CoQ10 Ubiquinone vs. Ubiquiol

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CoQ10 Ubiquinone vs. Ubiquiol

Postby uncle2blade » Tue Mar 10, 2009 3:04 pm

After reading Dr Langsjoens finding the last news letter. I was a bit confused, maybe a left over side effect from statins. About a year and a half ago I started supplementing with Ubiquinol instead of Ubiquinone. Soon after changing to the Ubiqunol I started getting more relief of the pain and fatigue. I attributed the change in the way I felt to time,and I've been on a very slow but sure recovery since then. After reading Dr. Langsjoens findings, I started using both forms of CoQ10, about two weeks ago. Slowly I noticed I was feeling more fatigue, and my muscle were sore again. I also started having a stiff neck and right shoulder. The top half of my body never seemed to be effected by statins. I also was having a lot of gas. At first I didn't associate any of this with the supplements I was taking. My wife hearing me complain asked if I had changed anything in my supplement regime, the only thing I could think of was adding the Ubiquinone. I discontinued it three days ago and I'm feeling much better. Does this make any since? I am still confused as to the difference between the two types of CoQ10. Any help will be appreciate. Thanks, Craig
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Postby Ray Holder » Wed Mar 11, 2009 7:56 am

I have started adding ubiqunol to my daily Q10 dose, or rather substituting it for a part of it. My usual intake was 4x300 Q10, and now I have 2x100 QH plus 100 Q10 as my first and third doses. I think the change is beneficial, but not as much as I had hoped. Has anyone else tried QH ? Perhaps, as Craig has found, I need to take all QH, but I have a good stock of Q10, and have not yet got enough QH to make the change. A Kaneka booklet with my last QH supply gave examples of considerable benefit from QH.

Ray Holder
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Postby Ray Holder » Fri Mar 13, 2009 11:41 am

I have contacted Kaneka on this subject.

I suspect that, when taken together, anti-oxidant QH, mixing with oxygen carrying Q10 act on each other and produce an intermediate form without the major benefits of either.

For the time being, I am taking solely one form at one time, hoping that a time separation in my stomach will allow the separate forms to join their own conveyance system in the body in the way that they must exist, and not act just on each other.

Ray Holder
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Postby uncle2blade » Fri Mar 13, 2009 12:03 pm

Thanks, Ray I'll try it and let you know what happens on my end.

I consider myself fortunate to have you and others on this forum to bounce things around with. Things can get discouraging at times.
Best to you. Craig
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Postby Ray Holder » Sat Apr 18, 2009 6:26 am

Dr Langsjoen replied to me that QH and QX (as Q10 is also known) do not interact and should work together OK.

It seems that over 40s have trouble absorbing Q10, especially if early heart weakness is causing oedema to collect in internal organs, they cannot take in enough QX, but can absorb QH.

I am taking both at present, but mainly Q10 as I have a good stock of it, and QH is much more expensive, and also adding D Ribose, as my total energy level has not come back to its former state after my heart failure events before Christmas.

Ray Holder
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Postby Brian C. » Sat Apr 18, 2009 8:09 am

I ordered my first QH from iHerb towards the end of last month but I have yet to receive my demand for payment of charges let alone the item itself.
Ordering from the 'States is getting beyond a joke,not only in extra expense (including overcharging from HMC&R!) but increasing delay in customs processing. Fortunately my wife received her QX last week so we are sharing.

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