I have just been browsing around a few sites and I cannot believe the arrogance and complete and utter rubbish that people like someone called "herbthesherb" have come out with. This stupidity virtually dismisses any problems via statin use as being absurd and if anyone has read his comments then they may doubt that the statins were the cause of their ailments and have continued to take statins and maybe cause much more serious problems for themselves.
I am pretty sure I have seen that name "herbthesherb" elsewhere and he/she or it is doing a lot of harm by leaving stupid remarks and belittling the problems that so many folk have experienced, there are as I say many folk who will have taken note of that idiotic advice and continue to inflict harm to themselves by staying on this stuff even when they are hurting.
Unfortunately he/she/it is not the only idiot or is that possibly someone in the employment of a drug manufacturer who has bad advice to offer.
Take a look at the post below, thankfully there are some good replies/posts there too.