Symptoms - Need Answers

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Symptoms - Need Answers

Postby Don2009 » Thu May 21, 2009 10:15 am

Hi All,

I've been off the statins for 3.5 months and am still having a lot of problems. However, I'm not sure if they are the direct result of statins or from the fall I took when I passed out and collapsed last December while on the statins. I also wonder whether they could be caused by thryoid problems.

Has anyone noticed these symptoms after being abruptly awakened from sleep?

- Heavy-headed, disoriented, fearful feelings upon waking
- Extreme weakness, shakiness, and fatigue
- Little or no energy
- Irritability
- Feelings of pins and needles in both hands and feet
- Occasional muscle spasms in legs

These symptoms seem to start with some brain fog and usually last for 2-3 days, and then I feel better for about 3-5 days until the next time they kick in. It usually seems to come on after sleeping. I've never experienced anything like this before I passed out last December.

Could this be non-statin related? Concussion? Thyroid?

I am desperate for answers. :(

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Postby Allen1 » Thu May 21, 2009 10:40 am

Hi there Don,

what you have described is very common amongst many statin victims including myself. Hopefully they may become less troublesome in the course of time and even go away but for many of us they are always hanging around and keep us wondering what we have done to trigger them this time? Some of our members have severe pain and muscle wastage plus a whole lot more but I will let you read those problems for yourself via the posts left from others.

You may also find a great many other problems arise now and then, a lot of which can be a lot more than annoying but liveable with. Statins do a wonderful job of wrecking many peoples quality of life, I hope that you problems die off in another few months as it has done for some.

All the best,
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Postby Allen1 » Thu May 21, 2009 10:47 am

I forgot to add that you should still get checked up for the other options you mentioned ie Concussion and Thyroid just to be safe ok.
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Postby epfleger » Fri May 22, 2009 3:20 pm


Jesus Christ you sound just like me the first time I logged on to this site looking for answers. As Allen pointed out, your symptoms are like MANY on this board. Brain fog, muscle problems, nerve problems and joint problems are the damage that statins leave in their wake. Don't despair!

Start perusing this forum - it is an excellent resource for both statin symptoms and for possible mediation of statin symptoms. I, as well as many others here, remain convinced that statins caused problems with our mitochondria. This manifests itself in a whole host of non-specific yet very troubling disorders.

I would DEFINITELY go see a doctor. However, don't be surprised if your doctor asserts that your symptoms could not possibley be statin related. Most doctors are clueless when it comes to statin side effects. I would even bet that, after many tests, you find that no one can pinpoint any specific illness. In my case I had all kinds of tests including MRI, multiple x-rays and too many blood tests to count looking for all sorts of disorders. All came back negative. Yet still I have terrible problems with brain fog and painful joints.

You may also consider starting a supplement regimen. Most people on this board would agree that CoQ10 and carnitine are essential for keeping the side effects at least partially in check. You will learn much more as you become familiar with this board, and don't be afraid to ask questions.

In the end, if your problems are indeed statin related, consider yourself lucky that you're off that poison before the damage got any worse.

Welcome to the forum!

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Postby Cat Mom2 » Sat May 23, 2009 10:08 am

Sounds exactly like my story on statins. I didn't have a clue how much of my energy they had stolen until I got off of them... all I knew was something was wrong and getting worse and worse but because of the head fog, things just weren't registering. It was stealing my life as each day passed, I knew it, was terrified, didn't know how to stop it. I was hardly able to take care of myself anymore, had just about given up on driving, unable to perform at work (because of the memory and fog and loss of energy). I knew I was within a year of not being able to work or take care of myself and DID NOT KNOW WHY!

A TV commercial by a lawyer filing a law suite against Lipitor brought it to my attention and I got on the internet and started searching. That lawyers commercial SAVED MY LIFE!

I immediately quit the drug and was astounded at the changes in how I felt and my energy level! It came back with such a rush that everybody wanted to know what I was taking...

July will be my 3rd year statin free and I have told my kids that while I may drop dead of a heart attack now, at least I was working and remembered who they were until the end!

I am eating healthy now and my cholesterol in October was 228, in April it was 225.. Which is way to low for me to feel my best so I increased my fat intake but have enjoyed eating healthier so I always go back to eating that way and it goes back down.
Cat Mom2
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Postby Brian C. » Sat May 23, 2009 11:42 pm

Puzzled by your last sentence CatMom. Why have you opposed "eating healthier" to "increasing fat intake"? Sounds like you still have the meme ingrained in your brain. Eating fats is essential to health, providing they are natural and unoxydized. "Up with the fats and down with the carbs" is the antithesis to the promulgated false doctrine that has led to the huge upsurge in obesity and diabetes due in large part to the displacement of high protein, high fat traditional breakfasts by sugared cereals.

Cook with natural saturated fats such as palm and coconut oil since they are least modified (oxydized) by the cooking process.

Of course the problem is finding a retail source since they are unlikely to be stocked by your local supermarket.

Brian C.
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statin drugs

Postby gotts1936 » Sun May 24, 2009 10:00 am

I have to agree with you. Seven years ago, I went on a diet similar to the Eskimos and the cowboys in Argentina. For a little over six months I only ate meat, malt liquor and an occasional apple. I lost 29 pounds during that period of my life. I felt great. Of course, this was a number of years prior to being put on a statin drug.
I have thought about going back on that diet and, at 73 years old, die happy.
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Postby Allen1 » Sun May 24, 2009 2:52 pm

Hi there Brian,

I think Cat Mom2 was referring to a previous post about eating healthier ie:- "(Just made smarter choices as to what I ate)" and as she says, she will increase her fat intake when the need arises.

Me, well I will eat just about anything when I really should do as you and Cat Mom2 does and avoid all the ready made processed stuff that shops sell. I don't have the energy to make a meal from scratch very often, even then, you have no idea of how your nice fresh vegetables and choice of meat etc has been treated before you even start.

It seems that no matter what you eat, somewhere along the lines, man has intervened and added or sprayed one chemical or another on it!

All the best,
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Postby Brian C. » Mon May 25, 2009 2:49 am

My wife has made a start growing our own veggies this year. Experimental phase and asparagus takes a couple of years to establish apparently anyway.

Working towards meeting most of our needs in that department.

Berries next.

Brian C.
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Postby Allen1 » Mon May 25, 2009 3:45 am

Hi there Brian,

that sounds good especially the way things are going price wise nowadays. Raspberries, strawberries and gooseberries are about the easiest things to grow, unfortunately raspberries tend to spread out and pop up all over the garden unless they are potted. I never had any luck with potatoes though, they would grow ok but every one of mine was being eaten by slugs, I hate those little pests.

Good luck with the project,
Allen :)
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Postby Brian C. » Mon May 25, 2009 9:18 am

Thanks Allen. No potatoes planned.

My wife is using raised beds and has put copper strip around the perimeters to keep the slugs off. The fruit trees and berry bushes will be in individual containers.

Son and girlfriend have just taken home some homegrown spinach :)

Brian C.
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