900 Studies Show Statin Drugs are Dangerous

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900 Studies Show Statin Drugs are Dangerous

Postby telxpert » Sun Feb 22, 2009 9:49 pm

Click, Copy and paste the link below and be ready to read, understand long explanations we are all exposed. We all know how irresponsible the medical community and the greedy pharma that care for one thing. PROFITS $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$


I am researching why all lawsuits are failures when the evidence is compiling and many victims are suffering with poison called STATIN. If you have any comments or contribution to suggest or can elaborate positive treed please do it now. It is my belief that we should not be serious casualties for nothing. All our life are change and to others permanently. I will post any new revelations either good or bad but I sincerely hope that it is about time for excellent news for our sake and hope that God will grant us painless life soon.

Respectfully yours
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Postby cinbad » Mon Feb 23, 2009 12:01 pm

Great article, I just sent the link to both my brothers and my mother all taking lipitor in spite of my warnings. Hope it will open their eyes to the danger of taking statins.
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Postby peter s » Mon Feb 23, 2009 12:46 pm

There are at least two difficulties under US law with these types of lawsuits. One, it can be difficult to proceed under a failure to warn theory because warnings are usually pretty comprehensive. Two, it can be difficult to prove causation, because there are so many other at least possible explanation for almost any symptom and there is no conclusive diagnostic test.
peter s
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statin drugs

Postby gotts1936 » Mon Feb 23, 2009 2:42 pm

If your doctor did not warn you or provide reasonable warnings the warning theory does not appear to hold water. Also, if you complain early on and your doctor did not respond properly by taking you off your statin drug, causation, genetic or not should become mute. And, the fact that your doctor could not provide testing to determine if the statin drug would adversely impact you and still prescribed it would appear, to a properly seated jury, as a negligent medical assault, by the doctor. on you. And, I believe the drug compancies could be included in the litigation. Peter, just a thought.

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Postby peter s » Mon Feb 23, 2009 4:40 pm

I was discussing suits against the drug companies, not malpractice suits against individual doctors which of course have their own issues, namely that the standard of care is what a doctor of ordinary skill would have done. Causation is always an issue in a tort claim.
peter s
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Re: statin drugs

Postby telxpert » Mon Feb 23, 2009 6:22 pm


Your intelligence perceives your comment and a very good mind reader that is exactly what happens. The sad part is no one will listen.

Respectfully yours
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Statin Lawsuits

Postby kgjj » Thu Feb 26, 2009 12:45 am

I think the primary difficulty with lawsuit against the drug companies is that it is difficult to directly link side effects and the statins. I know the antidotal evidence seems overwhelming, but there are a myriad of other possible sources for most side effects that a defense will exploit. Plus mainstream medicine is likely reluctant to support such lawsuits because a verdict for the plaintiff would contradict their practice of handing out statins like candy and threaten them with malpractice exposure. Another reason is that the drug companies will fight tooth and nail. They will drag it out as long as possible and make it as expensive as possible to maintain a lawsuit. Their budgets for this are unlimited because the stakes are so high.
I personally do not think the warnings are a major problem. One theory of law, Race Ipsa Loquitur provides in some cases if damage can be proven then there is strict liability. Negligence or breach of a duty need not be proven. With the profits being so high and the side effects being much more widespread and so much more serious than indicated in the warnings, I think such assertion could succeed. Most of the lawsuits that I have seen to date are class action suits based on the finding of no difference in outcomes between Vytorin (no generic) and Zocor (generic available). The class actions are for the difference in cost between the two. As usual in class actions, individual plaintiffs get very little and the lawyers take home outrageous fees.
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Postby vicki » Sun Nov 21, 2010 12:45 pm

I don't get it we spend thousands of dollars for medical and we are damaged by the statins and some of our doctors and can't get any money back. Statins have cost me and you thousands if not millions (if I need chemo) or our lives, and we can't get any help back.

I told my doctor I knew it was the statins causing all my problems, have the med. records to prove it and lab test, he wouldn't listen and said I needed to be on these pills or I would have a heart attack (this is wrote in my doctors notes) and I can't get any help for all these medical bills?

Not right at all !
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