statins and diabetes

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statins and diabetes

Postby haag5777 » Thu Feb 12, 2009 10:24 am

can statins cause diabetes or is it because of the muscel damage that a person ends up with diabetes. my muscels work for about 1 min. then they become weak to the point of pain. i think that because of my lack of phsyical movement my body does not use the nutrients being provided. i have talked to several doctors about this and they look at me like i am nuts.
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Postby cjbrooksjc » Thu Feb 12, 2009 12:40 pm

H: Statins damage the mitochondria of our cells. These "mitos" provide all the energy (ATP) our cells use to function - pick up a spoon, and the mitochondria provide the energy the muscle cells require to perform that function - If your mitochondria can't perform to produce the energy required, you can't pick up the spoon - you simply aren't able.

Here's an excerpt from a link 'peter s.' provided in another thread:

"Mitochondrial diseases stem from gene defects in the cells' mitochondria, which convert energy from food into energy the body can use. These genetic errors lead to the production of dysfunctional proteins that spew toxins into the cells. "It's a little bit like a car engine; if it doesn't work well, it produces smoke," Enns says. In mitochondrial diseases, that "smoke" consists of free radicalsâ€â€
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Postby SusieO » Wed Feb 25, 2009 8:33 am

I had my lipid testing done a few weeks ago and most of my results are quite good.

Cholesterol: 188 (last year was 168)
Triglycerides: 73 (last year was 148 and year before was 419)
LDL: 121 (last year 98)
HDL: 52 (last year 40)

My only concern was my blood sugar level of 110. My family doctor said this is normal, but when I did my own research I found this to be incorrect and that I am pre-diabetic.

So, I took my results to my wellness doctor and he totally agreed that this is not a good reading and gave me a low glycemic index diet to follow and suggested I purchase a glucose monitor. Well, let me tell you the results have not been good! If I don't get this under control I fear I will have Type 2 diabetes and have a feeling it has something to do with my not-so-good friend Lipitor.

I am not over weight by any means and I walk 5 miles a day outside up and down large hills. I had been eating a fair amount of sweets/carbs and will cut that out drastically.

Has anyone else encountered high blood sugar levels and if so did you get them under control? My wellness doc has me taking vana chrom and something called Total Liver Detox. If diet and these supplements dont bring the levels down then he will add some Total Alpha Lipoic Acid.

My best source of information is NOT from the American Diabetes Association becuase they accept funding from companies that manufacture foods high in sugar substitutes, yet tout they are good for us.

I found a great site * check it out if you are having problems.
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Postby Brian C. » Wed Feb 25, 2009 12:39 pm

Just cut out the sugar and starch Susie. Worked for my mum, who ended up no longer needing insulin shots - much to the amazement of her doctor and home-visit nurses who all claimed never to have heard of such a thing happening before :wink:
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Postby Ray Holder » Wed Feb 25, 2009 3:26 pm

I believe that late onset diabetes is just that, a sign of ageing. However, with statin users, age has come prematurely by Q10 reduction. Spacedoc has my paper "Putting the Pieces together" on this site, see index.

A recent Newsletter showed how a Hague doctor had found much correlation betweee diabetes incidence and statin use. I would suggest plenty of Q10 supplementation should help to keep this problem at bay, seeing it is at the pre-diabetes stage. Q10 has been found to reduce blood sugar levels in diabetics, presumably by keeping insulin production working.

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