We all need intensive detoxification.

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We all need intensive detoxification.

Postby Brian C. » Thu Jul 17, 2008 12:18 pm

Whilst at chelation clinic today I was talking with fellow "chelatees" and our endocrinologist. Although the subject was detoxification following illegal drug abuse, the uncovered fact that ALL drugs remain in body tissue (notably the fat) and often the bones (a particular serious problem with methadonone) for life indicates why our recovery from statin damage is so protracted and our progress so halting.

What we need is a treatment protocol to eliminate every last molecule of the drug from our bodies but no research seems to have formally addressed this to my (strictly limited) knowledge.

The protocol we were discussing, the Narconom program for drug addicts, though very successful would not be suitable for the vast majority of us since it involves intense aerobic exercise followed by several hours in a sauna (also large doses of niacin and other supplements). I know my ticker wouldn't be up to it and a thorough medical has to be passed A1 before patients are permitted to start.

Perhaps a thorough detoxification approach has already been adopted for treatment of statin poisoning somewhere and protocols already exist. Does anyone have any information?

Actually, EVERYONE who has suffered long term "care" (i.e.damage) under ANY medical drug regime needs this.

Brian C.
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Location: Ongar, UK

Postby adec » Tue Aug 05, 2008 4:11 am

I agree with your premise. And don't forget an important step of any type of chelation is replenishing the body of vitamins and minerals, which may have been depleted during the process.
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Postby Tia » Sun Aug 31, 2008 10:14 am

Hello, I was on Vytorin for over a year. I was at a point I could not stand more then an hour (45 years old and in the gym every day before this happened).
I went off the drug and a friend told me about liver cleansing. I wrote the Dr. and owner of the company and she said she is getting more and more people calling about this problem.
I ordered the liver cleaning kit, I was told during the cleanes (4 days) the pain will come back. It did, but right after, I had more energy then I did in the past years and today I am back in the gym. I do them every couple of months, but I would say I am 98% back to normal. I don't want to be too graphic, but you will be amazed at what comes out of your body, you will also lose weight doing it, I lost 6 pounds, my husband lost 12 (he didn't need to lose weight). And I also agree with ADEC that you need to replenish the body with some vitamins and minerals.
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Postby Brian C. » Thu Sep 04, 2008 3:44 am

I've just received a call from the chap who told me about the intensive detoxification regime used by Narcon for drug addicts. Such a regime (for eliminating fat-soluble drugs) is much too onerous for all but the young and fit but he spoke to the top tech bod who recommended the use of "infra-red saunas". Apparently these penetrate 4cm into tissue so strenuous exercise is not required to drive toxins to the surface first. This immediately linked in my mind to reports of success in using infra-red to treat dementia (see the article on Dr Larry McCleary's site - *http://www.drmccleary.com/default.aspx)

I shall seek out such a sauna (probably at a local beauty parlour!) and give it a try. More anon.

Brian C.
Posts: 683
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Location: Ongar, UK

Postby Brian C. » Thu Sep 04, 2008 3:47 am

I shall also try the liver detox you recommend Tia. I have Dr Foster's website bookmarked.

Brian C.
Posts: 683
Joined: Tue Oct 24, 2006 7:00 am
Location: Ongar, UK

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