a handout that I pass to everyone that I can

A forum to discuss personal experiences and share information on statins and other cholesterol lowering drugs.

a handout that I pass to everyone that I can

Postby David Staup » Wed Apr 01, 2009 1:07 am

UNLESS NOTED ALL INFORMATION FROM “Statin Drug Side Effects and The Misguided War on Cholesterolâ€Â
David Staup
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Postby Cat Mom2 » Sat Apr 04, 2009 2:55 pm

I think you need to catch their attention FIRST..

"Golomb says one reason many doctors overlook risks and believe statins to be safe is that most controlled [b]<studies of statins wind up excluding people who originally begin to participate in a study but stop taking the drug because they experience problems from it; these test participants are then dropped from the study as “noncompliant.â€Â
Cat Mom2
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Postby David Staup » Sat Apr 04, 2009 9:19 pm

Well maybe I should have been clearer. Firet I speak to them of my experiences and "first symptoms"to catch thier attention then go on to the full litany of complaints and my experience with the healthcare system. then I give them the handout and explain about this website including these forums. Then I give them this handout as a sort of cheatsheet. this usually takes upwards of 30 -45 minutes. I can assure you I have thier attention by then. so far I have about a 70% success rate of getting these people off statins. I would do as you say if I were capable as I have some years of course design and presentation but for my cognative difficulties and the limited time I can devote to research and preparition brfore my abilities wane. I have many other things associated with my current need to set my environment to where I can lead a meaningful life within my limits. I have had 4 people actually break down and cry because someone was finally led them to the path of understanding what has happened to them. If you think doing nothing until you have all the I's dotted and the t's crossed then you're more than welcome to start now--let me know when you're finished I'd love to adopt your end result' but in the mean time I'll plod along saving people one at a time where ever and when ever I can.

David Staup
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Postby Allen1 » Sun Apr 05, 2009 3:21 am

Hi there David,

that's a pretty good post and idea you have there. There is a lot of information provided in the text and it helps to explain what is the cause of so many health problems in a way a doctor can look at and maybe start to believe. I can also see what Cat Mom2 means, you know that a lot of us statin victims can't take a lot of information in, unless we are having a "good day", most of the time though we have to read the same thing several times before it is absorbed and even then it can be so easily forgotten.

I must admit I liked the idea of putting symptoms into laymens terms along with the correct names, I have to keep googling what something means even though I may have seen it loads of times before. This poison robs you of so many ability's both physically and mentally, any help to digest information is a real bonus as you are aware of yourself and I am pleased you are passing your experiences along to others and hopefully saving them from further harm.

As I said this is a pretty good idea and post, just think what it would be like with Cat Mom2's suggestions incorporated, I dare say a lot of folk would be printing it out to show their friends and doctors to prove that the problems they have DO have a real cause and that it is not so uncommon or mild as they have been led to believe.

All the best,
Allen :)
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Postby Brian C. » Sun Apr 05, 2009 5:47 am

For doctors to take it seriously it needs the study references to be appended. Perhaps a separate sheet just for them? When they see that the findings have been accepted for publication in peer-review journals they will feel "safer" even if they don't actually bother to follow them up.

Good work David.

Brian C.
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Postby David Staup » Sun Apr 05, 2009 7:50 am

This has all been a good exchange. I truly wish though that we each add what we can to the "root" handout for I cannot at this time do it all.
If anyone would like the original word document to work with email me directly and I'll send it along. maybe together we can occomplish more than anyone of us could alone.
David Staup
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Postby David Staup » Sun Apr 05, 2009 7:58 am

my email address is dstaup123@sbcglobal.net without the 123
David Staup
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Postby Cat Mom2 » Sun Apr 05, 2009 2:19 pm

Ok.. I thought you were just walking up to them and handing them this printout and it would be a bit overwhelming without already being interested..

I fully understand where you are coming from with all you said. There are times (still) that I have a hard time with things...

I too, as I am sure many of us have, have talked to many about my own experience. I have only had ONE doctor listen with interest and ask questions and that was my eye doctor. I talk where ever I can find a listener. Last August, I was invited to go to Atlanta for a small family gathering (I thought) but it turns out I was actually invited to talk to a man on a statin who had, had a TGA. In telling him my story, I saw many "light bulb moments" come across his face on the side effects. He has since quit taking the stuff..

I have another man (old friend) that I talk to on the phone a lot and I noticed he was repeting himself over and over, having trouble remembering words, ect.. So I asked him if he was on a statin. He was on a ton of meds and didn't know what any of it was or was for. He also was having BAD back pain and fixing to have a MRI, was having toruble breathing also. Getting out of bed and walking to the living room took all he could do. I printed him out a ton of stuff and mailed it to him and he was stunned by what he read and has quit. His breathing is 80% better (even I can tell that) and when I ask about his back problem, he says it has stopped bothering him. He told me last night, "Do you know how many people take drugs and not even know what they are FOR?" :roll:

I talked to a lady one day in the doctors waiting room who's husband was on them, his doctor told him "If you don't take these, you'll DIE!" I told her to just get on the internet and research cholesterol and statins and he may not even need to be on them.

I have talked to many others and gotten nowhere.

I really think the hay day of statins has passed and many more doctors are waking up, just not fast enough. (noticed the TV commercials have gone away?) I find people in the medical community are REALLY definsive on the topic of statins and just will not listen, they don't want to hear it.

I have a nurse at Vanderbilt listening also that is in charge of our companies health/wellness stuff. (Or at least she acts like she is)...
Cat Mom2
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Postby David Staup » Sun Apr 05, 2009 4:39 pm

The sad fact is that statins are not on the wane--did you know that the american society of pediatrics came out about 8 months ago with a recommendation that statins be perscribed to children as young as 8 years old on nothing more that thier parents cholesterol levels?

two years ago this comming november I turned this over to the fox news network (Bill Oreilly) and the advertisements changed within a few weeks but they're still on some and the oreilly factor has not contacted me back as yet although they said they would either way.....personally I think they realized that to bring this out in a big way would have some dire consequences world wide.

also I believe in england they are pushing statins heavily through thier health care system

David Staup
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Postby David Staup » Mon Apr 06, 2009 1:00 am

By the way I have found that for many such as me the first really noticeable symptom is restless legs...when I mention this almost always a light goes on and they really become interested.... I have noticed that the advertisements for that med has stopped.... I wonder what percentage of restless leg sufferers are statin users?
David Staup
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Postby Cat Mom2 » Mon Apr 06, 2009 4:21 pm

I had RL prior to statins for awhile but it passed. Didn't have it while on them. I do get it now if I don't pace myself during the day, I guess I learned to pace myself when I had it and that perhaps is why it don't bother me as bad?

Yes, I heard about them wanting to give statins to kids when it first came out and was outraged! Imagine what it will do to young still developing bodies and minds! There will be a society of mindless cripples if that is allowed. I can't for the life of me, understand WHY they can't educate parents on proper diets and healthy lifestyles. I see these overweight kids and blame the parents. My oldest son was overweight while living with his grandmother, soon as he came to live with me the weight fell right off of him because I didn't allow inbetween snacking or sitting in the house on pretty days. Sweets were deserts after a good meal.. If you ate a small meal, you got a small desert.. NOT all you wanted. Didn't take him long to learn and he never had a weight problem again. My kids were not offered a choice of what they wanted to eat! I cooked homecooked meals and they ate it or there was nothing else to eat. (same as it was when I was a kid) Giving statins to kids is completely outragous!
Cat Mom2
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Postby David Staup » Mon Apr 06, 2009 5:07 pm

not outragous--- pure evil

what do you get if you take the first t out of statin---SATIN

makes you wonder
David Staup
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Postby saved from statins » Mon Apr 06, 2009 11:54 pm

David: You are awesome. I like the idea of a handout, but much of this information is just too far out there for most people. They just don't get it, and they don't want to. They want to trust, giving all their faith to their "care givers." I read somewhere the average doctor looks at you and listens for about 23 seconds before he literally turns away and basically stops listening. So, it's up to each individual to safeguard their own health, hopefully, with the right information from informed folks like us on spacedoc.net
Other folks are starting to pay attention. I receive Dr. Mercola's newsletter online, and today there was an article on statins and the deadly Jupiter Study (sponsored by the good folks at Astra Zeneca--talk about the fox in the henhouse!). They also mentioned Seroquel and it's deadly side effects which have been known for years, but conveniently hidden or ignored.
As a nurse, I shudder to think of all the killer meds I have given over the years. I now know that when they begin to talk about serious side effects publicly, there is probably a pile of dead bodies hidden somewhere, and it may be a long time or never before the drug is removed from the market.
So, for now, to paraphrase Winston Churchill, NEVER, NEVER GIVE UP.
saved from statins
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Postby David Staup » Tue Apr 07, 2009 2:04 am

dear saved

I'm just a man trying his best to help... When I was at my lowest, had to quit working, and was close to suicide my wife found this site and, because She feared I would succeed she contacted Dr. Graveline and he spoke with me over the phone for 45 minutes. During that conversation he indicated that he was too worn out to continue to try to publicise this anymore--too many stone walls. I told him that I would do my best to continue to get the word out and that is all I've done---meeting many of those stone walls and eventually decided a grass roots approach was the best I could do. awsome, I doubt, but sometimes I do amaze even myself ;-)
I would ask that you or anyone else try and help by adding to or refining the handout. right now I'm forced to spend much of my time trying to save my marriage from the ravages of 9 years of this and not succeeding.
David Staup
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Postby harley2ride » Tue Apr 07, 2009 2:34 pm

I use almost every venue available to get the message out. I have told hundreds of my statin nightmare, and I tell them to tell all of their friends. I have told people on other forums, in person, at meetings with large groups... If we all do this, someday the word will be heard..
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