I guess my BIG question is this: How many people injured or killed by any drug is too many? Where do we draw the line and say that use of a drug(s) is worth the risks? How do we decide that injuring and maiming is o.k. if a handful of people benefit?
Why do we do recalls on dangerous cars or appliances if not ALL will be hurt from it? I just don't understand the logic that goes into making the decision that the good of the few outweighs the good of the many.
Especially since some of these side effects can be permanent.
Obviously these drugs are not monitored by most Drs. very well, so why can't the medical commuity just admit this class of drugs carries too many risks to outweigh any (potential/ I don't buy all the hype) good?
My Dr. wanted me to go on Zoloft for headache prevention. Said that even though my headaches very well may subside with menopause (hormonal) I'd be on the Zoloft for life! WHY? I have read too many horror stories about that one and withdrawals and side effects.
No thanks! Same goes for Fosamax...another medical scam that so many have bought into thanks to the slick marketing techniques that BIG PHARM uses now for all their poisions.
All the risks with these "wonder" drugs (no one wants to age anymore..need a "magic" youth pill) are too much for me to chance. I want quality of life after 50, not be practically disabled thanks to a drug.
My mother in law was on statins quite some time before her memory loss started. That scares me too. How do you know just when your lucky roulette spin side effect will kick in?
I hope your health continues. If it were me, my husband or any other loved one, I'd say no to statins!
The so called benefit just isn't worth it. The studies show that the % of those who improved their (so called) risk was less than 1%! 1%!!! Big Deal....I'll take my chances with diet, exercise, common sense.