by Geebee » Sun Feb 15, 2009 6:17 am
Hi, I live in Tassie.
I have tried Co Q10 and vitamin D but they don't as yet apear to have helped at all, I was hoping they would let me lower the Prednisolone but they did not.
This is from another thread but covers the basics:
The doctors keep changing their minds, they were certain my problems were asthma related about 6 months ago, thats how I ended up on prednisolone, turns out it wasnt asthma but the prednisolone was a miracle for me, first time I have felt normal in 3 years.
Prior to the asthma theory a reaction to statins was the assumed cause and is now again the cheif option, my cadioligist has ruled out trying statins again due to what happened in all the previous trys.
My GP is slowly accepting the fact, helped along by my providing him with some data on it that I would assume a GP should know, he didn't even know of the relationship between Prednisolone and cholesterol levels.
My symtoms: fatigue, weakness, sleep disturbance ie. cant sleep or sleep all the time, pain like athritis in hands and feet, memory loss, coordination issues ie. typing, dry cough at slightest exertion, balance problems, cognitive function affected, headaches etc. the fatigue can get to the point where crossing a room is a major challenge.
I was a very active cyclist with performance, health levels barely below a professional cyclist prior to this.