This is a book I just checked out of the library. It was published in 2001.
And on page 221 under the heading Novel Causes, is a brief discussion of statin drugs. I guess what amazes me is that in my case not one medical professional ever connected the pain and achiness in my feet and ankles to possibly statin drugs! (I don't have the tingly problems, but I do have the burning at times and certainly continual pain. After all the x-rays and MRI's which ruled out arthritis, osteoporosis, etc., why didn't anyone think of statins. Well, I know the answer and so do you.
Since the book was published in 2001, we know the information was available way before that.
This book is the second book of a two part series. The first was Numb Toes and Aching Soles. The author is John A. Senneff. He is not a doctor, just someone struggling as we all are doing. Amazon has both books if anyone is interested in getting a copy to keep.
All the best. Valgators