by Allen1 » Mon Jan 19, 2009 5:23 am
Hi there bradadelaide45,
Welcome to the forum and sorry to see that you have also had to find out about it the hard way via statin use.
I can confirm that cold weather makes the aches worse, I even have to wear a jumper in bed to ease the aches in my elbows (sometimes even in the summer). The Q10 and L-Carnitine have helped quite a lot but they are not a cure, along with those and the magnesium, you will need vitamin B6, B12 etc and Vitamin C and D to help with the uptake of the Q10 and to bring your levels back up to where they should be from any vitamin deficiencies but keep away from vitamin A and E (too much vit A can be harmful and vit E competes with Q10 uptake).
I am pleased you have stopped the simvastatin, your problems may lessen over time and either fade away or as with a lot of folk here, they become a bit more bearable and we have some good days and some bad ones. In general though it appears that a lot of the problems will fade over time, so hang in there OK.
All the best,