by cjbrooksjc » Tue Feb 17, 2009 1:25 pm
Allen: Thanks for the poll entry. I agree we have unpredictable recurrances of our problems at undetermined levels. I am currently having trouble with saying something other than I intend (Bearnaise instead of Hollandaise; branch instead of trunk). Although it sounds like early onset Alzheimer's, I know it will go away because it always does.
The problem I have with feeling "pretty good" one day to feeling "Like sh##" the next is that I can't determine a cause. The stuff we take may have varying term effectiveness, like an oscilloscope sign wave that varies in length. The greatest effectiveness comes at the top pf the sign wave and the least comes at the bottom. Since we take so much crap; each with potentially varying sign wave-like lengths, how can we predict what to take when, so that the meds work together at the peak of their effectiveness... it's so damned potentially complicated ! Also I, like so many others, may pop some odd little addition now and then (mannose, idebinone, etc.) which may have an effect in three days, and I never make the connection. What is needed is a clinic where this "illness" can be studied and managed professionally, though none of us would likely be able to afford it.
OK, RANT! I know. Still, today is what I have come to call an "OUCHY" one - euphemistic description; I know, BUT - it sounds less threatening, the people I care about want to hear me say I feel well, and I feel like grousing a bit. Just another fringe benefit of this forum!