You MUST listen to this radio show interview!!

A forum to discuss personal experiences and share information on statins and other cholesterol lowering drugs.

You MUST listen to this radio show interview!!

Postby cjbrooksjc » Sat Jul 25, 2009 2:16 pm

This is a must listen for all of us. If you are not familiar with or belong to the Weston A. Price foundation, you can get info at **

Go get a snack and tune in to this radio show interview, replete with commercials; if you didn't believe the accusations before, you will now.

The displayed screen has a gray progress control button near the top. You can use it to skip thru the ads. Select program #333 (lucky no.) and it will begin. It is about 40 minutes long. Take notes :)



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Postby Allen1 » Sat Jul 25, 2009 3:43 pm

That was an excellent show Brooks, great find and well worth a listen to :)
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Postby Cat Mom2 » Sat Jul 25, 2009 4:11 pm

Thanks for posting this link, this is exactly what I have been looking for to send around.. It covers EVERYTHING in our arguements against statins right there and you can sit back and relax as you listen..

It is WELL WORTH spending your time listening to! Worth every minute!
Cat Mom2
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Postby Biologist » Sun Jul 26, 2009 10:44 am

Nice find, Brooks.

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Postby bradford » Mon Jul 27, 2009 8:18 am

I've never heard of the statin shuffle.
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Postby cjbrooksjc » Mon Jul 27, 2009 11:21 am

I can tell you from experience that it exists. For some reason your feet don't quite clear the floor as you walk. :?

Mine went away after about 6 month off statins.

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Postby Allen1 » Mon Jul 27, 2009 5:37 pm

I can also vouch for that problem, it was well over 9 months for mine to go away after stopping statins, it does tend to re-appear when I am not feeling well though. I have to literally THINK about walking to overcome it, I have also mentioned in the past about being overtaken by old age pensioners, it is then that you realize just how slow you are moving. Now I have Arthritis in my left foot, isn't life just one happy event after another ;-)

Who would have thought that I would physically be 70 at the age of 53?
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Postby David Staup » Mon Jul 27, 2009 7:04 pm

In addition to the shuffle I also had real problems turning... it's hard to explain but basically unless I was consiously thinking about it the message didn't make it to both feet/legs and I often stumbled in the process...fortunalely that eventually stopped... I had forgotten about it

John nice find..I'm hoping that I can get my daughter to listen to it not for the statin part but for the low fat low cholesterol folly

David Staup
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Postby cjbrooksjc » Mon Jul 27, 2009 7:36 pm

David: All normal locomotive activity was impaired for me. Stairs were awful. I once bent over in the front yard to adjust a sprinkler head and just kept going right on my face, and then, for a few moments, stayed helpless in that tent-like position before falling over on my side. My wife began crying. It was shortly after that I went on a search for answers and found help. Also, anyone involved in the life of a statinized person should listen to this broadcast - it is so much easier than reading all the boilerplate.

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Postby David Staup » Tue Jul 28, 2009 11:20 am

you're right about all activity impairment, I just remembered one where I was reaching to open my vehicle door while looking at my keys( it's one where you pull up and out on the handle) and the rotation of my hand to come up under the handle was not done and when my fingers contacted the door beneath the handle it was the strangest sensation...I had to look and see to figure out what was going led me to understand that it was sequencial thins that were the problem...boy am I gled that went away relatively quickly.

and of course your right about having all involved with a victom hear the broadcast...I wish it had been around long my wife still chooses to believe I'm faking it and we are seperated and soon to divorce..she was the one who found this site then went into denial to the point that she wouldn't eat anything I cooked (to high in fat and cholesterol) and since she never learned to cook would only eat oat meal, fruits, and veggies.. she did this to prove lowering ones cholesterol had no effect on her!

I see i've said more than needed but feel better for having gotten it off my chest sorry for the rant

David Staup
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Postby cjbrooksjc » Tue Jul 28, 2009 11:28 am

David: I'll reply privately.

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Postby Cat Mom2 » Tue Jul 28, 2009 12:33 pm

I too, had the statin shuffle and a lot of difficulty going up/down stairs and especially squatting down and getting up which was horriably painful..

I reconize the statin shuffle in others when I see it and everytime I see someone walking like that I ask if they are on a statin drug and 100% say "yes!".. I keep asking why is it that if I reconize it, how come doctors DON'T?..... I think it is because they simply don't want to.
Cat Mom2
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Postby Biologist » Thu Jul 30, 2009 9:00 pm

I thought the following URL is very good. Not as good as Brook's find, but it's well worth reading. (I particularly like the study-based revelation on fish oil versus statins which we have, so it appears, correctly hypothesized about before on this forum.) There are one or two minor technical concerns here and there, in my opinion (while he may be right and I may be wrong on them), but by and large, it is very good. I think it would be a good print out for your doctor. It sure covers a lot of bases.

It's also good because of the Massive Error it contains. It demonstrates the major error that has damaged and/or ruined many lives -- including our own. We see here how entrenched this fallacy is. Here's what we would like to ask our doctors when we hand them this article:

"Doctor, there is a glaring problem found in this article. Deadly misinformation inadvertently passed on by -- of all people -- this well intentioned author. In addition to killing millions and maiming millions more, this misinformation has cost tens, if not hundreds, of billions of dollars in wasted health care expenditures (thereby killing additional people) and continues to destroy your credibility and ruin your professional reputation. To be blunt, it is why you have damaged and killed patients in your practice. Can you tell me what the error is? Do not feel too bad, most doctors also fail. But please tell me if you can find it. Take your time.

Here's the article. See if you can find the deadly error:


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Postby Biologist » Thu Jul 30, 2009 9:06 pm

The author from the URL cited in the above post started a paragraph with the following:

"As we shall see, statin drugs reduce the risk of
death by repeat heart attacks by as much as 30%"

Ooops. Way wrong. Deadly wrong.

Be sure to print out this URL for your doctor too:


Look for the following example of deadly misinformation from "Modern Medicine's Sleight of Hand" and the author's explaination of the killer mathematics:

"Cholesterol-lowering statin drugs lower the risk for a heart attack by 30%...

A naïve reader would get the false impression that these drugs will result in
30 fewer heart attacks per 100 statin drug users...

But cardiologists will look directly into their patients’ eyes and tell them they
may die of a heart attack if they don’t take the drug. Actually, there is little
chance of benefiting from statin drugs, and more risk of experiencing side
effects, like elevated liver enzymes and muscle degradation, which is a
mortal risk in itself...

Even doctors are fooled by the relative numbers. A study of internists and
general practitioners who prescribe cholesterol medications found they were
less likely to prescribe these medications when the benefits were reported in
absolute rather than relative percentages. [British Medical Journal 309:
761–64, 1994]"

The killing of patients has to do with the millions of people who later drop dead of a heart attack after being given a "clean bill of heart health" when their lipid testing results are returned. These lipid tests are almost always absolutely meaningless and particularly when compared to real diagnostic testing (e.g., homocysteine and high sensitivity CRP levels). In their fixation on selling statins -- moving product for Pharma -- nonexistent risk factors are assessed and mistreated while the real ones go unchecked. And people die. Those who fail the test and get statinized don't fare any better -- in addition to all else, they get heart failure from the lowering of their already declining CoQ10 levels. ("Sorry you misguided medical fools. Statins do that." -- Malcolm Kendrick, MD). They do not significantly lower cardiovascular disease rates -- for any group. Fish oil, on its own, does much better -- and that's just for starters. The reason doctors believe statins are good "evidenced based medicine" is solely due to a statistical trick -- a lie.

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Postby Biologist » Thu Jul 30, 2009 9:11 pm

This should work better for the first hyperlink:


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