Hi All,
I've been off the statins for 3.5 months and am still having a lot of problems. However, I'm not sure if they are the direct result of statins or from the fall I took when I passed out and collapsed last December while on the statins. I also wonder whether they could be caused by thryoid problems.
Has anyone noticed these symptoms after being abruptly awakened from sleep?
- Heavy-headed, disoriented, fearful feelings upon waking
- Extreme weakness, shakiness, and fatigue
- Little or no energy
- Irritability
- Feelings of pins and needles in both hands and feet
- Occasional muscle spasms in legs
These symptoms seem to start with some brain fog and usually last for 2-3 days, and then I feel better for about 3-5 days until the next time they kick in. It usually seems to come on after sleeping. I've never experienced anything like this before I passed out last December.
Could this be non-statin related? Concussion? Thyroid?
I am desperate for answers.