Disease Creep: ..... another good article

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Disease Creep: ..... another good article

Postby David Staup » Thu Dec 22, 2011 2:38 pm

Disease Creep: How we're fooled into using more medicine than we need.

You're going to love this


David Staup
Posts: 546
Joined: Wed Nov 28, 2007 1:13 pm
Location: granbury, texas

Postby Allen1 » Fri Dec 23, 2011 7:24 am

I enjoyed reading that David,

as a person who had a heart attack prior to statin therapy or should I say total statin "disaster", I wouldn't include people who already have had a heart attack or stroke in the statins may help category. Other than that, I enjoyed the article and its always good to find more and more people are taking off their blinkers when it comes to things like statins :)

P.S. its good to see you here, I don't post much myself nowadays so its always nice to see some familiar members now and then.

All the best,

Allen :wink:
Posts: 457
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Location: England

Postby David Staup » Sun Dec 25, 2011 9:36 am

Hey Allen,

Yea I don't post much here anymore either, I spend most of my time on an Adults with mitochondrial disorders, oddly enough there is as much I'm telling them about "our" experiences and fixes as there is me learning from them. Wheather it's acquired ( by statins or other meds or chemicals) or inherited, mitochondrial disorders is an area of TOTAL ignorance for most doctors, who as we know "think" they know everything (the GOD complex).
I've come a long way in understanding how to "better live" with this and am putting together a guide, it's going to be a while though.

David Staup
Posts: 546
Joined: Wed Nov 28, 2007 1:13 pm
Location: granbury, texas

Postby Allen1 » Mon Dec 26, 2011 9:00 am

Hi David,

I'm pleased to see that while you are still learning, your also passing on the knowledge that you have gained, especially from the harm caused by medication. The forum at Adults with mitochondrial disorders will do well, having such a good researcher as yourself looking and finding the relevant information as you did and do here.

Mitochondrial disorders as you mention are hard to nail down (as to what the cause or causes are). We now have so many GM foods and artificial sweeteners and other additives in our daily lives, then you have insecticides or herbicides to add to the mix and that is before you even start on medications and whatever is added to the water supply such as fluoride and other chemicals that make their way into it like phosphates from farming etc, just where do you start :shock:

The GOD complex would be bad enough if it was just limited to doctors, unfortunately there are also those who undyingly follow and believe every lie and deception that drug manufacturers dream up as we found out at our cost with statins, and then on top of it all you have those in a position of power who deliberately mislead others about brand X as long as they are in receipt of various payments for deeds done. Corruption is in politics as well as the medical hierarchy, otherwise a lot of the poison we get prescribed would never in a million years, have made the sales that they do as in statins for example. I suspect things will be just the same in the USA as the are here in the UK unfortunately.

I Look forward to your guide when you get the time to gather up all the relevant information and write it, I think that it will be a major task to undertake, but at least its in the right hands :)

All the very best,

Allen :)
Posts: 457
Joined: Fri Sep 07, 2007 11:55 am
Location: England

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