by Biologist » Mon Jul 14, 2008 3:42 am
I have pondered that doctor / nazi predilection in the past myself. I can see it. I cannot put it in words very well, but I'll try anyway. It seems to be an unusually strong willingness for service to authority/power -- regardless of right or wrong. Many prospective doctors (i.e., those who want to be, and pay the price to be, doctors) are motivated not by science, medicine or humanitarianism, but by enhanced social standing. It must involve the need for acceptance and praise from "important others" (e.g., the monied people; the powerful, the ruling class) -- but certainly not to the sick and powerless (e.g., patients) -- to further a goal of social climbing. You will see it in a section from the following hyperlink whereby self-preservation appears to easily trump morality on the ultimate scale: health and disease; life and death -- totally at odds with our (former) collective image of "doctor."
BTW, this is the best skewering I have yet to see on the new "kids and statins" recommendations. It's great. He capsulizes the devastating science amassed against the prescribing of statins as best as I've ever seen.
Yes, as a group, doctors appear to be happily brainwashed. There bosses want statins prescribed and that's science enough.
One thing I would add: I read in USA Today recently that this particular organization does not require disclosure of drug company affiliations in their publications. That's believable.