I am new to forum. 58 yr. old male; Type 2 diabetes, Confirmed CAD with stent inserted mid-LAD in 2008 for 80% block. Other arteries fairly to totally clear at that time. Have been told I have bad lipids for over 20 years and been on one statin or another most of that time. Most recently on 80 mg lipitor, increased from 20 mg and then 40 mg to 80 after my stent. Statin history began w/Mevacor in early 90s, then lipitor late 90s. Doc put me on Crestor about 2004 - that lasted about 2 weeks and nearly crippled me with back and leg spasms. Developed chronic lower back pain beginning around 2001. Two MRIs - 2005 and 2008 - have revealed multiple disc herniations but none severe enough per neurosurgeon to cause the debillating spasms I experience. Research on statins suggested strong connection with skeletal and back muscle deterioration gradually decreased and stopped lipitor in November 2009. Since, back has seen much but not total improvement plus am able to exercise intensively with minimal discomfort. Then got my VAP numbers 2 months after stopping lipitor and the changes were dramatic to most recent test while taking only 10 mg lipitor.
TC - 306 vs. 182
LDL - 236 vs. 143, pattern B (bad, small)
Tri - 206 vs. 147
HDL - 29 vs. 29 (nothing has ever improved HDL)
Unexpectedly relatively good (not great) numbers for
LP(a) - 9
Homocystiene - 10.9
CRP - didn't retest but doc said was "low" in Nov 09.
Hb A1c - 6.0
Cardiologist suggested I restart a statin (naturally) and per advice on Spacedoc regarding those afflicted w/Familial Hypercholesteremia agreed to low dose (20mg) pravastatin. So far (2 weeks) no noticeable side effects.
Taking multiple supplements and recently increased Vit C, Lysine and Proline as well as l-arginine supplement to levels suggested by Pauling et al. Also fish oil 4g, krill oil 1g, cinnamon, metformin, Lantus 38/u per day.
I will be curious to see results in a couple of months from pravastatin and whether side effects develop or return - if they do I'm done with the statins.
Judy - with your HDL being > 100 you have no worries and certainly don't need a statin. Mine on the otherhand seems a bit worrisome.
Family history - father dead at 57 from MI - had TC > 300. Older brother age 62, LAD 100% blocked at age 60, also recently dumped statins due to side effects. Younger brother age 55, no evident CAD yet per nuclear stress test but on 20 mg lipitor and just discontinued due to nerve issues in arms and feet.
Forum and Spacedoc has been immensely informative. I guess I still question that my levels indeed place me in the Familial CH category as I've seen many posts with TC> 400, 500, etc.