following a period of stress in early 2005.

I suffered constant dizziness, bloating, diarrhea, nausea etc and had become intolerant to almost every food, particularly food which contained fructose. After losing 20 kilos in a space of 3 months and undergoing numerous tests which revealed nothing, things were looking grim.

But by keeping a diary I finally figured out in late 2006, that it was the statin that was causing my body to reject food. Although I had briefly stopped a couple of times before, with no improvement, I sensed that if I stopped for at least 2 months, I may see some results.

It took only one month for its toxicity to wash out and for my food tolerances to return to near normal.

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Postby Darrell » Tue Apr 29, 2008 12:38 pm

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Postby harley2ride » Wed Apr 30, 2008 11:45 am

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Postby carbuffmom » Thu May 01, 2008 1:20 pm

I began taking statins at the age of 35 because of a history in my family of heart disease. My father had a massive heart attack at the age of 40 and died at 60 waiting for a heart transplant. My brother had 6 bypasses done at age 35 and died at 37. I began taking 20 mg of Mevacor, then Lescol (which gave me severe stomach problems), so I went back to Mevacor. I was placed on Zocor soon afterward at 20 mg.
For two years, I took 40 mg. In 2004 I was given Zetia 10 mg to take along with 20 mg of Zocor. I began experiencing severe leg cramps. I complained to the doctor about them. Since I was a runner and an exercise nut, my complaints were dismissed, especially because "my numbers were so good".

I continued with my exercise routine of running and boot camps and weight lifting. My daughter was getting married in Dec. of 2004 and I wanted to look good. I remember one day looking at my hands and thinking about how old they looked. I kept rubbing lotion on them trying to plump them up. I did not realize at the time that my hand muscles were shrinking. I was 48 years old!

In January of 2005 I was put on 20/10 of Vytorin. By April, I noticed that my right arm could not do lateral lifts with weights anymore. I thought that I had injured it. During the summer I noticed that my hands were always cold after exercising and it was hard to tie my shoes. In October, I found it hard to button my clothes. I went to my doctor who suspected carpal tunnel syndrome, but was concerned because the muscle between my thumb and index fingers had shrunk dramatically. I was sent to a neurologist who gave me an EMG and Nerve Conduction test. After I left his office, I stopped by my mom's and SHE suggested that maybe my problems were from the Vytorin. I went home and began searching on-line for the side effects of Vytorin. By that evening I began having muscle twitches all over my body. I had run four miles before the EMG. Perhaps, that exacerbated the effects of the test. I called my doctor the following week and he told me to stop taking the Vytorin. I stopped cold turkey and was lightheaded and sick feeling for two weeks. I did not know you were supposed to taper off gradually and evidently neither did the doctor. The muscle twitches continued like popcorn popping under my skin. The neurologist ordered more tests and in December of 2005 I was diagnosed with ALS. The diagnosis devastated me and my family. After more research I discovered other cases like mine. I believe that my long term use of statins and exercise triggered this disease. In January of 2005 my daughter contacted Dr. Graveline who suggested using large amounts of CoQ10. I began to feel better for a while. The neurologist said that statins do not cause ALS.

In January of 2007 I noticed the weakness in my hands and arms was worsening. I went to see an ALS specialist in May who was hesitant to give me a diagnosis without another EMG. I had another done in June and the diagnosis was confirmed. My arms are very weak. I can no longer fix my hair. Every day tasks are tiring and time consuming. My legs remain strong and my breathing is good. Mentally, I feel like there is a perpetual cloud over my head. I try to enjoy things, but the cloud is always there.

I have no doubt that this condition was caused by the use of statins. I am amazed to find so many others who are like me. Maybe if I had stopped the statins sooner I could have prevented this. Perhaps the exercise was a contributing factor. All I know is that I wish I had never taken them.
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Postby Ray Holder » Thu May 01, 2008 3:52 pm

I had polio in 1951, when I was 30, and made a good recovery, my back was a bit bent, and my upper R leg muscles a bit thin, but I lived a quite normal life, with few reservations such as ability to lift heavy objects, and was able to take quite long walks and paint the house and cope with the garden.
I retired from work at 60, but we travelled widely, and I helped an organ builder fit a large organ, with the many modifications necessary, into our local church, spread over several years. The first indication of any heart problem came in 1992, I was three score years and eleven, or a year over my "sell by date!!" I had a sustained chest pain, not very severe, but uncomfortable and it didn't go away, at 11.00pm. The doctor came, gave ma a puff of glycerol trinitrate spray, which took the pain away, and off I went in an ambulance for 5 days of chechout in the cardiac ward.
Lots of blood tests and an ECG followed, and a trip on the treadmill, where an unsympathetic young doctor, on being told that I had suffered from polio, remarked, you aren't lame, are you, and set off the machine at a rate that I could only keep up with, by holding on for dear lifr. He then proceeded to chat career prospects with his friend over the phone!!

The end result was that I was told I had not had a heart attack, and was sent home with just some vasodilator tablets. About 3 years later, my TC had been, and still was 8 and the get it down campaign was under way, so I was given Bezalip mono, a fibrate, for 18 months. I remember feeling I had to make a real effort of will to do anything towards the end of this period, when statins came on the scene, and I was changed over to simvastatin, the first month's supply being a drug rep's sample given to the doctor.
Surprisingly, I felt more "get up and go" with this change, but I continued with it for 4 years, and weakness gradually and insidiously became more apparent.

It was just about this time that Post polio syndrome was becoming known and this clouded the weakness issue. When I was really weak 4 years on, the doctor remarked, that I was now in my late 70s anyway, and also that Post Polio made muscles weaker. I then heard that statins could cause muscle loss and had a CK test which was about 2 1/2 times normal, and the statin was stopped. Things only got worse over the next 14 months, my upper leg muscle was down to a little finger diameter, and heart weakness was very apparent, I knew i was on a very slippery slope.

Then a letter in the UK Polio journal spoke of the benefits obtained by Post Polios in W Australia from taking carnitine, and also mentioned that Dr Karl Folkers had found that statins damaged Q10 production. My internet searches had not revealed these facts, so I pursued this line, soon taking Q10 and then carnitine, with very rapid benefit, so much so that I visited my GP to tell him how much better I was.
I have since theorised that my original problem was caused by age related fall in Q10, causing lower carnitine levels, and Post Polios need much more carnitine due to muscle changes. Thus available energy to my heart was low, especially at night, when blood sugar levels fall The statin made the Q10, and carnitine deficiencies worse, and I was at a dangerously low energy level.
Q10 very quickly improved my heart condition, and Carnitine had my thin leg muscle back to pre statin size in a few weeks, in the succeeding months I was able to dispense with Diltiazem ( now known to make statin problems worse) and bendrofluazide, and my blood pressure is fairly well controlled by the Q10 and carnitine, plus only the vasodilator.

Now, 5 years later, I have had to increase my Q10 to 3x300 mg a day and my carnitine to 10 grams a day, but the polio damage need makes such a large dose necessary.
I continue to take any step I feel might bear fruit in posting on appropriate websites and news online sites which talk of wonder drug statins, and have sent many missives to people in high places, hoping something will rub off, but by far the most rewarding has been this site, hoping some of the horrific cases of damage may find some relief. Many thanks to Dr Graveline, who has put the paper which I wrote on this site under the title "Fitting The Pieces Together". It can be accessed here:

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Postby Cat Mom2 » Sat May 03, 2008 11:13 am

This is a great idea!

My story. I was healthy and active and working, the only problem (?) I had was high cholesterol so I was put on 10mg of lipitor. I didn't trust the drug but took it anyway after reading the insert very carefully and learning what to watch for.

Two weeks into starting, I sat down to eat lunch one day with no problem. When I went to get up, it felt like someone had hit me in both knees with a sledge hammer and I lived with that pain for 5 to 6 years, the whole time I was on the drug. Over time, I developed more effects that I never connected to the drug. I started with acid reflux that would wake me up hourly sometimes at night that was a mouth full of acid and gagging sometimes until I threw up. There was a soft mushy spot that developed on my ankle.

Upped to 20mg.. Started having swelling and heaviness in my legs and feet. That innocent lump on my ankle started spreading. My feet would burn and hurt prior to it spreading. I saw 4 different doctors for this and none could tell me what it was or how to stop it. Nothing they offered helped. I didn't realize it but I was very tired a lot and wore out easy and had to pace myself so as not to over do it in my busy days. (if I overdid it, I would get restless legs at night and not get any sleep) Cramps started in my legs and feet, had vertifo a LOT!. I was constantly having to go to the bathroom to urinate and it would come out with such force that it was alarming. Could never be to far from the bathroom or there were "accidents".

Then it was upped to 40 mg and the real fun began. Shortly after starting 40 mg. I woke up one morning and realized my mind was GONE! It is so alarming to know something is wrong and not to know what! I couldn't remember what I was doing, couldn't remember how to do something, couldn't remember words (and when I did remember them, they came out as jibberish), would pass up my exit on the interstate, not be able to find somewhere I had been before, running red lights/stop signs looking right at them (that scared me so bad I all but quit driving), I was just about non functional at work. I had trouble walking and stumbled a lot, had a constant squeezing feeling around my chest and felt my heart was running away, my hands and face started tingeling/itching. I also started having a sudden grabbing pain around my ankle that was so painful that it would just about throw me down! I still get it from time to time.

I could see my life as I knew it slipping away from me and did not know why. I quit any socializing, quit going anywhere, didn't have the energy to clean my house and had just lost interest in everything and was getting more and more scared and depressed. I was in worse shape than my Mama was when she died in her 80's and I wasn't 60 yet!

I saw a ad on TV for a for a class action law suit against lipitor and if you were having any of these problems on this drug to please call this attorney. One of the things listed was memory loss/confusion. BINGO! I came home and got online and started researching and was SO outdone and mad at what I found. That was when I woke up and quit taking it. The improvement was immediate and noticable! In a 2 week period, I was able to throw away a bag full of other medicines I was on for all these mysterious ailments I had for the last 5 to 6 years.

I had what I call a "honeymoon" period once quitting them, then the assult started. A new pain in my joints that moved from joint to joint leaving it to painful to use until it moved to another joint. This went on for months and always happened while I slept so I never knew what I would find when I woke up. Then it settled in my right shoulder where it has been for over a year now. MRI showed arthritis, tendonitis, bruscitis and a bone spur and no treatment the specialist has done any good so I have given up on treatment for it. Recently, my left index finger has been bothering me in the knuckle joint and just the other night, I spotted a rather large hard spot has grown (?) there.. Also, my last colonscopy they found 5 precancerous polyps when I have never had polyps before.

I feel like I was cheated out of making an informed decision as to rather the benifits outweighed the risks as to rather this drug was right for me or not. If all the side effects had been fully disclosed back in the 90's, I would have been spared a lot of pain, problems and worry. I was cheated out of growing old as nature intended and will question every new aliment as natural or statin induced for the rest of my life.

Doctors are of NO help, they just want to prescribe you another medicine to combat the side effects and will not admit a drug they prescribed could be doing you more harm than good.

I find the memory problems, while greatly improved, still come and go. My mind is not what it was pre-statin drug. I can loose a thought just as quick and I had it, it comes and goes, some days worse than others so I am positive I have forgotten some of the many side effects I had. At least I am functional again and have my energy back.
Cat Mom2
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Postby Dee » Sun May 04, 2008 1:46 am

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Postby marci » Mon May 05, 2008 11:29 am

I write this on behalf of my mother, who was a vibrant, active 78 year old woman. She was 5'6", 125 lbs, had the stamina of a woman half her age and still walked a mile daily. She cooked, had a spotless house, paid the bills, balanced the checkbook to the penny every month, entertained and canned every summer. She was living a very happy, full life.

In January, 2005, Mom had a stent for a partially occluded artery. She breezed through the procedure and left the hospital with a prescription for 20mg. Crestor and instructions to take it easy for the rest of the day. Within just days, she began to feel strange; nothing hurt, she just didn't feel right. Since I lived 250 miles away, our contact was by telephone and I began to notice that she was repeating stories and asking the same questions over and again during a single call. My father was becoming increasingly worried and we questioned whether she may have had a TIA, or some other problem related to the stent procedure. They met with the family physician who assured them that everything was fine. Depression then began to set in. Dad would find Mom in a room by herself, crying and expressing that she wanted to kill herself. She had no desire to do much of anything and, when asked how she was, would say she was "an old lady just waiting to die." She was seen by her doctor in April, was diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease, placed on Aricept and her Crestor was raised to a 40 mg. dose. At this point, her memory loss was profound; she had no recall of any conversation or event that occurred only minutes before. The depression worsened to the point that by early fall she would no longer leave the house.

In November, 2005, a good friend mentioned that her physician had placed her on a 10 mg. dose of Lipitor. She immediately began to have problems remembering simple words and was having short term memory problems as well. She discontinued the Lipitor immediately, against her doctors advice and all returned to normal. It was at this point that I began to question whether statin's were responsible for Mom's problems. I "googled" Crestor and was able to confirm that depression was a side effect, but found nothing about short term memory loss. I did a general "statin" search and found Dr. Graveline's site. Dad discussed the information with the family physician, who of course said "statin's don't do that." He chose to take her off the Crestor anyway.

It is now 3 1/2 years later. Because of Moms situation and Dads failing health, they have moved nearby. The depression has somewhat abated and seems to be more situational than related to the statins, however there has been no meaningful return of her short term memory. With daily repetition, she has learned her new surroundings and she continues to have perfect recall of anything that happened "before Crestor." My Dad is not doing well and I fear how Mom will cope when he passes.

Imagine, just for a moment, how it would be to learn that your spouse has died, over and over and over... day after day after day. This is the fate my mother faces. All because of statins....
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heart attack - stent - statins -restenosis

Postby heartrecovery-net » Fri May 09, 2008 5:00 pm

Hi everyone,

From July 2001 for 2 years I was prescribed a locally (Israel) marketed version of Pravastatin known as Lipidal following an MI and stent implantation. Dosage 20mg. I have no way of knowing if the 20mg dosage of Lipidal is equivalent to a 20mg dosage of Pravachol, however according to my doctors this was a 'low dosage'.

Those 2 years evolved into a nightmare. Regarding cognitive side effects I experienced forgetfulness (for instance name of coworker, chance meetings with people I recently had met and not remembering who they were and where I met them), confusion, poor work performance, easily distracted, and a general feeling of 'what I already know, I know - but learning NEW things became impossible (which is a big problem when you are in the computer field).

The cognitive problems were dwarfed by the change in emotions - not getting along with subordinates, associates and bosses, and worse of all, a general apathy towards those closest to me - my wife (in particular) and family.

After discontinuing the statin in mid 2003, I felt the start of a resurge of emotions within several days. Although hard to pinpoint, it took a number of months for cognitive functioning to return to pre-statin levels. (I made life style changes in order to 'hopefully' compensate for statin's cardiological benefits that I was now forfeiting in order to eliminate their side effects)

In the beginning of 2007, my cardiologist wasn't particularly pleased with my annual ECG, even though it was not positive and I was/still am leading a very full and active life.
After a Thallium scan came back positive, he suggested we do an angiogram, and while on the table do a small repair (angioplasty) - IF at all necessary.

During the angiogram, my cardiologist was totally surprised to find that the stent was 100% clogged - 100% restenosis. After 2 1/2 hours of attempting to open the blockage, he threw in the towel. While I was still recuperating in the angiogram room, he pleaded with my wife in the waiting room that I MUST return to the statins.

I asked my cardiologist how many of his PCI patients that need to come in for a 'tune up'(angiogram) every couple of years continue to take statins but still need the 'tune-up'? I did not receive an answer.

It seems that cardiologists are even more reluctant to reduce statin medication for patients with stents under the belief that the artificially reduced levels of blood cholesterol will decrease the chance of stent restenosis occurring. And even if true - at what personal cognitive and emotional cost??

Today (May 2008) I do not take statins as the general rule, still lead a very full and active life, despite the blocked artery. I am aware of the many research papers proving that the cardiological benefits of statins are INDEPENDANT of their LDL lowering properties. As such, I have changed life style habits in order to hopefully reap cardiology benefits that statins supply by natural means (exercise and food choices). I took a mild statin for the month following the 2007 angiogram as a 'booster' following the mild intrusive procedure (angiogram) - NOT because I was interested in lowering the cholesterol numbers. I also took a low dose of a statin recently for a month, again as a booster due to not being able to exercise for a couple weeks due to circumstances beyond my control.

On a daily basis I still take aspirin and Tritace (ACE inhibitor).

Mike Stone
author of "Surviving a Successful Heart Attack" (2005) and
"The Next 20,000 - After the Heart Attack, the Statins and Restenosis" (2007)
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Bill's Story (sorry it's so long)

Postby pgrimm » Sat May 10, 2008 4:27 pm

Bill is my significant other. He is 64-yr old, fiesty Irish-American, ex-roughneck, a tough old guy whose hand was cut off working on an oilrig, sewn back and and returned to the job undaunted. Today, Bill is just starting to recuperate from a devastating health blow caused by a combination of lovastatin and a number of other prescribed medications.

Shortly after I met Bill in 2002, he had a stroke at 59 years old. His carotid artery was 100% blocked. He was prescribed lovastatin. He retired and had to rely on VA medical benefits. For the past two years, he complained to his VA doctor of shoulder pain. He was prescribed various drugs for pain. Last year when his son died, he asked the VA for counseling, which was scheduled for much later, but in the meanwhile, he was prescribed an antidepressent, mirtazapine. One week later, he began to suffer from a crippling headache. He has never in his life had headaches, and this one was non-stop, 24-7, which he rated a 10. When he complained to his VA doctors, they prescribed more pain medications, and doubled his lovastatin from 20 to 40 mg (at one point, I read that it was up to 60mg). They ordered an MRI, to rule out another stroke. Worried, I took him to the ER (non-VA hospital). They gave him a CT scan, and ruled out everything, and diagnosing nothing. Meanwhile, back at the VA, Bill reported that not only did he still have the headache, the pain had now spread to the rest of his body. They sent him to L.A. VA to two neurologists. They prescribed him another antidepressant to helpd him to sleep. On the way home from this appointment, Bill asked me to stop at WalMart to buy him a cane, because at this point, he had much difficulty in walking. The VA neurologist told him that he didn't have anything to do with his body pain, he said he had nothing to do with that, he had to tell his primary care doctor about it. When he did, his obese primary care doctor suggested he get more exercise. Bill responded to him that it was only the month before this that he was digging up trenches and laying sprinklers, but this fell on deaf ears. The doctor suspected he had arthritis in his neck , and would order another MRI. Never in all these appointments did anyone talk about the many drugs that were prescribed him, and there were more than a few.

One night, as Bill stood in my kitchen, and with a horrible look of desperation on his face, he announced to me that he thought he was dying. I said "Oh Hell No". Instead of going to bed, I went to the internet. Somehow it came to me that I should enter all is medications into google to see what would come up. Finally, at 4:00am, low and behold I found five of his prescribed medications on a list that are interactive with lovastatin. FIVE! Of course, the antidepressant myrtazapine was there, the one that he began just one week before his headaches started. It was then that I also found this fabulous website by our hero, Dr. Graveline, filling in all the other pieces for me. Finally! I went into the bedroom and told Bill to get dressed, I was taking him to the hospital ER where we had gone weeks before.

While we were waiting in the ER waiting room, his VA P.A. called me, responding to my call from days before. I told her we were in the ER, and blamed her and the other doctors for prescribing all these drugs that had crippled him and riddle him with pain. I asked her, "What do you know about the side effects of lovastatin? Do you remember he reported every month to you that he had pain in his shoulders and all you did was prescribe him more pain killers and upped up level of lovastatin? She said "It couldn't have been the lovastatin, we did blood tests". I asked her, "And did you do a ck-level, or take a myscle biopsy? Even more incredible, when I said that there must have been an interaction between the statin and the other drugs, she said, "That's only when they're taken together". I reminded her that they were prescribed at the same time. She corrected me, "No, when you take them in your mouth at the same time". Now I was incredulous, and asked, "Are you really saying that you think that there is only an interaction in the mouth and not in the body"? That pretty much shut her up. She later put in a request to transfer his case to another PCP.

Armed with all this new information, I told the ER admitting people directly that Bill suffered from myopathy caused by lovastatin. They laughed, ha ha, you learned it on the internet. I ignored their patronoizing attitudes, knowing I had at last discovered his diagnosis, and directed them to order a CK level and a muscle biopsy. Their faces were less jovial, and they just started at me. When the attending physician came, he wasn't laughing. I handed him Bill's bag of medications. He ordered the CK level blood test. Although it came back normal, he told Bill to stop taking not only the lovastatin, but all his meds but the one for his blood pressure, and to see his doctor at the VA for follow up.

We had driven 250 plus miles each way to three appointments with VA doctors in Los Angeles, with doctors who had no idea the reason for his headaches. Our only good fortune with doctors was in discovering that Dr. Golomb just happens to work for the VA nearby in La Jolla. So I contated her, and she was nothing short of wonderful. Finally, meeting with her was just validation we needed. She tentataively asked if Bill wanted to come to the VA pain clinic. He responded that he had no interest in taking anything more than supplements, and she wholeheartedly concurred.

For over four months now, Bill has been on all the supplements the rest of the good folks here are taking, and just in the past three weeks, is starting to feel and behave like his old self again. He no longer goes into the rages that were so perplexing. He is getting better sleep, and the headaches, miraculously are finally gone! He takes 1200 mg of Jarrow CoQ10, 1000 mg carnitine, cod liver oil, and various other supplements. If he misses a dose, he suffers pretty quickly, mostly just shoulder pain now. He has put his cane in the corner for now, and only had a day or two that he needed it. He can work a half day now, but it's really obvious when he overdoes exertion.

As for me, I am one very grateful woman to have found this website. I honestly think that Bill's fear in the kitchen that night would have come true if I had not. I owe his life and my sanity to Dr. Graveline, you folks, and Dr. Golomb. I try to generalize what I've learned in my work in the mental health field. Unfortunately, I mostly come in contact with skeptics, and am getting a reputation for being a kook, "Oh now, here she goes again about statin drugs".

Like everyone else here, it's hard for me to wait until this truth comes out about the evils of statin drugs. We will have to watch all these people hobble around on walkers and cane, going on taking their lipitor and lovastatin poisons, maintaining their ever faithful trust in their god-like doctors, who recite the false pharmaceutical statistics to them of the "rare" incidents of muscle pain and other side effects caused by their miracle drug. I gave my own boss Dr. Graveline's Thief of Memory book; he read it and concluded that he would have to take his chances due to his fear of a heart attack. Funny, he admitted that at night he has this mysterious toe twitch, and even that is not enough to refute his belief that he will not be able to live without lipitor. Heart disease had caused mortality at fifty for the other men in his family. He says that the statistics are in his favor to keep on taking lipitor.

So sad.
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Postby valgators » Thu May 15, 2008 11:06 am

My statin saga began in the early 90's. It was a routine follow-up to my PCP when he noted my cholesterol was too high.....and immediately prescribed Zocor. Accepting person that I was I never asked a question about it. Just took it and experienced severe dizziness. I called and said "I can't take this". No problem, there were others. And so I started on Pravachol and unfortunately, I did not have any immediate negative reaction. I thought good, this one I can take. Sometime later I was switched to Pravastatin and took it until February 2008. I should note that at that time I really had no health problems. No risks for heart disease or anything else. Actually, I was pretty healthy.

After beginning statin therapy, I sometimes noticed peculiar muscle aches and pains but I always looked for something I must have done to cause it. The pains and soreness never lasted too long in any one place. Sort of moved around but not on a daily basis. The first major episode occurred when I participated in a 5 mile charity walk. I had prepared for this by taking daily walks and did not anticipate any problem. The day after the event I had severe pain in my left ankle and foot. I was diagnosed with achilles tendonitis and plantar fascitis. Totally new problems for me! But it was extremely painful and I went to PT, gave up heels and started wearing practical shoes and orthotics. My ankle/foot have never been the same. Eventually the problem also moved to the right foot so I constantly have pain in the feet and ankles.

As the years went by, I noticed more achiness and soreness. Then I started having chronic tendonitis all over the body: elbow, shoulder (frozen eventually), knee, ankles, and lastly the wrist. The PT therapist noted that tendonitis rarely occurs all over the body and was really perplexed as to why I kept getting it in new places. No answers.

It was about this time that fibromyalgia was discussed. But my symptoms weren't consistent so that was ruled out. Really wasn't osteoarthritis either. No answers.

Finally this year I had a muscle and nerve conduction test. Both were normal. Driven by chronic pain now, I started my research. I believe my self-diagnosis of statin-induced myopathy is the culprit. My muscles are just not normal and the simplest activities can trigger days of pain.
My CK tests have been normal. And nobody wants to hear of my "diagnosis".

I have not experienced memory or sleep problems. All my problems relate to musculoskeletal. But the doctors can't find any "name" for what I have. I have been to PT so many times, I could probably teach others.
My chiropractor has helped keep me in alignment and tries to keep the muscles from knotting up. I really need to go everyday but of course that is not possible. I have been to acupuncture and found that to be helpful with certain problems. My latest attempt at rehabilitation is going to the pool. I have to be very careful though because too much activity makes the muscles angry. Mostly I just move around without really swimming( Note: it was swimming 2 yrs ago that caused the shoulder tendonitis that resulted in the frozen shoulder). So my advice is to go slow and easy even in the water.

Statin-injured people must also deal with the fact that even the most loving and well-intentioned family and friends (some exceptions, of course) truly don't understand how muscles can cause so many problems........and why we never get well.
They try to understand and are compassionate and caring, but unless you are the person with the problem, you really don't know. Our problem doesn't have a recognizable name and it's vague at best. This adds the burden of isolation and perhaps depression to the list of ill effects. Although there are many things I want to go and do, I always analyze the physical toll it will take to participate. Most of the time it's easier to just stay home.

Maybe someday our plight will be recognized and treatment implemented.

Best to all.
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3 Years of Statins Nearly Killed Me!

Postby pamelasp » Fri May 16, 2008 4:36 am

I am a 53 year old lady, retired from a professional career on health grounds with ME in 2005, living in a sleepy Suffolk town in England. Following a severe bout of hypertension in 2005 my Dr placed me on Simvastatin 20 mg and my symptoms started almost immediately - when my body went into a spasm at a function. The hospital put it down to shrimp poisining. All other symptoms were blamed on my ME for two years. I then had a bout of TGA when I was on holiday and lost a whole day in my life and our flight home. Memory and co-ordination became appalling, I even had to look in the dishwasher to see if I had eaten my breakfast. Couldn't complete simple tasks, started dribbling, swallowing badly, severe neuropathy which spread to my face, muscle pain was excrutiating especially at night time - when I couldn't even turn over in bed, had surgery on my shoulder which I didn't need, number/ word confusion meant that a simple phone call would take minutes to dial, gave up writing a hobby of mine as concentration had gone, couldn't knit or sew something I had done for years as I couldn't follow a simple pattern, skin kept going grey, bowel leakage at night, bladder leakage, insomnia, loss of libido, suicidal thought, nightmares - kept dreaming of dead babies and kittens catching fire, statin shuffle, severe diarrehia in the morning, arrythmia Rhabdomyalsis and much much more.

My GP thought I had dementia and sent me to a neurologist who also thought I had dementia and carpal tunnel syndrome - I think she still does as she still wants to give me steroid injections for something that was negative when tested - and besides I never knew you got carpal tunnel it in your head and feet as well. Anyway the brain scan showed up calcified cysts deep in my brain, which I believe are another by product of statins as we all know statins cause calcium deposits.

Anyway by now I feel like I am dying and so does my husband, the neurologist wants me to check into a memory clinic where I know I will have the onset of dementia diagnosed. I feel as if I am being poisined as my heart rate is 110 most days and I have that 'fight or flight' feeling 24/7 the numbness is in my top lip and down the side of my head most of the time and it is scaring the hell out of me. Went to drive my car and forgot how to scary or what.

Started reading side effects of my medication and when I read the statins all my symptoms were there, looked on the internet and couldn't believe it. Off statins 18 days and horrendous symptoms reducing daily. Still numbness in hands and feet, but not 24/7 anymore.Muscles still hurt, especially at night but improved somewhat. Memory still not returned, not sure if it will. Now EVERYONE prick your ears up, as you know muscle damage/wastage is a serious side effect!!! I have had a dragging feeling inside my vaginal walls for sometime - obviously 7 months of morning diarrehia, does not do a lot for ones internal organs. Well I went to get it checked out yesterday, and I have a Rectal/Bladder prolapse - it is hanging out down below. The DR said to me there is no muscle at all for these organs to adhere to as the wastage is so severe. Some might say this often happens later in life - WELL I had a complete hysterctomy in late 2001 and everything was tightened up then. In Xmas 2005 I had some cosmetic surgery on my labia and the Surgeon said everything was perfect internally. I started statins in September 2005 and this proves how they have destroyed my muscle WHAT HAVE THEY DONE TO MY HEART MUSCLE?? I have to have surgery in a few days when they are going to try and put all this right, I am going to ask the surgeon to do a muscle biopsy at the same time.Would love to hear your comments on this. Pamela SP England.
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Location: england

Postby woodyacres79 » Tue May 20, 2008 1:01 pm

Prior to engaging with statins at the age of 30, I never had any stomach, colds, joint, tiredness, and muscle or skin problems. While in school I was active in all sports. After school I was always active and in great physical shape. I was 5' 8" and 190 lbs prior to becoming ill four years ago. I'm married and have two children. I'm a 49 year old male and was a plant manager of a metal fabrication facility. I was never one to tell others if I wasn't feeling well, including the Doc.

Ok, I began taking Lipitor 10 mg for the first six months, after blood test it was increased to 20 mg. During this time I don't recall of having any physical issues. After one year, I was taken to 40 mg and as I recall back to this time, this is what I remember. I remember rushing through the airports and my legs feeling like they weighed a ton. My calves would cramp up. I began dozing off while in meetings, in the middle of reading a short article, while talking to someone, while mowing the lawn on a rider and while driving. There were numerous times while at a stop light I would fall asleep and the horns blowing would wake me up. I just contributed all this to growing older and stress.

After going for about another six months, the Doc had me take 1,000 mg of niacin along with the 40 mg of Lipitor. This is what I would stay on for the next five years. During these years I recall my leg issues worsened. I seemed unusually susceptible to viral infections and caught colds easily. All of the cold’s brought on extremely severe prolonged coughing. I would feel bloated after every meal even if I ate light. Tiredness was still a great problem and I was beginning to snore while sleeping.

My employer changed health insurance and the new provider didn't cover Lipitor, so I was put on 40 mg of Zocor. Within a few months the following problems arose with the existing ones becoming more severe. My skin on my forehead, shoulders and neck became extremely dry and scaly. I had hard bumps under my skin on my upper back that would itch severely. If I lay in bed for more than six hours, when I would get up the middle of my back would hurt so bad it would take my breath away. I had severe case of ED. Left knee and elbow began hurting. My big toe joint had severe pain. My hands became weak and numb after using them for an extended period of time. When I would brush my teeth and spit, I would hack violently to get the thick phlegm from my throat. I still had the stomach bloating and now we can add acid reflux. That’s all I can recall and this went on for about five years.

For the next three years I began telling people about my health issues. I finally contacted my doc about these issues. We did a full blood work up and as always everything was fine. This was my doc’s fix; dermatologist for skin issues (gave me cream, didn't help), prescribed Viagra for ED (didn't help much), scheduled an MRI for knee and elbow (showed nothing), was given a prescription for gout in my toe (didn't help), was given Lorazapam to help me sleep (this helped me sleep but created other problems) and was given a shot of cortisone in elbow and knee (helped for about a month).

As I recall back, I remember my wife asking me why I would take so long counting out money at the checkout line. Why it took me so long to put money in for a carwash. Why I would wait to the last minute to apply the brakes while driving, she said I would have my foot on the pedal but I wouldn't apply enough pressure to stop until the last second. Numerous times we would decide to go somewhere and before I got out of my driveway I would have to ask her where were we going. Before the statin use I never had any of these issues. I was as sharp as a tack, that’s why my wife was questioning me.

At this time I decided to replace my roof. I removed the existing shingles and installed forty bundles of shingles in one week. This just about done me in. Within the next few weeks my hands became extremely weak, painful and numb. My snoring got so bad I would wake myself up. When I would lay flat on my back while awake, I would gag and choke. I had carpal tunnel surgery for my hand problems (helped very little). While I was having my hands checked by the surgeon, I showed him the inside area of my elbow. You could feel my main nerve and I could wiggle it around, it was the size of a pencil diameter. The doc was quite alarmed at this and he said that it was out of place and he could surgical fix it (I passed on that). I also had a sleep study done; I was put on a CPAP machine (hadn't gained any weight).

My wife decided to go on a grapefruit diet and I thought it would be a thoughtful gesture if I join her. We had no idea I wasn't suppose to mix this with the statins. I was drinking 130 ounces per day.

Within the next few months I began noticing in the mornings I would stumble saying certain words. As the day went on this would go away. When I would blow my nose I had difficulties holding the air to my nose and not letting it go in my throat. I also noticed the muscles in my upper arms had a slight twitch that would last for hours. I went to my doc about the twitch and speech problems; he pulled me off the statins immediately and scheduled me to see a neurologist.

While going through MRI’s, EKG’s, muscle and nerve biopsies and blood tests I started having extensive fasciculation’s over my entire body. I would sweat so badly while sleeping, the bed linens were saturated. I suffered from having chills and shakes. I started having an EXTENSIVE humming (vibrating) sensation through my entire body and it was present 24-7. I would set down in my recliner after work every day and within seconds I would fall asleep. I would awake within minutes and I would have a sense of dying and then being revived. I also started having extensive problems with my eyes; everything would get very dim looking on a sunny day. I felt like my mind was in a cloudy state 24-7.

On August 9nth 2004 after going to three different neurologists and two major medical facilities I was given a diagnosis of having ALS. Presently I have lost 85% of my hand, arm and shoulder muscles. I have to use a power wheelchair and I have difficulties with my speech. My weight is now 175 and all the previous mentioned health problems went away on their own. The humming lasted for a year, the fog for a couple years and the fasciculation’s have pretty much gone. I have noticed an improvement with my fingers and the problems with me blowing air from my nose are improving. I can't prove all these medical issues that came upon me were caused by the statins, however it seams very strange they all went away after stopping the statins. Anyone wanting to comment or ask me anything about my story feel free to e-mail me at
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Postby BobbyH » Wed May 21, 2008 11:02 am

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my story is a little different

Postby baxterclaws » Sun May 25, 2008 8:13 pm

My story seems like it might be somewhat unique. First, I am relatively young, only 28. Second, my problems resulted not from a statin, but from Tricor, a second-line cholesterol drug known as a "fibrate."

Otherwise, my poisoning experience is pretty familiar. I was put on Tricor 145mg, and my total cholesterol dropped from 330 to 200 within a couple weeks. After having no noticeable side effects for two months or so, I started to get muscle and joint pain in my wrists, forearms, and elbows. My arms seemed to be inflamed--the skin was red and tender. I had to quit my job. At first I thought I had carpal tunnel, but then my knees started to hurt, and within ten days, most everything was hurting. Worst were my wrists and forearms, my upper legs, my knees, my calves, my lower back, and my neck.

I went to my family doctor when the pain was confined to my arms. He checked my CK levels (normal), and suggested I try going off the Tricor for 3 days. After 3 days my symptoms were unchanged, so my doctor concluded it wasn't the Tricor, and I started taking it again. My pain kept getting worse, and I began to notice other problems: I was exhausted by any physical exertion, I had muscle twitches in my large mucle groups, and my memory wasn't working well at all. I felt mentally adrift. At that point, two weeks in, I went to a neurologist, who had nothing useful to say, and agreed with my family doctor that it was not the Tricor.

Increasingly desperate, I decided it might still be the Tricor, so I stopped taking it on January 6th, 2008, about three weeks after my first symptoms. Within a week (not 3 days!), the muscle twitching had stopped, and my pain and fatigue had stopped progressing. Within two weeks, my muscles and joints had improved by about 20%, although my fatigue and memory problems were unchanged. Everyone online said to take COQ10, so I did, and still do, but I have never been able to decide if it helps. L-carnitine does not seem to help.

Now, about 5 months later, I would say I am 70% improved. This is a great blessing considering the wretched experiences of so many others on this forum, but I am still bitterly angry. My memory is almost back to normal, and the pain is much better, now confined to my wrists and back. But my fatigue and exercise intolerance seem to be insidiously entrenched. I was a healthy, athletic person before this ordeal, and enjoyed skiing, mountain biking, and hiking. I can't do any of these things any more. I can just barely mow the lawn.

With luck I will continue to improve. I'm also hopeful that mitochondrial rejuvenation therapies will eventually help. These techniques do seem to be on the horizon. I suppose my recovery has likely been aided by my youth. But on the other hand, I feel like Tricor has robbed me of my youth. I feel old. And litigious...
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My Statin Nightmare

Postby crandreww » Thu Jun 05, 2008 2:24 pm

Hello folks, my name is Chris Wunsch, and until Sept 2002, I was on Lipitor 10mg for the previous 3.5 years for familial high cholesterol which I knew I had when I was 20, in Nursing school and had a physical exam.
I just ate better (so I thought) for 9 years, when my father was treated for a heart attack, and had 7 vessel Bypass surgery. He was diabetic, overweight, high cholesterol and had high blood pressure.

At my next physical exam, my doctor wanted me to begin statin therapy, which after some research, I agreed to take it, as I gave it to nearly every patient I cared for in the Critical Care unit I worked in, and there were very few reported side effects. I tolerated this poison well until July 2002, when I was beginning to have bouts of terrible headaches, accompanied by occasional episodes of confusion.

I was seen in the Emergency room on one occasion, where I was diagnosed as having a "Migraine Variant" even though I had rarely ever had headaches in the past. I was sent home with a prescription for Imitrex (a Migraine Medicine) which came in injectable form, as I was a Registered Nurse, and would be able to give myself the inhection when I needed it, so I was instructed on how to give this medicine to myself, and I was discharged home.

Over the next several weeks, my headaches were beginning to worsen, with more frequent bouts of confusion and disorientation, a new symptom of Ataxia and increasing lethargy. When on one afternoon, my wife took me to the ER again, where I was evaluated and diagnosed with a Migraine variant again, and was sent home again.

My wife tells me I pleaded with the ER doctors to perform an MRI scan, to which they declined. And the attending doctor had agreed to get a CT scan, which I did not want, but agreed to just to take a look at what was going on inside my head. So I had the CT scan and the results showed no abnormality, and I was sent home again.

After I got home I was so angry and disgusted at the ER for not getting an MRI scan like I wanted, I called my Primary care MD at home, and told him what was going on, and that I feel I need to have an MRI scan, to which he agreed to, and it was scheduled for the following day, as It was Sunday. I went to the clinic the following day for my MRI scan, and the results were multiple scattered lesions throughout the white matter. And now I was referred to a neurologist who performed a neurological exam along with some more tests, and he told me he thought I had "atypical multiple sclerosis".

As a registered nurse, I knew that this was not going to be a fun thing to have, but I knew it was survivable for the most part, and that some people who have this disease, do rather well. But I did not feel confident with this diagnosis, and I sought a second opinion at the University Hospital, with an MS specialist, at my appointment, he reviewed all of my films, lab tests etc, and examined me and performed a Lumbar puncture, to analyze my spinal fluid.

At this appointment, this Dr. informed me that he did not believe what I had was MS at all, he could not give me a diagnosis, but felt pretty strongly that I did not have MS, so I was sent home with a recheck appontment in 2 weeks.

Over the next week or so, I continued with the unbelievable headaches, dizzyness, confusion, ataxia, but this was now being accompanied by slurred speech and visual changes, my wife tells me I was seeing flashing lights.

I was seen by an opthomalogist, who offered no insight into my condition, and I was seen by my home town neurologist, who thought the lesions on my brain may be small strokes, so I was sent to the cardiology clinic, where I had a transesophageal echocardiogram to assess for clots in my heart, this test was negative, and I was back to not knowing what was going on with me.

My wife had called my Neuroligist at the Univ hospital, who told her that I should be evaluated immediately, and we dropped our 2 year old son off at my parents house, and we headed to Madison to be evaluated, where I was given a mini mental exam, which I failed miserably, and I was admitted. and remained for the next 28 days. I had multiple tests, I was seen by every Neurologist at the Hospital, and I underwent a brain and muscle biopsies.

My Brain biopsy revealed focal areas of vacuolization of both neurophil and neuronal cytoplasm. Some of the vacuolization is perivascular. Electron micrographs show abnormal mitochondria with thickened disarrayed cristae and inclusions of lysosomal and autophagic vacuoles. (Hence the headaches, as my brain cells were being assassinated one by one, due to the deprivation of Ubiquinone from the brain cells.)

The impression of the brain biopsy was " the changes seen by light and electron microscopy are most consistent with a "mitochondrial encephalomyopathy" such as MELAS syndrome.

When I was in the hospital, I was evalated by a visiting neurologist from Harvard, who evaluated my biopsies, lebs and other clinical data, and he suggested starting me on a mitochondrial cocktail which included Vit C, 500mg 2x/d, Multi Vit QD, Vit E 400iu 1x/d, Vit B6 25mg 1x/d, L Carnitine 1000mg 2x/D, CoQ10 150mg 2x/D,.

It wasn't until I had been on this cocktail for about 4 days, that I began to improve, I was beginning to speak coherently, was able to walk unassisted, and I was alert and oriented to person, place and time, which I hadn't been for the previous 20 days. I knew my wife and son, and my parents and siblings which I hadn't known throughout my hospitalization.

I was to be transferred to a nursing home pending bed placement, until I began to improve like this, and after a few days of improving this way, I was discharged home with aggressive physical, occupational and speech therapies. I was 34 years old at the time of this hospitalization, and I couldn't work at all anymore due to continued extreme exhaustion, fatigue, bilateral leg pain, tinnitus in my R ear, myoclonus in both ankles and in both hips.

It was about 3 months after I was discharged, that I thought I could go back to work as I could walk and talk, so I called the company I worked at, and they agreed to take me back, so I went back part time, 3 days per week a few hours per day, and after about 4 weeks of trying to do my job, I was approached by my boss, who informed me that while she appreciated my wanting to work, my work product was inconsistent with employment, as it took me 4-5 days, to complete the work that used to take me about an hour, and that this was not going to work. She recommended I go back on disability, which I reluctantly agreed to.

At my next appointment to follow up with my neurologist, I also had an extensive neuropsychiatric exam, which reveled, moderate cognitive impairments in the context of intact verbal abilities, the neuropsychological impairment are considered sufficient severity wo significantly affect his occupational skills and efficiency. His data are consistent with a cognitive disorder attributable to his recent neurological illness. Some of the patients cognitive and behavioral changes appear consistent with a frontal lobe pathology.

I remained off of work for several more months, when I saw Dr. Beatrice Golomb MD, PhD of the UCSD Statin Effects study, and she was discussing her study she was to be doing, so I immediately enrolled. After having all of my medical information to the UCSD, and I enrolled. After approximately 1 year, I received a call from Dr. Golomb who informed me that I was one of several in her study who were diagnosed with a mitochondrial myopathy and that it was her expert opinion, that my Lipitor use was the likely causal contributor. I asked her about the holes in my brain as evidenced on the biopsy, and she told me that, Ubiquinone (CoQ10) is responsible for the control of apoptosis.

I cant begin to tell you how much I have researched this subject, mainly because my neurologist refuses to accept the notion that what I had was anything but a virus. I know I need to fire him, useless tool that he is.

It is now approaching 6 years since the onset of my illness, I have a satisfactory answer, in that it was the result of Lipitor which caused my disability, and every lawyer I have discussed this with, agreed I have a case, but no one is able or willing to take a case of this magnitude. And now, the statute of limitations is past, soI just have to be happy to try to educate the world not to take these poisons, and to every patient I have ever given a statin drug to, I am sorry, and I ask your forgiveness.
God Bless!
Christopher Wunsch
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