My Statin Story Updates

A forum to discuss personal experiences and share information on statins and other cholesterol lowering drugs.

statin drugs

Postby gotts1936 » Sun May 17, 2009 9:29 am

Actually, I am using a magnesium product from, Nutrapure, inc., and it is identified as Magnesium Oxide, Citrate Complex and Malate. Have you ever heard of it? With Oxide, appearing as the main substance, should I change to a different product?
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Postby Biologist » Mon May 18, 2009 12:13 am


That sounds like it ought to be fine to me.

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Postby cjbrooksjc » Mon Jul 13, 2009 11:31 am

MM: I can completely empathize with your situation. I certainly hope you continue to improve. I was thinking, as I read your extensive 'Statin Stories' post, ... 0060#10060 how much it hurt me physically to sit at the computer and type in MY experiences, and my heart went out to you. What a travesty these professional health care people have perpetrated on an uninformed and unsuspecting populace; they should be hung by their heels.

Fond regards,

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Postby uncle2blade » Wed Jul 15, 2009 9:31 am

Well here I sit at the 30 month mark of my recovery from statin drugs. It's time to let everyone know how I'm doing.

I started seeing a Dr. that practices Functional Medicine in April. Functional Medicine relies on blood work, urine and saliva analysis to evaluate the functions of the body. There were tests for CO-Q10 all vitamins ,and minerals plus hormones.

After a lot of testing I am now taking a lot more vitamin D-3, B-12, B,5&6 and Testosterone replacement.

I must say I feel a lot better than I have in years. I have more stamina, less leg and hip pain and more endurance. I'm able to do almost everything I use to do, just not as long or as much.

I'm still taking my L-Carnitine, CO-Q10, and my other supplements

This week I'm at the Cleveland Clinic for the administer of a drug called Tikocyn for a heart artthymea that has pleged me sence my heart valve surgery in Jan.0f 08.

If anyone wold like to see the results of all the tests and how they were done I will put them in a folder and E-mail them to you there is to much information to post here. My E-mail add.
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Postby Brian C. » Thu Jul 16, 2009 2:08 am

Your arrhythmia has not responded to magnesium supplementation?

Brian C.
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Postby uncle2blade » Thu Jul 16, 2009 7:53 am

Brian, No, and my new Dr. now has put me on Magnesium (glycinate) in addition to my Magnesium & Potassium. I just started the (glyciate)type though. My arrhythmia is a result of my valve replacement.

Thanks for your concern, Craig
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statin drugs

Postby gotts1936 » Mon Jul 27, 2009 2:11 pm

I have been in pain for over three years now and I believe that there are to many undercover drug rep's on this website. Supplements, supplements, how long are we going to take supplements? Isn't it time to correct our muscle damage, etc. and stop taking supplements that do not correct the problem, but only mask it?

If the medical profession is ignorant of our problems, we are our in a lot of trouble. Heaven help us or, at least, someone.
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statin drugs

Postby gotts1936 » Wed Aug 12, 2009 1:30 pm

Hello to all,
I just received my Electromyography lab report. Here are some of the comments and conclusions.

Comments: " Onset of symptoms coincided with an orthopedic surgery on his knee and use of a statin drug. Symptoms have not responded to discontinuation of the statin. He also has pain in his legs when stress is put on them. He has trouble walking, standing and sitting. Examination shows normal muscle strength. He perceives muscle atrophy over his normal baseline ".

Conclusion: " This is an abnormal study. There is electrophysiologic evidence for a multilevel left lumbosacral radiculopathy such as can be seen in structural disease such as spinal stenosis. Other less common causes of similar findings are diabetic radiculopathy or processes coating the nerve roots. The patient has 2 risk factors for neuropathy which could be eitiology, diabetes and the excessive use of alcohol ( I drink , at least, a six pack a day ) . There is no electrophysiologic evidence for myopathy". Duh!

My comments: She says I perceive muscle atrophy. There is a definite calf muscle on my right leg and none on my left leg, etc. enough said! Also, she says that this is an abnormal study, than gives an opinion of what could be wrong and rules out myopathy. I believe she has been infected with the stagnant medical believes of my neurosurgeon who recommended her to me.

All comments welcome,
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Postby uncle2blade » Mon Jan 25, 2010 6:49 pm

Hi all, it"s about time I posted an update.

It's been three years since my last dose of Crestor, I was on all the other statins before I took Crestor. You can read my story on My Statin Stories. Today I can say I have almost completely recovered. Who knows what tomorrow will bring. I've learned over the last few years not to get too up or too down.

This morning I swam a mile and walked a mile lifted light weights and did 50 crunches without any exercise intolerance. My physical condition is better than it was in 1996 when I started taking statins.

Of course this forum helped me the most, but I also found a Dr. that specializes in functional medicine that has also helped me a great deal. The testosterone therapy she put me on has helped me a lot. along with the Vitamin D-3 B12 Zinc

I can't forget to give my wonderful wife a lot of credit for the recovery I've had. She would, and still does massage my sore aching muscles every night. Not only did this , and still does feel good I think it had a lot to do with my recovery.

I still take L-Carnitine and CoQ along with the rest of my regiment.

I'll always be here to share my experience, and hope for you, and I know you're there for me. Best to you all, Craig
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reply all

Postby pops » Mon Aug 09, 2010 11:20 am

Seems a lot of people continue to suffer after ceasing statins. I'm one for now. It's been 4 months since stopping. I took them for 1 month.

These are terrible drugs with horrendous side effects, and doctors are treating them like they're safe. They're not safe. And the side effects, contrary to what my doctor said, are common, not rare.

Here's an interesting link:


I'm not sure I agree with everything he says, but it's more accurate than the information we're getting from the medical community at this time.

I was wondering if anyone knows whether accupuncture and/or physical therapy has been known to help with post-statin related pain and neuropathy.

I would also like to make an analogy with high fructose corn syrup that has been a problem, and thanks to pressure from citizens many food manufacturers are shunning high fructose corn syrup in favor of sugar. This shows that citizens do have a voice. Which implies that if we keep this up, eventually Big Pharma will be forced to change their ways and doctors will be forced to change how and when they prescribe statins. It will also be very helpful if when doctors prescribe statins, they tell their patients that at the first sign of muscle pain or weakness, stop taking it immediately. That would have helped prevent my pain. I went a couple of weeks beyond the point where the pain began, and that's what got me.

Thank you all for being there. I'm so sorry we have all experienced this pain, which was unnecessary had the medical community been honest. Of course I realize now that Big Pharma is pulling the doctors' strings. Which is a sad state of affairs. Doctors, and the FDA as well, should be working for the improved quality of life of patients and citizens, not for the improved bottom line of wealthy corporate stockholders.

We can make a good thing out of bad; we can pressure the medical community to change their ways so as to prevent the suffering of millions of more statin users who otherwise would not have been afflicted. In other words, keep doing exactly what you're doing.

My best to all of you. May each of you find his or her personal cure.

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Postby damaged » Mon Aug 09, 2010 6:43 pm

I was wondering if anyone knows whether accupuncture and/or physical therapy has been known to help with post-statin related pain and neuropathy.

Before realizing the true nature of my leg pain, I underwent orthoscopic surgery (three times) and the subsequent therapy.

I'm fairly certain that the typical therapy after surgery (leg lifts, stair climbing, etc) did further muscle damage in my case.

If you could find a therapist that understood that when your muscles are exausted - it's time to stop exerting them, it might help.

But in my case that would occur within 10 minutes.
Hardly worth the bother, IMO.

I tried accupuncture once.

I couldn't get it across to the guy doing the accupuncture, that my muscles were damaged from statins. He was more interested in getting it across to me, that he had no use for western medicine, and had no faith in their diagnosis or their treatment methods.

He kept insisting that my problem was that I was "damp".

He went on to demonstrate a few parlor tricks to confirm my "dampness" and said that if I was in the proper "spiritual condition" and was willing to commit to 19 weeks of therapy - that he could "give me my life back".

I doubt that this is typical, but at any rate, I took a pass.
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Postby pops » Tue Aug 10, 2010 12:19 am

Thanks for the response, Damaged. I'm sorry you've had so much pain. It seems the accupuncturist didn't understand the problem.

I think what people don't get is that the damage from statins is on the cellular level. Damaged mitochondria and all that, though I'm not well versed on the technical aspects. This is not a simple muscle strain.

I'm currently taking coq10 and alpha lipoic acid. I can't say that I'm recovering miraculously, but it's possible I've achieved some degree of improvement, especially from alpha lipoic acid, because I was already taking coq10 and didn't notice a lot of difference from it. Maybe the combination is better than either one alone.

I have also implemented some physical activity, such as slow bike riding, strolling, and very easy swimming, as well as regular gentle stretching. (Prior to statins I was an avid exerciser and pushed very hard, which I no longer can do) I stretch my hamstrings and my calves. I have also used self message. In addition I use - as little as possible - over the counter analgesics. I have personally found that aspirin works better for me than ibuprofen, but I can't take it daily or my stomach starts to hurt. I also tried naproxen, which helped some. I tried an herbal pain medication called Zyflamend, and I wanted to believe in it, but it didn't work for me.

I would not want to think the situation is hopeless. I know the doctors have pain medication that works, such as Lyrica, but the side effects worry me, especially after having had statin side effects. I think one of the worst things that happened to me as a result of statin myalgia is that I don't trust doctors anymore. I was told side effects were rare. If anything, it seems to me that side effects are common.
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from cjbrooksjc

Postby spaceadmin » Wed Jul 20, 2011 5:24 pm

By cjbrooksjc - moved from My statin story thread.

Jollygirl: If you have read the other entries in this collection of "My statin story" posts you already know that most of your problems (stomach problems, sleep problems, muscle cramps, joint pain, heart arrhythmias, etc.) are absolutely attributable to Statin medication. Keep reading the posts.

Cholesterol usually comes down when the diet is low carb; NOT low fat. Eliminate sugar and starches from your daily intake. It is not necessary to eliminate ALL carbs, but make a serious effort to restrict them. It is important to keep in mind that INFLAMMATION is far more attributable to heart problems than is cholesterol, and an unrestricted carbohydrate intake can raise your inflammation risk due to a resulting condition called insulin resistance.

The TYPE of cholesterol that prevails in your test is important to know - what is your LDa; that's the important one. I'll bet your Dr., based on what I read in your post, hasn't a clue what that is. Also your HDL should be at least 25% of the total cholesterol (total Chl of 200 and a HDL reading of 50, say). Mine is currently 228 over 74, and I am quite happy with those numbers. I know your readings may take a different format, but that makes no diff to the relative percentage.

I would suggest you order and take 300Mg of the UBIQUINOL (not Ubiquinone) form of CoQ10 daily. I get it online at SWANSON vitamins. Acetyl l-carnitine is also advisable as well as a Magnesium supplement (Orotate or Malate) and 2 or more grams of vitamin C daily. Also, Polycosinol is a good supplement to help lower Cholesterol.

There is so much you need to know, and it is all available on the internet - just keep educating yourself. You will outdistance your Phys in NO time - be prepared, he/she will not be pleased with your education!

I am not a medical practitioner, nor do I have a medical background. I am a fellow sufferer (5 yrs on 40 Mg Zocor) who posts at this site now on rare occasions. This site is responsible for my improvement, such as it is. I have been off Statins for 5 years and still have difficult days. The sooner you take charge and address this problem the better your chances are for full recovery.

Also - sign up for Doc Graveline's newsletter and get his books on the subject; they will help you understand.

Good luck.




One final suggestion: use the SEARCH function at the top of the page and search for ADEC (the author search) and then search for all posts from that author. His information is cogent, useful, and detailed.


Site Admin
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Postby cjbrooksjc » Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:44 pm


Mea Culpa. I forgot the restriction rule.

Thanks, John
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Postby pmgamer18 » Mon Aug 15, 2011 11:29 am

I all I don't have a lot of time to came here and read but I took the time today and this thread is great good job Craig.

My story is a very long one you can read it at this link and a link to my story before Statin Drugs. ... 1182#11182

It has been 3 yrs sence my Heart Bypass Surgery where I died 5 x's and was put in a coma 14 weeks due to infections. Only to survive all this to be in pain and crippled from being forced to take Statin Drugs. You see when they told me to take them I knew that had bad sides. But the Heart Dr.'s used my family telling them I would not live out the yr. if I did not take them durgs.

I have pain from day one on them and each time I seen Dr.'s I told them but they would not listen and kept changing them. Until last Sept. I could not stand up or walk anymore now I am on pain pills and need a walker to walk.

Things are better I can now shower fix food and drive. As for Exercise best I can do is walk in a therapy pool for an hour 3x's / week.

I am a mod. at a low Testosterone forum for men and a Thyroid forum for Men's only Thyroid.

I have survived a lot in the last 30 yrs I had a head injury that damaged my Pituitary Gland in my brain.

So my brain does not tell my body to make hormones like Testosterone, Cortisol, Thyroud, Ferritin and Aldosterone. Yet I get buy and help Men on the forums so Craig if you need info about being on Testosterone meds send me an Email at
Or join my forum at Yahoo.

So where am I a yr. later not much better to me this is not fast enough. My wish a yr. ago was to not be in pain and walking with out a walker I am not there yet.

As for Dr.'s it a waste of my time and money here in MI. the Dr.'s here feel the problems I have are not due to Statin Drugs to them they can do no wrong.

Here are the supplements I am on that work and as for CoQ10 if your older you need this kind the CoQ10 reg. CoQ10 will not convert into Ubiquinol.

I am still on pain meds.
Vicodin/Lortab/Acetaminophen/Hydrocodone 500mg/5mg PO Tab 3x’s/day.

And this must have slowed down my voiding I now have a bad Bladder Infection and I must have had this for months. The pain meds hide this infection until it went into my Kidneys. So now I am on my 4th refell of anti's trying to fix this so just more pain.

• TMG 750mg 1pm and 11pm 2 pills a day.
• Solary Super Bio C 2 x’s/day 1000 mgs. Total.
• l-Arginine and l-Orthinine 100 Capsules, 750 mg, Twinlab 1 at bedtime.
• NOW brand ZMA 800mgs 3 at bedtime.
• Copper 2mgs 1 at noon.
• Dr. Cranton's PrimeNutrients 3/day.
• Biotics Bio-D-Mulsion Forte Vit. D 2000 IU's per drop I am doing 10 drops a day.
• Iodoral Iodine 1 tab / day 12.5 mgs.
• I went with NOW brand for the following supplements do to a high levels on a Homocysteine Cardiovascular and below normal level of Folate RBC labs.
• NAC N-Acetyl Cysteine, Selenium, Molybdenum - 600 mg.
• B-12 (Brain) Methylcobalamin - 5000 mcg lozenges. 3x’s/week.
• Coenzyme B Complex 2x’s /day.
• P-5-P (Coenzyme B6) 50 mgs. 2x’s / day.
• I am taking 800 mcg. Folacal for low Folate RBC.
• BioCitrate Selenium - 200 mcg 1x’s / day morning.
• Krill Oil capliques 1,000 mgs. 2 with food morning
• Ubiquinol Capliques Featuring Kaneka's Qh (300mgs) 3x’s/day
• Lecithin 1200 mgs 3 caps 2x’s/day.
• Acetyl-L Carnitine 500 mg 3x’s/day.
• Alpha Lipoic Acid 250 mg/day.
• Life-Extension-PQQ-Caps-with-Bio-PQQ-10-mgs./day.
• Genceutic Naturals – Glyco-Plex 2 pill 2x’s/ day.
• Doctor's Best, Best Delta Gold Tocotrienols, 150 mgs at dinner.
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Postby cjbrooksjc » Fri Oct 07, 2011 2:17 pm


To lower your tgi - try 3 grams of vitamin C daily (1G after meals X 3), VERY low carbohydrate meals (nix bread, spuds, sugar in any form). Lots of protein and veggies; red meat is OK. 4 grams of fish or krill oil daily. And NO alcohol. Do this for at least one week; two is better, then get your blood work done. Statins can kill you or make you wish you were dead.

I hope this helps you. It did help me get my Tri down.


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Postby uncle2blade » Tue Dec 18, 2012 3:13 pm

well I'm back to give you the latest. I know it's been a while and I'm embarrassed that it's been so long. It's just that I've been having such a wonderful time. I swim every day and walk about two miles a day. Over the last three years things have seemed to just get better and better. I have all of you to thank for that. When the statins got me and I went to the doctors they all thought I was crazy, and told me it was this and that. Then I found this sight , listened to you and gradually over the next two years things got better. Today I have to tell you that I've been diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. That is scary, but the scariest thing is now I'm back in the hands of the medical community. So now I have come back to you And all I can ask you for are your prayers. Thanks again to you all and God bless, Craig
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Re: My Statin Story Updates

Postby catspajamas » Sat Sep 21, 2013 12:56 pm

Its been 13 years since I went off zocor. In those 13 years I have had many "procedures". Had 5 colonoscopies because of the diarrhea zocor caused
Escallated the growth of cataracts...Had both eyes done.
Developed glaucoma...on meds for that.
Got shingles when I was on the vaccine just recently.
Eye lid repair because zocor damaged the muscles in my eyelid.
My muscles in my legs and arms are still a little weak but least I can hold my arms above my head.and walk where I have to go.
With my sensitive colon I can't take some of the supplements outlined here.
I do take Vit D cause zocor caused my level to go too low and I was getting thyroid symptoms.
I take Fish Oil and have toleraated Niaspan very well..Cholesteral levels are normal.
I am of the opinion that zocor damaged my immune system in general. I had lupus systems when on zocor. Have
since disappeared. Thank Goodness.
The burning pain in my feet is a whole lot better although I have to take a pain med at bedtime.
Guess thats me.
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Re: My Statin Story Updates

Postby cjbrooksjc » Sun Oct 02, 2016 10:13 pm

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