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Postby cjbrooksjc » Mon Jul 07, 2008 6:28 pm

Just pulled this off my Health Sciences Institute site.


In case you haven't heard the reports this morning, The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is today recommending cholesterol screening for kids as young as two if there are weight issues or a family history of heart attacks or high cholesterol.

And if the kids have high cholesterol levels? Don't hesitate – medicate!

According to the New York Times, the AAP is backed up 100 percent by "proponents."

NY Times: "Proponents say there is growing evidence that the first signs of heart disease show up in childhood." And: "For some children, cholesterol-lowering drugs, called statins, may be their best hope of lowering their risk of early heart attack, proponents said."

Best hope!? Insanity!

Of course, "proponents" is just a fuzzy word for medical main-streamers who never met a health concern they wouldn't medicate.

One of those proponents is Dr. Jatinder Bhatia, a member of the AAP nutrition committee, who told the Times: "The risk of giving statins at a lower age is less than the benefit you're going to get out of it."

That's the standout quote that rattled my rafters this morning. Why? Because the evidence to back up that quote is minuscule. And that's being charitable. And Dr. Bhatia knows it. In fact, after his bold risk/benefit comment, he completely weakened his argument by telling the Times there is not "a whole lot" of data on pediatric use of cholesterol-lowering drugs.

And THAT should have been the lead-off message this morning: Based on not a whole lot of data, the AAP is recommending widespread use of drugs for very young children.

And let's keep in mind that for adults, who can choose for themselves whether or not to take a certain medication, the benefits haven't been proven to outweigh the risks. (Sorry, I should clarify that. By benefits, I mean number of lives saved, not pharmaceutical profit margins.)

Please share this special e-Alert with friends and family members who have kids or grandkids. Let them know that this attempt to expand the market for statins by exploiting kids is baseless and misguided. Not to mention infuriating!


Personally, I am reminded of the question posed to Joesph McCarthy near the end of the senate hearings on Communist party membership in the fifties: "Do you have no shame? Finally, Sir, do you have no shame?" Apparently, the Pharmaceutical Industry has NONE!

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Postby vipergg22 » Mon Jul 07, 2008 8:01 pm

yup unbelievable , they keep coming up with false ways to shove this garbage down peoples throat . You give it children then they have another market after that it which they can treat all the side effects that a childs young immune system won't be able to handle . It has terrible side effects on adults what will it do to children . Someone has to rein these idiots in !!!
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This should be a crime!

Postby pgrimm » Mon Jul 07, 2008 11:12 pm

If people aren't yet convinced that this is strictly for profit, then one would have to think that this would do it! I know, I was so shocked, too. And the sad thing is that the parents are going to feel compelled to go along with the doctor, for fear that they are not being good parents! Not to mention promoting the "feel bad, take a pill" distorted thinking mode. So eat all the carnitas and ice cream you want; all you have to do is take your lipitor pill, and you'll grow up to live a long, happy life, right? So SICK!
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Postby SusieO » Tue Jul 08, 2008 8:38 am

I watched the ABC Evening News last night when they told this and I was so on earth can they do this to children!!! What is wrong with our medical people! :evil:
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Postby Allen1 » Tue Jul 08, 2008 9:52 am

Where the heck did these IDIOTS that propose such drastic measures get a license to practice?

The youth of America and anywhere else that follow this STUPIDITY are going to be turned into the Mentally and Physically incapable people of the near future. Is the whole world going to build Institutes to treat these man made/designed handicapped folk, and who is going to pay for the 24 hour care that these WOULD HAVE BEEN NORMAL folk will need.

Dr. Bhatia and the likes should really take notice of what is already known about side effects in adults before condemning the future population to a life of physical and mental impairment.

Good lord everyone here has serious problems since taking this CRAP, I think that just about all of us are adults and were before starting the "Magic Remedy" to cure our cholesterol problem? We all know that our problems have not gone away after stopping this treatment and we also know that there are a hell of a lot of IDIOTS out there (as this just proves) who do not listen to the facts.


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Postby Ray Holder » Tue Jul 08, 2008 3:52 pm

I was horrified when a friend told me of this virtually criminal suggestion this morning.

Kilmer McCully discovered some 19 years ago that atheroscelerosis in young children is caused by homocysteine problems, and he discovered this through single minded laboratory sample analysis and using true scientific research principles, none of the massive and expensive "suck it and see" trials foisted on the population at large, with no attempt to find out what is really happening, that industry calls research today.

For his pains and the success which he gained in exploring the principles involved, he was relieved of his post, no doubt by those with their eyes on the golden egg of cholesterol treatment profits.

I read up the ABC News web page concerned, and there is a torrent of anger expressed in comments there.

I feel strongly that those proposing this action should be threatened with a charge of manslaughter, or grevious bodily harm, should any misfortune befall a child medicated in this way. The biological damage about to be done to such young patients does not bear thinking about. We have seen horror stories of young adults given statins, but to be damaged even before reaching adulthood would be to take away all possibility of a normal life for many, totally criminal.

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Postby harley2ride » Tue Jul 08, 2008 4:21 pm

I discussed this with my MDA doc this morning, when I had my appointment. He agrees with me, that people just need to start feeding their kids properly, and we need to get Physical Education back in the schools..
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Postby vipergg22 » Tue Jul 08, 2008 6:54 pm

[quote="harley2ride"]I discussed this with my MDA doc this morning, when I had my appointment. He agrees with me, that people just need to start feeding their kids properly, and we need to get Physical Education back in the schools..[/quote]

amen !!!
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Postby Cat Mom2 » Sat Jul 12, 2008 10:49 am

It is to easy a fix for people who do not understand the importance (already) of feeding their children a healthy diet. Since they are on medciation that fools them into thinking they are healthier, they will eat more unhealthy food and get even heavier and heavier so they will STILL have health related problems from being obese and now added damage from these durgs.

Some of these kids would wise up on their own as they reach adulthood and loose the weight and take on a more healthier lifestyle... This will rob them of that chance to have a healthier life.

It saddens me to think of how many kids will die, become cripple, and be robbed of a normal life. Gee whiz, why don't people wise up at the damage all these former great dugs have done and realize what is going on?!
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Postby Brian C. » Sat Jul 12, 2008 11:54 am

[quote="Cat Mom2"]Gee whiz, why don't people wise up at the damage all these former great dugs have done and realize what is going on?![/quote]

Because they don't question authority and are brain-washed.

Some people I have "spread the word" to about statins and who are on statins themselves discount information that does not come from a man in a white coat.

Those will hear who have ears to hear.

Brian C.
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