I took Zocor for 4 years and experienced severe muscle wastage and heart weakness. I stopped taking it as my CK was elevated, but things continued to worsen over the next 14 months, until I heard the reason for my problems.
I had polio in 1951 and had some muscle loss in my leg and trunk muscles. The Polio Network of W Australia pointed out the need for Q10 and they also use and advocate the use of L Carnitine for muscle deterioration.
I started Q10 and in a few days my heart improved greatly and subsequent addition of carnitine restored my muscles to near pre statin size, CK reduced to a more normal level.
After studying the properties of Q10, I proposed that post polio muscle loss and statin induced loss were one and the same, the former being caused by reduced body supplies of Q10 with advancing age, and the other by statin side effect.
Whether my muscle problems were primarily due to statins or PPS I have no way of knowing, Polio societies warn post polios against statin use because of bad effects, strengthening the argument that the cause of both is the same.
Carnitine is readily available from health food stores, used as a powder taken in water, Starting with 250 mg daily and working up slowly to bowel tolerance as required, I take 6gm a day at present, plus 500mg of Q10.
Carnitine is needed to accompany fatty acid fuel to cross the membrane into the mitochondria where they are used to produce muscle energy, without it the muscle goes into starvation mode and wastes away.
I have written a paper detailing the mechanism, but so far have not been able to get it to a wider audience.
Ray Holder