"your maths is on par with my own, you haven't by chance partook in statin therapy in the past have you?"
In fact I used to teach maths but statinization led me to take early retirement. It got to the point that around 3pm if a student was to ask me what 1 + 1 make I would have had to say "Could you ask me that again tomorrow morning please"
I'd "only" been on the stuff (Zocor) 4 or 5 years.
Then followed 12 years on Lipitor!!!
Of course my doctor put it down to ageing.
In a way he was right but what neither he nor I realised at the time was that statins accelerate the process.
"Someone did a post calling the followers of those who we look up to for inspiration "Sheeple" and a more precise name just does not exist when you get right down to it."
That was probably me
I didn't coin it.
"I noticed your post about the beanstalk and understand your concern, on the other hand all that is in that post has been mentioned in his previous posts but maybe worded a little differently. I think he is trying to get doctors to reduce the high dosage myth in an attempt to lessen the harm to so many individuals while not making himself a target for prosecution from Pharma by categorically denouncing statins or make of statins which could give some snake of a lawyer a chance to sue him and maybe even close down this site."
You're probably perfectly correct but dirty little memes must be extirpated by those who know the truth or there is no hope.
"I have been wrong about stuff so many times in the past, I just hope this is not another one of them"
No, the control system is so very, very strong and human beings have frailties so easy to exploit.