First off, thanks so much for having this forum. I'm sure many have benefitted by it's existance.
My Mom started Lipitor about a year ago and started having pain, muscle weakness, neuropathy, fatigue, slight cognitive problems and muscle wasting. We read about the dangerous affects of Lipitor and told her to stop taking it. Her cholestrol was not that high, but because she is diabetic I think they felt she was at risk for heart problems.

Since stopping it, she has felt a lot better, in that she doesn't get as weak and she is not having anymore cognitive problems. I read about the CoQ10 here and picked up a bottle of 60mg tabs. Our pharmacist suggested to go start off low. I have since picked up a bottle of 100mg. She is still getting weakness, and is very scared that the symptoms she had in the beginning will come back. I've been telling her she has to gage her activities and not push it, but sometimes she says she doesnt have to push it. Her body, and legs won't go. She also has leg pain at night neuropathy.
Should she be taking a higher dose of the CoQ10 and another drug I read about here. Is it normal to still have this weakness?
Sorry so long, but I appreciate this forum. There is definately a need for it!!