Low cholesterol/low Energy?

A forum to discuss personal experiences and share information on statins and other cholesterol lowering drugs.

Low cholesterol/low Energy?

Postby Cat Mom2 » Fri May 29, 2009 10:23 am

The one thing I have noticed is everytime I start having low energy and start feeling really bad, my cholesterol is in the 220's. When I am feeling good and allow it to be checked, it is in the 250's range. I seem to be weaker when it is low and stronger when it is high. I am being told this is not possiable or cholesterol related..

Am I crazy, is this possiable? I have no idea of what my cholesterol numbers are before I have them checked so it can't be wishful thinking.. I start feeling bad and go to the doctor and we all know the first thing they do is order blood work. You go for your annual and blood work is always ordered for that.

Has anyone else experienced low energy with low cholesterol? Can anyone explaine it to me?
Cat Mom2
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Postby David Staup » Fri May 29, 2009 11:09 am


I won't waste my money having my cholesterol checked but I have been eating many foods high in fat and cholesterol. I try to start each day with bacon (5 slices) eggs (3 jumbo fried in bacon grease) and toast with lots of butter (the bread is whole grain made with whole eggs and milk) then have mostly fruits, vegetables, and cheeses for lunch mid afternoon meat snack often and then meats, cheeses, and vegetables for dinner. then often have a fruit snack later. I have noticed a definate connection between enery during the day and the high cholesterol breakfast.... I now force myself to do the whole thing every day no matter how I feel.

David Staup
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lopw cholesterol

Postby eml256 » Sat May 30, 2009 9:21 am

are you asking about low energy accompanied by taking one of the statin drugs or just low energy associated with low total cholesterol levels?
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Postby Cat Mom2 » Sat May 30, 2009 10:41 am

Low energy with low cholesterol.. I been off that stuff for almost 3 years.
Cat Mom2
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Postby maule5662h » Fri Dec 24, 2010 2:02 pm

DAVID -- I have looked through your 15 webpages of posts on spacedoc.

You really are a mess health-wise, and love-life-wise, and grasping at supplements and medical treatments to keep surviving. Your nutrition is atrocious. Make the huge changes to the optimal nutrition for us humans, herbivores, and get better results than from any supplements, medications, medical procedures, operations, etc.

Dr. McDougall discusses the treatment of multiple sclerosis (MS) and other autoimmune diseases with a low-fat diet.

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Postby lars999 » Fri Dec 24, 2010 3:00 pm

Cat Mom,

I doubt, but have no solid information, that cholesterol is a direct cause of your feeling low. If anything, I would suspect that cholesterol is simply correlative with whatever the real cause is -- and I would suspect that there are many. Two cases I know of personally are described below. Perhaps they provide some useful ideas of what to look for -- I have seriouis doubts that doctors will find the problem, especially following your repeated lack of long lasting results from them.

Feeling "low" is probably not accidental. For one of my friends the cause was a nasty sinus infection that was never totally killed by the antibiotics used, so, it kept coming back, dragging her down, even sending her to emergency rooms. Once a culture was taken and an effective antibiotic prescribed, the cyclic illness ceased. I once had an infected tooth that took a while to identify and fix -- it too was "on again, off again" in its behavior. Once fixed, that cyclic problem ceased.

Best wishes,
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Postby Allen1 » Fri Dec 24, 2010 6:23 pm

OK then its guess what a certain doctor will get up to next, our resident troll has amassed quite a few posts declaring his errrrrm errr admiration towards a certain doctor

Lets play what will Dr. McDougall discuss next YEAH that's more like it, here is a few to get it started :lol:

Dr. McDougall discusses the treatment bad nutrition on Vegan diets
Dr. McDougall discusses the treatment of bad wind in lifts, that is wrong on so many levels
Dr. McDougall discusses the treatment of sycophants who won't go away
Dr. McDougall discusses the treatment of Stalkers who keep posting about him
Dr. McDougall discusses the treatment of Patients who have unhealthy interests in a certain doctor!
Dr. McDougall discusses the treatment by a hero worshipping vegan Stalker
Dr. McDougall discusses the treatment of multiple personalities brought on by mad cabbage disease.

Merry Xmas everyone, I thought that problems like those above were more likely to be caused by the effects that statins have on brain function to which I have seen first hand as in the way they affect myself. For goodness sake If I knew that just eating vegetables could cause so much mental deprivation, I wouldn't have had those brussel sprouts with my dinner yesterday, the wind and bad breath was bad enough never mind going do-lally too :?
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Read TX & England Posts: ENOUGH SAID!

Postby maule5662h » Fri Dec 24, 2010 7:13 pm

Read TX & England Posts: ENOUGH SAID!

If you find the best nutrition guidance for health from these two demeaning characters, then enjoy your shorter and more miserable life.

Optimal nutrition from humans is the primary treatment of all health problems. You are what you eat.

And I have not posted on here for a long while. Lars could use the education, too.

Note that I pointed you to many experts. Just so happens that they all are singing from almost the same songbook.

Enjoy Christmas eve. And have a happier, healthier New Year 2011!
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Postby lars999 » Fri Dec 24, 2010 8:18 pm

Lars is an absolutely hopeless case, having survived repeated attempts of doctors and health faddists to kill him, at least to make his life miserable. Veggie eaters -- ha, ha, ha!

He may well be around for another 10-20-30 years, after all, ALL of his ancesters survived 90+/-12 years, in various countries (China, Russia, Finland, Sweden, England, USA, to name the main ones), eating quite a wide variety of foods (nearly all condemed by vegans), across several centuries. So far Lars is a piker boy, only been around 71 years, even with help of all those yummy dead animals.

From the formost expert on Lars and his diet.
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Postby maule5662h » Fri Dec 24, 2010 11:40 pm

Lars --


Reading the posts of you three, a person can see that you created your major health problems for yourselves, along with a big shove from the medical businesses!

Be aware that the 3rd leading cause of death is the medical businesses. Two doctors told me that if the death certificates were truthful, that would be the leading cause of death!

As I probably mentioned, I'll be 75 in Jan. 2011 and am healthy and on no medicines or supplements and educated by the best healthy lifestyle experts and have become one myself! Being on a whole-foods, plant-based optimal nutrition for humans route, for the last eight years, pays off big and is not a burden and is with very tasty foods.

Others reading these forum discussions can benefit from my posts and sources. Darwin's survival of the fittest will take out the scofflaws via an early sickly dimise.

Lars, at least you have been civil, which I appreciate.

Enjoy the holidays and the immediate times that you have left.

K. :roll:
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Postby Allen1 » Sat Dec 25, 2010 5:31 am

Merry Christmas to one and all :)

Turkey dinner with all the trimmings for dinner today, I will have to have it a bit late though due to the lovely breakfast my daughter made me this morning, 2 fried eggs a couple of rashers of bacon. some sausages, black pudding, tomatoes and mushrooms, it was delicious.

maule M8,

we all know that vegetables and fruit are good as part of a balanced diet, we didn't just arrive on planet earth yesterday you know. Your fixation on vegetables though is grossly worrisome and totally unsupported apart from a few border line fanatics who wouldn't know a good thing if it bit them in the Butt!

If you were a comedian on stage, I reckon there would be a lot of folk throwing tomatoes at you right now and most of those would still be in their tins!
You keep mentioning your site and other totally silly references, I would have thought that they would possibly amuse some of your friends if you haven't already Pi**ed them off, but come on M8 they are pretty rubbish and have nothing to do with recovering from statin induced health problems have they?

Please refrain from eating fruitcake as that must be the cause of these scary non facts that you keep spouting off. We are what we eat don't you know old chap :)

Have a nice Xmas and watch you don't choke on your yummy celery stick :roll:
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Postby lars999 » Sat Dec 25, 2010 10:53 am

Happy Hollidays to all!!!

For Swedes Christmass has 30 days and starts on Sankta Lucia, 13 December (winter solstice on old calendar). This is one of advantages of being Swedish!! God Jul!!

For Russians there is New Year and then Russian Orthodox Christmass on 07 Jan.

For Chinese there is always New Year -- and lots of firecrackers.

For Americans there is Christmass today and then New Years. Merry Christmass!

We do them all.

No idea what vegans do. However, at USA Thanksgiving one year a vegan brought a Tofu Turkey. Now, with part of my roots in Shanghai, I could have assumed that was just another among the innumerable ways of fixing tofu, and that might have been correct answer. In China, if you don't know what the food is, then it is most likely tofu. I really miss real Chinese food!! -- but not tofu so much .....

Breakfast today is Norwegian lefse, Danish Ginger spread, Swedish lingonberry preserves, and blueberry-lime preserves, with real butter and lots of strong black coffee (the Finnish influence).

Christmass dinner will be a mix of Swedish, German and American foods.

May all eat and drink well and be happy!! And Cat Mon, heres to happy cholesterol level!!
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