It takes so little to cause major setbacks!

A forum to discuss personal experiences and share information on statins and other cholesterol lowering drugs.

It takes so little to cause major setbacks!

Postby valgators » Sat Mar 28, 2009 10:19 am

Hi all,

I just wanted to share my story (really total frustration) that has unfolded over the past two months. In January I traded cars. I never considered that such a "normal" event could have such devastating effect. Anyway, somehow I managed to overlook that the vehicle lacked lumbar support. That was problem # 1.........and by day 2, I realized the seat lacked sufficient padding for comfort. By this time, I realized I had made a big mistake and tried to rectify by contacting the dealership to add a lumbar package and upgrade of seat. Sorry, couldn't be done because the electronics wouldn't fit!
By now, my entire body was in total misery! I had pressure points in the back of my legs and lots of pain in the right leg. Lumbar muscles were knotted and firing. I guess in trying to compensate for the discomfort, I had pulled my neck (right side), shoulder, and upper back. Those muscles were waging a war too. I am not exaggerating when I say I could barely move somedays.
Even though the financial hit was discouraging, I knew I had to trade cars if ever I was to get better. I finally traded a month later and made sure that car met all my requisites for support, padding and cushioning. I guess I was naive not to realize how changing cars could affect my muscles issue, but I didn't.
During this saga, I returned to physical therapy twice a week and we are working to get me back to pre-trade status. I have also seen my primary and taken a round of prednisone.
The reason I wanted to post was to again show how the simplest of things that non-injured statin people take for granted, can just be devastating to someone whose body is injured. I have had the "second car" a month now and even though it is comfortable and provides great support, I still ache all over. This insidious "disease" robs you of the simplest things in life; often reduces you to a reclusive lifestyle and yet
nobody recognizes the damage that has been done to those of us who are aware and the countless numbers who have no clue what is going on.
Thanks for listening. Except for the forum members, nobody understands this. Others are polite and caring but really I think they secretly question what I am saying about my problems AND why don't I get better?????
Best to all. Valgators
Posts: 78
Joined: Sat Feb 23, 2008 7:32 pm

Postby cjbrooksjc » Sat Mar 28, 2009 11:17 am

Val: One of the most difficult things I face is the reaction of people to my difficulties. Also if I find someone is taking a statin and try to talk them out of it; usually they simply dismiss me. My family tire of my condition; I know, so I try avoid activity that makes my shortcomings obvious or I camouflage my symptoms hoping they won't be concerned... even that is hard, and it weighs at times. Its sort of like being broke when all your friends are flush and want to do something fun. All I can say is this forum is the one place no one ignores complaints and we can all share our frustration here - without prejudice.

I DO have hopes for my new Rheumatologist who seems to be right 'in there' with me as regards the primary, initial cause of my problems (STATINS), and if he reveals some workable regimen I'll be sure to post.


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Postby uncle2blade » Sat Mar 28, 2009 11:29 am

When I first stopped statins I had a GMC1500 truck the way I sat in it, and the fact that it had a upright bench seat made for a comfortable ride. When I would drive our car I would have all sorts of back and leg problems.
My truck was stolen last year and I had to replace it. I made sure the seat was right for me. This truck has heated seats witch fells good on my back even in warmer weather. It seems to me the angle of legs and the softness of the seat and the firmness of the back make a big difference in my comfort while I'm driving and after I'm through.
Just my observations, Best to all, Craig
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Postby valgators » Sat Mar 28, 2009 11:36 am

Thank you, Brooks, for your kind words. I guess that's why I posted my rant so someone who understands could respond!

I read your post about your new rheumatologist. You said you took articles from info posted on this site. If it's not too much trouble, could you list a few of the articles that you consider most important. I ask this because I will see a new rheumatologist on April 21 and I dread the usual dismissal of symptoms that doctors usually give. I'm hoping this doctor may have an open mind. But I will be taking articles too and just want to make sure I don't miss anything. Also, I wll be taking Dr. Graveline's Statin Drugs Side Effects and his new one if I have it in time.

Thanks again. Valgators
Posts: 78
Joined: Sat Feb 23, 2008 7:32 pm

Postby valgators » Sat Mar 28, 2009 11:40 am

Yes, Uncle, I know you are so right! Hind-sight is 20/20, but I realize what has set me back and in time I hope to get back to where I was before the trade.

This statin mess is a tricky game to play.

Thanks. Valgators
Posts: 78
Joined: Sat Feb 23, 2008 7:32 pm

Postby cjbrooksjc » Sat Mar 28, 2009 12:00 pm

VAL: Send me an email id so I can include the info for you. I can't seem to figure a way to include Adobe Acrobat docs in a forum response without duplicating the entire file in context. My email ID is included in my profile.

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statin drugs

Postby gotts1936 » Sat Mar 28, 2009 2:07 pm

I do not understand you guys. You sound like a truck with proper seats will help you. Please , give me a break! I am in pain and the type of vehicle I drive is not going to help me. It hurts to get into or out of a vehicle. I agree some more than others, but the pain is always there. Unfortunately, if they can not prevent cancer what makes us think they will ever cure stain drug damage to our mitochrondial pathway?
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Postby uncle2blade » Sat Mar 28, 2009 6:37 pm

The proper seat did not help me with my statin damage It just made driving easer, and less painful.
Any time I can help and share my experience i will.
Best to you all, Craig
Posts: 123
Joined: Tue Jul 24, 2007 8:06 pm
Location: Cleveland OH

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