by Biologist » Tue Mar 10, 2009 7:43 pm
You said you have a family history of high cholesterol; do you have a family history of cardiovascular disease, or just high cholesterol? Do you have a family history of members having their thyroid glands removed?
Here is a hyperlink that you might want to read:
Here is a thread that you might want to read. It is long, but there is some good info there particularly about using natural thyroid gland extract (i.e., Armour Thyroid) rather than what you are taking. (You are not getting any direct T3, for one.) BTW, for others, my morning temperature is now a consistent 97.4 degrees. I may update that thread in coming weeks or months.
I almost hate to mention this, but I it is possible that your need for a pacemaker was due to unresolved thyroid issues, as is hinted at in that hyperlink. That depends on the biological reason for the pacemaker. Not likely, but not out of the question. I suggest you read the first book that I mention in the hypothyroid thread I sent you too. Then give it to your doctor.
Something that is rarely mention but is real important is how jackass stupid it is to NOT watch cholesterol levels in food WHILE ON a statin drug. I was placed on 40 mg of Zocor rather than what I was originally on (20 mg.) because my cholesterol levels were not improving much. NO JOKE!! I was still eating eggs like they were going out of style. I did not know any better. (If my doctor did, he did not say anything about it.) The high dose of Zocor was necessary to counteract how much cholesterol I was eating/replacing -- and therefore my CoQ10 levels were getting slaughtered for nothing! Not to mention the fact that my cholesterol levels were just fine from the very beginning. This is a major mistake doctors are making. Before bumping up statins, they need to make sure a patient is lowering consumption of cholesterol or their levels will not budge. They make this mistake because they are never reminded by the drug reps who would rather see a higher consumption of statin medications since that is the basis of their pay. Again, this is simply HUGE but is never mentioned that I can see. The other major error, in my opinion, is the thyroid issue. Here again, it is downplayed (i.e., it is NEVER mention by the drug rep) because they don't want to hear anything about thyroids where they make no money -- they use thyroid problems as a means to make more money by selling statins. It is curious that temperatures are no longer automatically taken on visiting the doctor, in my experience. This is one of the "vital signs" and is dirt simple to take. It has crossed my mind that one of the reasons it is not done anymore is that it would interfere with Pharma profits. Don't take the temperature, no worry of discovering thyroid issues which would interfere with a prescription for statins. I would be interested in knowing what the story is on body temperature taking in doctor's offices these days. I don't remember the last time I saw a thermometer there! It was routine when I was young.
Why do you not eat much meat? The best proteins come from meat. We evolved to eat meat as our primary source of food. There is no doubt about this fact based on evolutionary evidence. How about eggs? You probably also could use a higher fat content in your food. No, this will not make you fat. Counterintuitive, but true.
If I were you I would want to lower my cholesterol a bit, but naturally. You are off the statins so eat eggs and get some good protein. This will not raise your cholesterol levels due to a body feedback mechanism that will not allow you to absorb more than you need. Take Vitamin C as I suggested as it will also lower your natural levels (regardless of eating eggs) and take at least 500 mg of carnitine per day as this too will lower your cholesterol levels. (I do not know how much.) Also, take fish oil. Krill oil is best. This is the exact stuff I take and this is where I buy it: