Stop Taking 81 mg Baby Aspirin

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Stop Taking 81 mg Baby Aspirin

Postby manoflamancha » Wed May 20, 2009 1:26 pm

:D [b]Hi, I've been off lipitor for over a year and have been taking Co-Q10 (200mg), Acetyl L-Carnitine (250mg), and Omega 3 fish oil.

I am still taking the 81mg baby aspirin which I'd like to stop. I understand that a good replacement for the baby aspirin is: omega 3, co-enzyme Q10, and Vitamin E. Are there others who have stopped taking the baby aspirin and are healthy and content campers? My understanding is that we want good blood flow which is best done by reducing inflamation in the arteries. However, in case of stroke one would want the blood to coagulate fast in case of cerebral hemmorrhage. So in that scenario taking baby aspirins is not a good idea.

Since I'm not presently taking the Vitamin E, what strength should I take? How many per day? After a meal OK?

Paul [/b]
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Postby Brian C. » Thu May 21, 2009 1:54 am

I stopped taking aspirin last year. Quite happy about that.

Brian C.
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Postby Brian C. » Thu May 21, 2009 1:58 am

Forgot to add that I do not take a specific supplementation of Vitamin E but use red palm oil, which is one of the very best sources since it contains the full spectrum of tocopherol and tocotrienol types. I fry my eggs and bacon in it every morning.

In fact I'm off to do that right now....

Brian C.
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Postby manoflamancha » Thu May 21, 2009 6:40 am

:D [b]Thank you Brian.

Take care,
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Postby Kate » Mon Jul 27, 2009 6:42 pm

My better half stopped taking aspirin because he was bleeding internally and they could not figure out why. He has not lost blood since he stopped the aspirin. We read somewhere that even low doses of aspirin cause internal bleeding in about 1/3 of the people that take it.
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Postby schatzi » Tue Jul 28, 2009 9:17 pm

Per my cardiologist I am taking two (2) 81 mg enteric coated aspirin daily.
Reason: Atrial Fibrillation

I am somewhat concerned, have noticed when taking a Glucose reading my finger keeps bleeding. I also take 1000mg prescription Omega 3 twice daily.

My concern about the aspirin is, I started the aspirin in Jan 2009, in June I started having problems with Thrombosis , both legs. this is something I had a problems with before, several years ago when I was taking aspirin. Don't know if the two are actually related.

Does anyone have an idea or suggestion?
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Postby Allen1 » Wed Jul 29, 2009 5:47 am

Hi there schatzi,

aspirin is supposed to lessen the possibilities of thrombosis according to a quick google of "aspirin thrombosis" or heres one I made earlier (there are loads more on the topic in the google option) :-)

I would seriously have a word with your doctor though, you may be one of the folk that reacts badly to aspirin and this could be your bodies way of warning you that it doesn't like the stuff (probably not but it is worth checking).

So far I haven't had a problem with aspirin and I have been taking it for over 14 years now since my M.I. but any new sensations that we realize has just occurred when using a drug should be looked into (I was fooled by statins slowly creeping up on me).

All the best,
Allen :-)
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Postby schatzi » Wed Jul 29, 2009 9:12 am


I think you are right I need to check with my Dr.

I googled also, all the indication seem to be that aspirin is the right thing in case of thrombosis. I do react very weird to a lot of medications, there is always the chance that I can't tolerate aspirin. It just occurred to me when I was reading the blogs that I had taken aspirin during the time years ago when I had the same problems with thrombosis. I stopped aspirin before because of stomach issues, I now take Nexium, due to Gerd, and it seem to preclude the upset stomach.

I am like you, was completely fooled by the need to take Statins, took them for 15 years, various types, all bad, each one worth than the first. The problems caused by Statins are then covered up by other prescriptions and don't address the real issue: Statins are contra-indicated for the majority of people.

My total cholesterol is now 192, no Statins, still take the supershots. I feel so much better than when TT Chol was 141. Of course the pain problem in joints and muscle is still there. Sure hope it will subside sometime soon.
Seems like the memory and TGA issues have resolved, I am making progress and am grateful for every little improvement.

Take care, I wish you well.

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Postby Allen1 » Wed Jul 29, 2009 10:42 am

Hi there schatzi,

Cat Mom2 and David Staup have posted an interesting point in the
"THIS IS OUR OPPORTUNITY TO TELL OUR STORY" thread. they mention that they feel a lot better with a higher level of cholesterol than both you and I have at in this moment in time. I know that I am always feeling lousy, if its not pain or swelling then its being washed out most of the time (physically and mentally). I think they may be on to something and I have no intentions of stopping my levels from getting to around the mark they have mentioned and hope to feel a bit more alive than I do at the moment.

Thinking back, I do recall this being mentioned before but the penny has only just dropped. From what I gather, your body would try to control the amount of cholesterol needed at any particular time as long as the ingredients were there to first of all make it when it was needed.
After statinisation for so long, heaven only knows what we may or may not be able to do in that respect.

All the very best,
Allen :-)
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Postby schatzi » Wed Jul 29, 2009 12:34 pm

Hi Allen1,

Considering your brain needs cholesterol to function properly, and your cells and nerves are surrounded by a sheath that depends on cholesterol, it stands to reason that too low a level will impair proper function of the body. I hope as your level of cholesterol goes up some you will start feeling better.

As I recall David got all over my post about Supershots and the low level of cholesterol I had. I must admit I do feel better since my level has come up.
So, David, if you read this, I think you were on to something.

My diet right now is about 30% fat, 25% protein and 45% carbs. Trying to lose some weight and the protein helps keep the hypoglycemia in check. Just concentrating on eating healthy foods, fruit, vegetables, etc. Nothing is off limits, everything in moderation.

After I get word from my Dr about the aspirin, will let you know.

Take care,

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statin drugs

Postby gotts1936 » Wed Jul 29, 2009 2:55 pm

This aspirin info is interesting because since 1975 I have been taking two 325mg aspirins everyday. I must be one of though individuals not harmed by aspirins. Last year, my cartoid arteries were tested and there was was no lipid buildup.

Strange, but interesting.

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Postby schatzi » Wed Jul 29, 2009 3:01 pm

A year ago I had the procedure for checking the carotid artery. Clean as a whistle, as my Dr. said. That was before starting the aspirin regimen.
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Postby David Staup » Wed Jul 29, 2009 3:27 pm


I have been following the same 30, 25, 45 diet in a rather hap -hazzard way basically by guess.

also most of the carbs I eat come from fruits and veggies. very little sugar and what bread I eat at home comes from a bakery that does not use powdered eggs or milk

how do you determine the ratio
just curious

David Staup
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Postby schatzi » Wed Jul 29, 2009 4:14 pm


due to my severe hypoglycemia I was seen by a Endocrinologist and consequently their dietitian. They worked out the formula for me. Normally it is suggested 30/20/50, in my case 30/25/45, the protein helps keep the glucose in line.

I have downloaded a program from Calorie King, one time $45, it has charts and you can enter your foods, exercise, weight etc. it is very helpful, as all the foods are broken down by their nutritional values, as well as you being able to enter custom foods such as your own recipes and foreign foods that are not listed in the database. They have another program, more elaborate and more expensive. I would not recommend that. Alternatively you can order a booklet from them that gives you alot of info, of course it isn't updated like the downloaded program.

I use it to meal plan for the entire day, it has really helped me. Lost 15 lbs in 6 weeks.

Go to * and look at what they have to offer.

All the best,
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