A Dr. who 'gets' the problem

A forum to discuss personal experiences and share information on statins and other cholesterol lowering drugs.

A Dr. who 'gets' the problem

Postby cjbrooksjc » Fri Jun 05, 2009 4:10 pm

You can leave supportive comments on this (below) site. This gentleman, Dr. Nissen, of the Cleveland Heart Clinic gets it! From the invalidity of broad-based Statin use, to alternative treatment options, to the ineffectiveness of the FDA, and he's not afraid to claim it openly.



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Postby Biologist » Fri Jun 05, 2009 7:28 pm

Hi, Brooks.

I would not trust Dr. Nissen as far as I could throw him. I have seen him in action before. He is merely stating the obvious long after it has become well known (e.g., many books have long been written on several of his "beefs").

But your comment on the site was great!

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Postby cjbrooksjc » Fri Jun 05, 2009 8:35 pm

Biogolist: Boy, the guy had me fooled, but regardless - as long as he is getting on the bandwagon, I'm all for it. If he is taking a ride I don't care. As long as he looks like a convert, walks like a convert, and hangs out with other converts... We'll just put him in the back row and keep an eye on him. :)


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Postby Allen1 » Sat Jun 06, 2009 5:27 am

Hi there Brooks,

I can only agree with what Biologist has stated, I have in the past read some of Dr Nissen's comments on statin trials and their use, although most of his comments or articles do end with a health warning, the impression that they leave makes any reader doubt if there really are any problems associated with statins.

I do however like what he said in this article and it is just a shame that it wasn't extended to use statins only as a last resort for people who actually need them:-

We all know statin patents are coming to an end, a lot of folk ie Dr's seem to all of a sudden be crying "I have seen the light", this may be because they are seeing the results of the harm they have caused or purely because the money is no longer being thrown around with brand X.

Brooks, from reading the article you posted at the start of this thread, there are some worrying things that he mentions like "including extended patent rights for innovative medications" for example. The whole article can also be read as "this bloke is sitting on the fence to see what happens next".

I sincerely hope I am wrong, but more wonder drugs that cause as much harm as statins have and to have any side effects hushed up the way these were is not what we need at all. My outlook on the article is that there is something about to come on the market already and it is just waiting for the right time.

I really can't figure why I am so cynical these days! :evil:
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Postby cjbrooksjc » Sat Jun 06, 2009 2:36 pm

Allen: You're cynical because you wake up every morning and you know something is wrong, and you know why, but you don't know who to trust to get you well or get you justice. If you don't know who the puppets are, you don't know who's pulling the strings either; it makes us all suspicious... 'cynical' is just another adjective.

I appreciate your views on Nissen. I've read some of his past articles, and find them highly suspect, but we can hope.

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stephen nissen

Postby eml256 » Sat Jun 06, 2009 3:38 pm

Dr. Nissen made his reputation on statins. His foundation which receives all his current funding from pharmaceutical entities (because he was getting such bad press about all the pharma $$ he received) is completely controlled by him. On our bandwagon--yeah, i'll get back to you.
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Postby Allen1 » Sat Jun 06, 2009 4:57 pm

Hi there Brooks,

you and me have shared at least 95% of the same symptoms caused by statins. In many of your posts you have reminded me of so many of the horrors that I also endured that have been overtaken by, or included something else again and again. Every time we think things are getting better, something else happens. I have spent around about a month with severe pain that comes and goes in my right hip area, you can prod and poke that area but there does not appear to be a source for the pain as in a pulled muscle or the likes. The pain by the way is very strong and disables me, a few minutes later it can also disappear only to return later on for no apparent reason. I mention this because unlike the Dr's who are jumping ship and will be remembered for exposing what was already exposed and suddenly becoming one of the "GOOD GUY's", who will then go on to find new methods to get rich and probably harm millions more patients, we of course will be conveniently forgotten about and have to survive the best we can, much the same as we do now!

I understand your point of getting this into the open and the more doctors the better etc. There will no doubt be genuine incidents where Dr's become enlightened and do something about it, however there will be even more trying to worm their way out and hoping they appear to be one of the "GOOD GUY's" by doing something at the 11th hour!

Justice should be seen to be done, too many doctors and specialists know or knew about the harm that is being done and did nothing to stop it as long as there was money coming their way, for those individuals, there is absolutely no excuse at all.

Nice one eml256 that is what I am talking about :)
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Postby cjbrooksjc » Sat Jun 06, 2009 7:24 pm

Allen: Yes, I have the hip pain too - at the top of the 'gluteus max'; some days so much worse than others - TODAY for instance! I get a muscle biopsy from my upper thigh tomorrow to try to determine the source (ha!) of my problems. I will post any results (it takes some weeks to obtain them). I also took receipt of a FIR sauna this week which my sons-in-law will 'help me' assemble tomorrow. I will also begin prednisolone therapy next week. LOTS TO LOOK FORWARD TO! I'll post the results.

And, finally, let me say I UNDERSTAND the negative views re: Nissen. My hope was not to convince our group that he was misunderstood but to lure him into the light from the dark side; hence my response to the link.... ANYWAAAY... I have not gone dotty. I do know Nissen's past - just trying to encourage him a bit :) . One can hope, yes? Please re-holster your guns.


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Postby Allen1 » Sun Jun 07, 2009 4:35 am

Hi there Brooks,

My guns are duly holstered, it's good to see that you haven't gone "dotty" on us. I hope your biopsy shows up the cause of the pain, I think it is a nerve reaction as in nerve damage where a signal is being sent that says that area is damaged and interpreted as severe pain. Apart from memory problems and fatigue etc, I am now putting on more weight due to not getting around because of this pain.

It will also be good to see how the Far Infra Red Sauna's work out when Brian and yourself get them up and running. It seems like we are clutching at straws to find a cure for all the problems that this poison has caused, look at how many tests we have endured and all the money wasted on trying to get some relief. This is why I am mad with people like Dr Nissen, they could have done something about it, but here we are damaged and still often disbelieved because certain people kept things quiet or played down any mention of problems.

All the best Brooks and I appreciate and respect your idea and thinking, it is just a shame that I can't say the same for those people who could have done something other than get rich. :(

Isn't MONEY wonderful :twisted:
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Postby cjbrooksjc » Sun Jun 07, 2009 10:32 am

I'll keep all posted on the results. I am hopeful, but I've been shocked, bled, prodded, scoped, etc. nearly to death; so, I don't know what to expect. I have wanted to get this biopsy test done for some time; it's just taken this long to build a supportive case for it.

I do appreciate your frustration. There should be particularly harsh penalties for violating the public trust for personal gain; beginning with stocks and pillories and graduating up from there! Coming to my home and mowing my acre of St. Augustine would be in there somewhere... I think I heard it plotting a takeover last night. Guess I'll have to trundle out there today and cut it down to size... just the thought makes me groan. :)


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Postby Allen1 » Sun Jun 07, 2009 2:37 pm

Hi there Brooks,

good luck with the biopsy test, I have never had one either apart from the camera down your throat type, but I think at times like these, the best thing would be to try and distract yourself and play it as it happens (easier said than done though).

I don't envy your mowing job either, my garden is nowhere near that size but I ended up killing everything in it with weed killer as I couldn't manage it. That was meant as a temporary measure about 3 years ago, hoping things on the health front would improve, but so far the only gardening I have done is to spray more weed killer when needed.

If you have trouble with the mowing, maybe one of your sons-in-law will assist you, sometimes we do need a hand (even when we feel the need for our independence).

All the best,
Allen :)
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Postby eml256 » Sun Jun 07, 2009 2:53 pm

Hi There, Brooks, glad to know your intention behind comment about Nissen. And best of luck with the biopsy. You probably know this already (and i could check via old postings, but do not have the time at present) but Dr. Paul Phillips, Interventional Cardiologist at Scripps Mercy Hosp in San Diego, Ca, authored several small studies on patients with biopsy proven damage fromstatins. If you are not familiar with his work you could search it out.
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Postby cjbrooksjc » Sun Jun 07, 2009 6:11 pm

eml: I have read some of Dr. Phillips' letters, but I'll go back for a refresher, thanks.

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Postby cjbrooksjc » Sun Jun 07, 2009 9:46 pm

Allen: Yes, my sons-in-law have already offered (I think at my daughters' urging), but I, as the rest of us, hate to concede these small responsibilities. My usual job is killing things my wife finds undesirable= mix-stand-squirt; I'm still good at that. I also stubbornly refuse to pay someone to do the job for me (my mother would roll in her grave, bless her depression era soul).

Thanks for the encouragement. By around 1:45 your time tomorrow I should be under the knife, or pick, or whatever they use.

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Postby Allen1 » Mon Jun 08, 2009 3:42 am

Hi there Brooks,

its 9:30 am here in the UK, I'm not sure if you have had the procedure yet or if it is later on. Either way I hope it wasn't too bad and that you heal quickly and painlessly, it is good of you to also keep us informed of the experience and the results when they become available.

All the best mate,
Allen :)
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Postby cjbrooksjc » Mon Jun 08, 2009 9:51 pm

I found out today that the actual procedure will take place on the 16th; not today. AND I was told the procedure is a lot more complex than I originally thought. It's not just a plug but a deep muscle excise from the inner thigh through a four inch incision. Sedation is required and the surgery is performed in a hospital. I can't begin the prednisone therapy until this is done and healing is nearly complete, so this is beginning to string out a bit more that I find comfortable, but that's the way it is.

This sharing of trial and result is one of the most beneficial aspects of this site; always was, and I'm happy to be able to do my part.

On the good side, I have the sauna installed and it works great! I didn't get to use it today, but I did yesterday, and found it relaxing. How it will effect the problem is something I won't know until I've been using it for some weeks. It heats to 150 degrees F, but at a modest 120 degrees F, the infrared really heats deep down. I'm sure I won't regret the purchase.


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Postby Brian C. » Tue Jun 09, 2009 2:56 am

Glad you're enjoying your FIR sauna Brooks, still waiting for mine after more than a month. They've got my money too.

I strongly recommend you purchase Dr Glen Gordon's Heal-EM pulser to hasten the healing of your biopsy wound. It certainly worked for me directly after my septoplasty. Thanks to the FDA it can only be purchased through a pet shop! Here's a supplier...


All credit to adec for this.

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Postby Allen1 » Tue Jun 09, 2009 2:59 am

Hi there Brooks,

the biopsy sure does sound extreme and not what I was expecting either. I suppose on the good side it seems that the bigger cuts tend to heal easier at least that's been true in my case. Try not to worry too much about the operation, this will be just another day at the office for the surgeons who perform it, and once its over you will probably think "Blimey is that it?". It is amazing how good surgeons are, I think the worst part of an operation is the worrying we do about it, in reality, the actual operation is generally easier than what we expect, that goes for the healing too.

That's good news about your sauna being up and running, I sincerely hope that it does help to detoxify the body or at least give some relief from the aches and pains we have acquired during our years of wonder drug abuse, oops that should have read Statin therapy :-)

Take care and try not to think about/worry too much ok, and while you are in the sauna, if you start getting strong hunger pangs and you start drooling, I think you may need to get out as you are now staring to cook :-)

All the best,
Allen :-)
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Postby Brian C. » Tue Jun 09, 2009 10:31 am

Take a chicken in there with you :D
Brian C.
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Postby cjbrooksjc » Tue Jun 09, 2009 10:31 am

Brian & adec: Thanks for the heads up. I'll look into it.

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