Directory of Doctors Who Acknowledge Statin Side Effects

A forum to discuss personal experiences and share information on statins and other cholesterol lowering drugs.

Directory of Doctors Who Acknowledge Statin Side Effects

Postby jazzbird925 » Sun Jun 01, 2008 6:03 am

Forum users are located world wide so I think we should compile a list of physicians who recognize, acknowledge and assist with statin side effects treatment. Aside from Dr. Golomb (and Dr. Phillips?) I don't recall reading about others.

Contact information - a registry so to speak - of doctors who can help would be a wonderful contribution to all of us who are suffering.

Unfortunately, although in the DC area (Hopkins, GW, GTown hospitals) I cannot contribute. But, as most of us are doing, I continue to search for a physician who can help.

Thank you in advance for your contribution.
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Postby Allen1 » Sun Jun 01, 2008 10:00 am

Hi there Gayle,

what you are asking is a great idea if the doctors were willing to have that information passed on and if they were specialists in that area where side effects have been proven, ie Cardiologist Rheumatologist and the likes. In my experience as with so many others, it is these specialists that often dismiss side effects as nothing more than just a quirky patient who thinks they are ill (because all the tests say they are not).

Until a test or series of tests that can quickly, cheaply and effectively confirm statin damage is made available, then most doctors will not rock the boat or face being ostracised by their peers even when they strongly believe there may be a real problem.

The few names that come up on this forum are the exceptions to the norm, although there are still a lot of physicians out there that are aware and really do help, most of them would not want to be listed or targeted for various reasons that I am sure you could think of.

These are my opinions and I honestly hope that I am wrong!

As I said this would be a good idea BUT!

All the best,

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Postby Brian C. » Sun Jun 01, 2008 11:42 am

Yes, have you noticed that even Dr Graveline says he is "not anti-statin"(!) and seems to have pulled the alternative therapy cocktail from his site (at least I can't find it anymore)?

The pressure to conform to medical norms is strong, both in terms of peer pressure and in law.

Brian C.
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Postby Lipitored » Sun Jun 01, 2008 11:53 am

Sadly, the doctors I have confronted so far come across as self serving arrogant pricks who plug your stats (sex, age, weight, height, temp, BP, and pulse rate) into a laptop using software provided by the drug companies, and write you another prescription. Anything other than what falls within the parameters of their software means nothing to them.

Each of us who have been victimized by these statins are definately not unique in regard to our many common symptoms. With this in mind, I'm sure all doctors who prescribe this poison have more than just one individual patient who mentions these devistating side effects, yet they are to self serving, and cowardly to look into a common relationship of symptoms amongst the patients who ask questions rather than allow themselves to be seduced by the old " doctor knows best myth"
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Postby bradford » Sun Jun 01, 2008 4:38 pm

If you believe that your doctor was uncaring or did not believe your statin problems, you can always rate that doctor at *

The negative approach may be very effective in changing a doctor’s outlook on statins.
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statin drugs

Postby gotts1936 » Mon Jun 02, 2008 10:25 am

Bradford, thanks for the info. I will check that website as soon as I feel a little better.
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