tender scalp

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tender scalp

Postby queenphoton » Mon Apr 10, 2006 6:42 pm

I was wondering if anyone has had a scalp that is very tender? My mother is recovering from many statin side effects and we can't seem to figure out why her scalp is so tender.
The pain is mainly at the top of her head. This complaint started with itchy symptons and now very painful. She hasn't bumped her head and I see no signs of redness or anything.
The pain gets worse at night.
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tender scalp

Postby Superchic » Wed Apr 12, 2006 8:38 am

Yes, I am experiencing a tender scalp. I could not understand what was wrong, only recently has it happened.I would scratch the top of my head on the right hand side, and it would really hurt. I thought I had sunburn as I am blonde. I spend a lot of time outside as I recently retired from my job (inside mostly) and now stay with my 18 month old Grandson, We spend a lot of time out at the pool,since this is in Texas the sun is already hot here. I thought I was going to have to get a hat. I have also experienced all the aches and pains, even have weekly visits to a chiropractor. The culprit I believe is Crestor10mg. I have stopped taking it as of last night, am on a cholesterol lowering diet, the baby and I go for a walk every afternoon. I am convinced I was well until I started taking this medication about 7 months ago. I (as others) attributed it to old age.
I am71 (just retired from managing a company in January) I found this site yesterday and am horrified that I let this go on. If I had not seen something about Crestor on tv I would have continued on. So in answer to the scalp problem, I would say yes it is probably a side effect.
This Friday I am going to the doctor to get a blood profile done and tell him I no longer take Crestor. Good luck.
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Reply for "Superchic"

Postby sos_group_owner » Wed Apr 12, 2006 5:37 pm

Hi Superchic,

Please read the complete article by Dr Graveline when you get a chance.
Stopping Statins:

You should taper off statins over a 2 to 3 week period, not stop abruptly.

Excerpt from article:
My strong recommendation then is that a statin user who has made the decision to stop his or her statin must do so gradually over at least a two-week period. Pill cutters are invaluable for this process. For example, someone on Lipitor 40mg will cut to 20 for a few days, then 10 for a few days, then 5 and 2.5mg. In this manner any peaking of platelet stickiness will be avoided. I might add that buffered aspirin 81mg during this tapering off phase will be helpful and also be an important part of your alternative treatment plan of omega-3, CoQ10 and vitamins B6, 12 and folic acid as discussed on my statin alternatives page.

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tender scalp

Postby Kathy » Tue May 23, 2006 1:51 pm

Check my posting on temperal arteritis. My husband had itchy scalp and then sore and tender scalp. He was diagnosed with temperal arteritis. It is caused by the immune system attacking the arteries that supply blood to the scalp and the eyes. Left untreated it can cause blindness.
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