Is it rhabdomyolysis?

A forum to discuss personal experiences and share information on statins and other cholesterol lowering drugs.

Postby Cat Mom2 » Sun Nov 15, 2009 11:30 am

I have preached and preached to him to get copies of everything because I will ask a question and he don't know.. He has no clue what his cholesterol levels are even!

I think he needs someone to be there and do all this stuff for him but he has no one. He lives to far away for me to go do this stuff for him, even if he wanted me to.

Interesting that one of the treatments for Rhabdomyolysis is IV fluids. He has told the doctors he will NOT do dialysis if it comes to that... said he has a gun and will do his own treatment if it comes to that. Rather he would or not I don't know...
Cat Mom2
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Postby Cathy » Sun Nov 15, 2009 12:57 pm

Hi, its me again. OK so got the salt and stuff. You said mix it together and only drink this for a few days. Do you mean ONLY drink this, or are other liguids okay? I guess I need exact instructions! Since lipitor my brain doesn't always process thing the way it should. This way I can tape it to the inside of the cupboard so I don't forget. Thanks again....
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Postby David Staup » Sun Nov 15, 2009 2:40 pm


32 oz water
1/8 teaspoon lite salt
1/4 to 1/2 packet flavoring
1/4 to 1/2 cup brown sugar

I drank only this for weeks but my kidneys were pretty clogged and I was still doing to I drink about 32 oz electrolyte mix and all the rest other liquids each day

David Staup
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Postby Biologist » Sun Nov 15, 2009 7:36 pm

Something to consider: 32 ounces of water will give you a full milligram of fluoride depending on your location, which includes mine. Not a good idea, particularly for statin damaged people, in my opinion. I buy my drinking water in gallon jugs for about a dollar each from Sam's Club. The plastic checks out (per its stamped number on the bottom of the jugs) and the water checks out (per its lab analysis reporting -- unless they're lying). Here's a five minute video on the matter. Neurotoxicity is not mentioned, but it's perhaps the biggest issue of all. I have done a lot of reading on this subject. As I told my former doctor (and his lawyers): "Its hard to say if prescribing statins without recommending C0Q10 will ever be considered a criminal offence, we still put flouride in our water."


Not everyone agrees, including your doctor perhaps. Here's what the American Academy of Family Physicians has to say about it. Real sad:


I will be very busy over the coming months with additional responsibilities and will likely not be doing much posting, while I will be reading posts I'm sure. I may not get around to doing a couple of book reviews I had planned. So let me just recommend here Dr. Graveline's book "From Laika With Love: Secret Soviet Gifts to Apollo." It was fascinating read on NASA space flight and parts of his career. It appears Dr. Graveline has a long history of thinking outside the box and being right -- particularly where peoples' lives have been concerned.

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Postby David Staup » Sun Nov 15, 2009 7:53 pm

I guess I'm lucky...I live in an area where the water is not floridated
and forgot that most tap water is...

Cathy take note of this info from Biologist.

thanks for pointing this out,,and thank you for your prayers for my wife..she turned the corner on friday and we should soon know if there was brain damage..... signs have been encouraging

David Staup
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Location: granbury, texas

Postby Biologist » Sun Nov 15, 2009 8:07 pm

Good to hear, David.

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Postby Cat Mom2 » Fri Nov 20, 2009 12:22 pm

He called me again last night and he really sounds bad.. He told me they have him on 3 new meds and they have him feeling so bad he has quit taking them already. I asked him if he was still mixing up that mix of water to drink and he said he wasn't. I told him to get back on it.

I told him he just seems to keep getting worse and worse, the more doctors he sees, the more medications he takes... he keeps getting worse. I really think they are killing him!
Cat Mom2
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Postby David Staup » Fri Nov 20, 2009 12:41 pm

I understand your feeling and it may even be not entirely unfounded.

all I can say is you can only do so much and shouldn't blame yourself in any way. maybe you can get through to him eventually or maybe not...all you can do is try. where does he live, maybe we can locate someone nearby that can help.

David Staup
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Postby Cat Mom2 » Thu Jan 07, 2010 2:08 am

Update on my friend.. I was gone for 5 weeks, back to work on the boat. While I was gone I got a phone call from a man I have never met about Jim. He had been found, face down in the yard early one morning, barely consious and they were frantically looking for his next of kin. My number was found and they called me wanting to know if I knew who the next of kin was... It wasn't looking good for Jim.

His daughter was finally located in a nearby state and she made it down to look after her Dad. He was completely out of it for several days, confused and dazed and they didn't know why. He had no clue what had happened. My sister has talked to him and one day he knows who she is, and all is well with him, then the next day he thinks he hasn't spoken to her in years.

He was and has been in terriable shape for awhile, ever since that so called "treatment" he has went down fast. Normally a very clean person, they said his apartment was in shambles and a mess. He was messing on himself and unable to clean it or himself up. He is no longer able to live by himself or take care of himself so his daughter has taken him home to live with her so she can take care of him and look after his needs. They are thinking he has 4 different doctors, all giving him medications and some were not good mixes and caused this. I still think statins drugs are at the root of what is wrong with him because his mind has been slipping away for about a year now.

The man that called me said he found all of Jims medications and he had 17 that they had given him and in his terriably confused state, I think he was taking a lot more of them that anyone suspected..

My details are not very good because I am not getting any details from any reliable sources. I have only talked to Jim once since this happened because he is no longer answering his phone... I think his mind is so gone he couldn't tell you what he was or was not taking anyway.

I DO believe the doctors did this to him and that statins started this. While his brain was in tact, his symptoms were classic statin side effects and the doctors were treating every symptom he had with medications, not paying any attention to what he was already on, making him worse and worse until they darn near killed him. He was nothing but a cash cow to them and I am glad his daughter has gotten him away from them...

On another note.. A guy I work with his been on statins for several years. I have seen him walking many times and he can hardly walk due to that statin shuffel and the pain in his knees. This trip, I finally asked him what his cholesterol was... get this 147!!! I asked him if he had heart disease and he don't! I asked him if heart disease runs in his family, it don't! So I asked him if his doctors were plum NUTS!!! I gave him the statin drug speech again and explained to him the role of cholesterol in his body and told him I was amazed that he could even function with numbers that low. It scared him so he told me about a week later he had stopped taking it every day and was only taking it every other day. He didn't have to tell me he had cut back.. I SAW it in how he was walking already so I asked him how his knees felt and he looked stunned.. Until I asked him, he did not even realize that pain has stopped! He asked me how I knew to ask him about his knees... I told him because I been there, done that!

Ok, so now he is on a diet to control his cholesterol with my help. I have been coaching him on what to eat and making the right CHOICES.. I am ever so proud to tell you that since going on MY diet plan, he has lost 20 pounds and that was with 2 holidays with big meals and his "free days" on Saturdays where he could eat anything he wanted. 20 pounds in 4 weeks!
Cat Mom2
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Postby Allen1 » Thu Jan 07, 2010 5:53 am

Cat Mom2,

the way Jim has been treated throughout this ordeal is scandalous, I can only assume that each doctor was unaware of the medication that was prescribed by the others, or that Jim was meant to stop using some when swapped to another drug or was unable to communicate some of the information about the medications to the doctor he was seeing.

I do know about Statins ability to cause confusion to say the least, you are never quite sure if you took your medication, switched off the stove or even if you actually made or drank a cup of coffee and the likes. From briefly reading the posts, I wish Jim had gotten his daughter to look after him before things went so bad for him, that is easy to say after the event though. He is in caring hands now and hopefully what time he has left will be a more pleasant experience than that of the past few weeks. It is also good to know that friends like yourself managed to get in touch with his relatives and put an end to the helpless state Jim found himself in.

I also hope that the other Guy realises that your intervention may have saved him from further harm or worse, if only everyone else took the time to help others in this way, half of our problems would disappear.

All the very best,
Allen :)
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Postby David Staup » Thu Jan 07, 2010 11:23 am

miss kitty, :lol:

these stories make me so angry I could just spit!

I'm glad to hear every time one of us get's through to another victim...

keep up the good work!
David Staup
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Postby Cat Mom2 » Fri Jan 08, 2010 12:25 pm

I am so mad I could spit too! Even in phone conversations I could tell his mind was slipping... WHY didn't the doctors see it or did they and they just did not care? $$$$ I think they just did not care! He would do what they said without question like a puppet with them pulling the strings, the more they treated him, the worse he was getting until he was found face down in the yard..... When you have to call the doctors office to cancel and appointment because you are to weak to get out of bed... WHY didn't the alarm bells go off with those doctors?

If I were his daughter, I would be talking to a lawyer right now and see what could be done to stop doctors like that! They took a perfectly active man full of life and reduced him to a mindless cripple! He is on oxygen now and has to use a walker to get around and not able to take care of himself anymore.... THEY did this to him!

And it all began with a statin drug because all of society NEEDS (?) to be on this drug!
Cat Mom2
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Postby Cat Mom2 » Mon Jan 11, 2010 3:54 pm

I talked to Jim again last night and then again this morning. He kept thinking he was talking to my sister, then would remember who he was talking to without realizing he thought I was my sister a moment before. He told me EVERYTIME he urinates, he also has a bowel movement on himself. He is having to wear depends now and his daughter has to clean him up.... which tells me he is not able to bathe himself anymore. He dosen't go outside because he looses his balance to easy and has fallen many times... Sounds to me like he is completely bedridden now.

In our conversation I would ask him a question like "Have you found a new doctor up there where you are yet?" and he responded "I talked to the druggest about my medication, it cost a lot more up here!" I asked again if he had found new doctors yet and he goes on to tell me his daughter thinks he took to many pills yesterday.

I am so sad, the active, funny man I use to know is gone... will he ever be the same as he use to be? None of us think so. His mind is all but gone and he is wasting away to nothing. He told me he only weighs 140 pounds now because he just can't eat. I only can hope and pray that he finds a doctor that can turn this around as much as they can. He only retired less than 2 years ago and those doctors have all but killed him..
Cat Mom2
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