New to forum, glad I found while searching for information to fill in missing pieces of my puzzle. Will try to be brief
Age 51 - on Zocor for 10 years after trying to reduce cholesterol by weight management and strict diet. It wouldn't budge. 230 total cholesterol at that time
Starting Dose: 20 mg
Diagnosed with autoimmune Hashimoto thyroid disease the following year which most likely the high cholesterol was a flag that something else was brewing
Dose increased to 40 mg - total cholesterol still holding at 200
Muscle pain, joint pain from onset of starting treatment - was told pain was diffuse inflammatory osteoarthritis, multiple sites.
Extreme fatigue and "wiped out feeling" with bouts of dizziness, easy to fall asleep when sitting down to read or catch news
Zetia added about 1-1/2 years ago. Total cholesterol dropped to 159, HDL 44, LDL 92, Tri 117. Yes, the Zetia worked, but not worth feeling like you are slowly dying!!!!!!!!!
PTH 92, Vitamin D Deficiency, Osteoporosis now appears diagnosed 12/2005
Bone, muscle, joint pain running 7-8 - chronic pain and stiffness
Difficulty sleeping at night
Vision issues intermittently
Major weakness and exhaustion, feel like leg muscles are wasting away - a major chore to walk the dogs and do ADL's
Absorption issues suspected, tested negative for Celiac Sprue and
referred to gastro for biopsy of small and large intestine
Creatinine clearance test upcoming along with CBC, Creatinine Blood, BUN tests
Stopped Zocor and Zetia two days ago and starting on regimen of COQ10, Fish Oil, Baby Aspirin and B Vitamins
Feel absolutely miserable and weak and very concerned that the statin and zetia are culprits for some of my symptoms. I had never felt so horrible until I started the Zocor and feel like I have lost 10 years of my life to aches, pains, depression and now some kind of absorption issue which has caused a FAST weight loss. I just want to crawl into a corner and sleep. Praying the supplement regimen will kick in and help me through this.
Best to all,