
A forum to discuss personal experiences and share information on statins and other cholesterol lowering drugs.


Postby bradadelaide45 » Sat Feb 14, 2009 9:46 pm

Hi i have sent one message before detailing my muscle pain and inflamation. But was just wondering if there are any fellow australian statin sufferers that use this site. I appreciate all the information i have read from all over the world but it would be comforting to speak to some locals and exchange ideas , symtoms and anything that might help. Some of the things like d-ribose are not so easy to obtain here in oz. Thankyou and best wishes to all.
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Postby Geebee » Sun Feb 15, 2009 6:17 am

Hi, I live in Tassie.
I have tried Co Q10 and vitamin D but they don't as yet apear to have helped at all, I was hoping they would let me lower the Prednisolone but they did not.
This is from another thread but covers the basics:

The doctors keep changing their minds, they were certain my problems were asthma related about 6 months ago, thats how I ended up on prednisolone, turns out it wasnt asthma but the prednisolone was a miracle for me, first time I have felt normal in 3 years.
Prior to the asthma theory a reaction to statins was the assumed cause and is now again the cheif option, my cadioligist has ruled out trying statins again due to what happened in all the previous trys.
My GP is slowly accepting the fact, helped along by my providing him with some data on it that I would assume a GP should know, he didn't even know of the relationship between Prednisolone and cholesterol levels.

My symtoms: fatigue, weakness, sleep disturbance ie. cant sleep or sleep all the time, pain like athritis in hands and feet, memory loss, coordination issues ie. typing, dry cough at slightest exertion, balance problems, cognitive function affected, headaches etc. the fatigue can get to the point where crossing a room is a major challenge.

I was a very active cyclist with performance, health levels barely below a professional cyclist prior to this.
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Postby Biologist » Mon Feb 16, 2009 1:12 pm


Were you doing the strenuous cycling while taking statins?

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Postby Geebee » Mon Feb 16, 2009 4:12 pm

Yes, 6 days a week.
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Postby Biologist » Wed Feb 18, 2009 2:19 am

Statins and vigorous exercise are a real bad combination. There have been some studies but I have not gotten around to them yet. I hear the Sports Medicine World is very aware of the problem. You will find no professional football players on statins! (Not anymore.)

I would suggest you get your testosterone (free and total) and estrogen (estradiol/E2) levels checked. If you do, be sure to keep your lab results and post here on what they are. (Some doctors will look at pathetic test results and conclude "they're just fine" becasue they are marginally within "the range.")

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Postby Cat Mom2 » Wed Feb 18, 2009 11:55 am

Biologist- Thank you for that post! I did go to my doctor and ask him to check my hormones, I felt something was off but he said everything was in the normal range.. Within a year I was at my OB-Gyn for a "problem" that turned out to be caused my low testosterone levels. That is a problem I am going to have to deal with the rest of my life thanks to statin drugs..

When I went to the sports doctor for my shoulder (tendonitis, arthritis and burcitis that suddenly showed up when I woke up one morning, where I never had a hint of a problem before), he asked me what I did to hurt it and I looked him square in the eyes and said " I took statin drugs!".. I got the rolled eye look from him and he changed the subject and never asked again. I feel like just mentioning it may help the next person, even if he didn't believe it.

I was wondering if we baked a plate of cookies or a cake to take when we go, if they would listen better when we complain? It works for the drug reps when they deny our complaints... Humm, maybe get some ink pens made with "Just Say NO to Statin Drugs" to leave with them also?
Cat Mom2
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Postby Biologist » Wed Feb 18, 2009 12:36 pm

Thanks, Cat Mom2.

BTW, in my last post the word "attitude" was supposed to have been "aptitude."

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