Hi, Brooks.
Your passing so much water could be a pituitary problem brought on by statin-based mitochondrial damage to that gland. Pituitary damage is documented in the medical literature for statins. This URL maybe helpful to scan over; the molecular biology is a bit much though. Just something to mention to your doctor perhaps. The pituitary is also responsible for producing Thyroid Stimulating Hormone and could be the basis for thyroid problems. (Human Growth Hormone is also producted there -- low HGH can be fixed fairly inexpensively these days. Google "Sermorelin" sometime.)
I do not remember what Dr. Sinatra had to say about low dose asprin, but I will plan to look into it before too long.
Dr. Sinatra mentioned Serrapeptase too, I believe. I also bought some of it at the same time as the Nattokinase. I kind of alternate between the two.
Here is what my bottle of "Doctor's Best" brand says on the label:
"Serrapeptase is a proteolytic enzyme isolated from the non-pathogenic bacteria Serratia species found in the digestive tract of the Japanese silkworm. The enzyme is used by the worm to digest their cocoons. [Cool, I like that!

--Biologist] Serrapeptase has been used as a nutritional supplement in Europe and Asia for nearly three decades. Each enteric-coated vegetarian capsule of Best Serrapeptase contains pure serrapeptase designed for optimal absorption in the intestinal tract."
Both are to be taken between meals.
I got five new books in in the last two days. I'll be doing some reading for a while it looks like...