Hey, Brian, is this what Dr. Graveline means to say?
"Other specialists closely involved with the Enhance study, which compared Vytorin with Zocor, still wonder why the excess cholesterol lowering resulting from Vytorin use with its added Zetia did not translate into plaque protection? A group of other specialists that had their hearts set on an HDL lowering drug now doubt the relevance of HDL. Their new drug did nothing more than cost millions only to result in greatly increased heart attacks rates rather than decreased. We thought we understood cholesterol's role in cardiovascular disease and now we realize that Ancel Key's Bible of cholesterol causation was false."
Found here:
http://spacedoc.net/spacedoc_statin_beanstalk and on the main page under "Spacedoc and the Statin Beanstalk"
HDL lowering drug or HDL RAISING drug? Are you aware of a study that was attempting to LOWER HDL?
BTW, I also read the following over the last few weeks:
This last one is by Marcia Angell, M.D. former editor in chief of the New England Journal of Medicine. Very powerful and condemning. She says doctors can no longer blindly rely on the NEJM or JAMA or most of the others due to the propoganda factor. All the works are very revealing.
On the upside, there is a new and growing formal membership organization of med school students across America that openly denouce drug company involvement in their education and professional lives. So word is getting out. More existing doctors are catching on and adapting to reality. For other prescribing doctors, "plausable deniability" is starting to evaporate as the situation becomes a matter of common knowledge. Social and professional pressures will be growing more quickly now and in the future. I believe successful law suits against individual physicians are around the corner. Openly relying on bogus research ain't gonna be cutting it much longer.