by lars999 » Tue Dec 07, 2010 1:20 pm
Hi pOps!!
I too have a nice story about a friend saved from death or severe disability. It differs from your story in that no statins or other geewhiz drugs were prescribed.
STORY: A very physically active friend had just finished his routine workout and was walking out of gym when he suddenly felt faint and then passed out. As he fell, he was caught by a cardiologist coming in to start his workout (talk about a lucky day!!). Cardiologist recognized what was happening and immediately started emergency measures. By time my friend awoke, he was in hospital and had a stint in one coronary artery. He had been the victum of a ruptured (soft or vulnerable) plaque "boil", with clogged artery as consequence. There was minimal damage to heart muscle, thanks to very prompt treatment, and he slowly returned to almost his normal, physically active life. His only ongoing medication is low-dose aspirin. He is in his 70s.
This is medecin at its best!!
No or almost no plaque was found in the arteries used to install the stent. His cholesterol, lipids, etc. are all well within the normal range, even with the drastically lowered current guidelines. He has no information as to where the plaque "boil" was located that burst, or if there are others somewhere. He and I have initiated discussion of how best to proceed with a "plaque inventory" and/or measures to reduce any vulnerable (to rupture) plaque that may exist somewhere in his arteries.
I find the similarities and differences in these two stories enlightening and bothersome. I also view both stories in light of far worse medical practice than simply my nasty experience with Lipitor. 10 plus years ago I lost all of my close friends to totally unnecessary deaths caused by doctors either missing a deadly disease or putting patients on treatments that initiated events leading to their death. One was the woman I expected to spend remainder of my life with. Yes I am angry, very angry. I am also intent on finding constructive outlets for my anger, as are many others that became victums of some high-profit drug.
It is not simply doctors that I hold in low regard, it is the entire "modern" health system, especially the makers of advanced drugs, such as statins, hormone replacement therapy, blood pressure lowering pills, most cancer drugs, etc., etc. -- basically drugs that greatly worsen many peoples lives, while providing little or no benifit.
After much reading of actual medical reports of various clinical trials of statin drugs, I find nearly all badly flawed and that public pronouncments by drug company spokespersons often are independent of actual results.
In recent months I have heard the same pronouncments by three doctors -- "Statin drugs are miracle drugs!!" My response is that I flatly disagree, even see them as totally the opposite. NONE of those doctors want to hear why or anything susbstantive about why I feel that way. Even more shocking-disgusting to this part-chemist is that NONE of them understand the extensive damage statin drugs do to the human bodie's most important biochemical precesses. For this badly missinformed arrogance, I feel "trashing" on this count to be totally deserved. Yea, the individal doctor may indeed simply be badly missinformed, but, it is just that harmful missinformation and the actions they take based on that missinformation, that I strongly condem.
Even with this total dissagreement about statins, there are some very constructive means of dodging this. Today I arrainged for 11 different blood tests and one ultrasound analysis to extensively and in detail determine the statis of my arteries. Only one of those blood tests is the latest "darling" of the cholesterol and statin activists. With all results in hand, we should have a very detailed picture, NOT some nonsense based on "relative risk factors" and cholesterol hocus pocus.
With respect where earned,