by Ray Holder » Sun Jun 28, 2009 10:03 am
Hi Biologist
I had signs of heart failure when I was about 80, due to statins and also carnitine deficiency due to earlier polio. I had kept this at bay using sufficient Q10 and L carnitine. I had varied the amounts mainly by watching my blood pressure, I only took a nitrate tablet in addition as my adrenaline would drive it up when I got concentrating on something like an interesting TV programme , or was on the phone.
This worked well until I had a bad batch of L carnitine a year ago, when signs of heart failure, (at night) showed up as pink flecks in my spit, unfortunately tipping me over the edge, as the heart weakness overnight (carnitine deficiency) was causing a little odema to collect in my lungs. This culminated in inability to get my breath early one morning, and I had to call an ambulance. The cure was almost as bad as the disease, diuretics, which have had some bad side effects, and restricted my life badly ever since.
I would recommend your Dad takes adequate quantities of Q10 ( I now take QH, ubiquinol, (not the water soluble variety), 5x100 mg daily, and now need 16 grams of L carnitine as well, but I believe my carnitine need is largely due to previous polio. Some people had a non paralytic light form of polio infection, which also seems to cause carnitine deficiency later in life,
Some BP meds can cause carnitine transporter inhibition, as in a link recently showed in research at Maryland, diltiazem being a fairly well used BP and heart drug, which also increases the problem from statins.
Unfortunately there is no simple way of testing the levels of Q10 and carnitine. It would be good if something like the blood prick used by diabetics were available, but that seems to be a long way off. Experiment, before things get too far advanced, seems to be the only way. Carnitine can be increased gradually until bowels object, a way to get to the maximum useful amount, and watching what controls BP adequately for Q10.
I get outdoors rarely, and have added Vit D3 to my supplements
Diuretics are the main weapon of thje doctors, but I would suggest getting his energy resources up to scratch before further drug use, and especially NO STATINS.