Does Bill Clinton take a statin?

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Does Bill Clinton take a statin?

Postby Dee » Tue Jun 03, 2008 7:36 am

This article makes me wonder...does he take a statin?

A quote from the article:

"In its most hard-hitting passages, the article also quotes aides who believe Clinton's heart surgery in 2004 left the former president in an altered state of mind -- one marked by constant anger and rage.

"There's an anger in him that I find surprising," one anonymous senior aide to the former president told Purdum. "There seems to be an abiding anger in him, and not just the summer thunderstorms of old. He has been called into question repeatedly by top staff. The fact is, you can only weigh in so often on this stuff. It's just a huge force of nature."

The entire article:


We have had members of this forum post similar reactions to statins, seems to me most often in men.

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Yup, he sure did

Postby pgrimm » Tue Jun 03, 2008 8:15 am

I've googled your interesting question posted this morning and have found many articles on the subject of Clinton and statin drugs. Yes, he was prescribed Zocor and also took hmself off the drug after three months. Most of these articles are critical of his choice to do so, saying this is what caused his heart problems and bypass surgery.

"As for noncompliant patients, Bill Clinton was among the healthiest presidents in recent history â€â€
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2004 heart surgery blamed for Vanity Fair response

Postby pgrimm » Tue Jun 03, 2008 8:52 am

P.S.: I see that many (past Clinton aides) are attributing Bill Clinton's changed mood and angry outbursts to his 2004 heart surgery, but no speculations that it could be caused by Zocor. Anyone here surprised?

I have written a comment on CNN, and will watch to see if they post it. I have challenged CNN to look into the possible link between the drug and his mood change, and asking if he is still on a statin drug. CNN Politics; Bill Clinton lashes out at Vanity Fair reporter.
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Postby bradford » Tue Jun 03, 2008 10:49 am

Clinton does like his Big Macs and cigars. :D His weight in the 90’s averaged about 230 lbs. For his height of 6’2”, his body mass index (BMI) would be 29.5 (overweight).
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Postby Dee » Tue Jun 03, 2008 2:26 pm

Hi pgrimm,

I did recall how he quit the Zocor prior to heart surgery...and I can just imagine the doctors making a very big deal out of that fact.

A big enough deal to convince him to take Zocor again, or as many here have experienced, a different statin, often a succession of almost each one on the market...with progressively worse results.

I tried to find your post on CNN, but no luck. I can't imagine why it wouldn't be posted, given some of the strong comments that I did see. I will keep checking.

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Postby Dee » Tue Jun 03, 2008 2:55 pm

Well, comments have been closed on that CNN article.

I wonder who we could contact to make the point about a possible statin connection?
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They're making me mad all over again!

Postby pgrimm » Tue Jun 03, 2008 10:31 pm

Okay, now that makes me angry. Slimey scumbags at CNN. I would have been the first one to post! What do you suppose happened, honestly? Does this favortism towards the drug companies extend this far? Then I suppose the only inflammatory remarks they were looking for were of a politcal nature, not a medical issue, even though that was the point, that aides made remarks about his surgery causing him to be so angry. How dumb was that??? How dumb are people about you just scream when you see all these drug commercials and how they rattle off those damned side effects, while the actors are frollicking without a care on the beach? Unreal!
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Postby Dee » Tue Jun 03, 2008 10:51 pm

I wonder if Vanity Fair, the origination of the article, might be interested?
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Postby catspajamas » Wed Jun 04, 2008 12:14 pm

Clintons deameanor definitely has changed since his presidency....
When I was on zocor I know my personality changed...I am usually quiet and agreeable...I got ornery and hollered at everyone....when walking through crowds at disneyworld I would get this overwhelming urge to hit people over the head(not like me at all)...was glad I could restrain myself.Off zocor I returned to my agreeable self, but notice I am still outspoken and will confront people.which I would never do my vote is yes..clinton is on statins.........
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Location: Illinois

Postby Cat Mom2 » Sun Jun 22, 2008 3:52 pm

My guess is it is statins too but I thought I would throw this in..

I had a friend (male) that couldn't take statin drugs and he ended up with blockages and having to have surgery. Before surgery he started to become very angry all the time and after surgery, he became so angry and mean that I told him never mind, I don't need friends like he had turned into no matter what his problem was. He was just not right in the head. He moved away shortly afterwards and I am glad he did. I can't tell you if that cleared up or not.

I had another friend that had blockages and had to have surgery and the same thing happened to her. Normally a really sweet, easy going person that turned into a angry, hateful mean person that I actually ran in fear from.

I have wondered if something in their brain was effected by the blockages to make such drastic changes in their personalities. Whatever it was, it cost me 2 good friends. I am sure she was on statin drugs but know he hadn't had any in years prior to his problems.
Cat Mom2
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