Art J
Post polios should most definitely NOT take statins, as I know to my cost.
You can find my paper explaining the reasons on and click on the link to my paper. Further information on the need for carnitine can be found on the W Australia Polio Network website [] and click on carnitine.
Polios have an extra need for carnitine due to the preponderence of muscles needing carnitine to produce energy after recovery from the disease, and as Q10 decreases during the lifetime it reduces the manufacture of carnitine, so that when statins further reduce Q10, troubles are piled on troubles.
Also, Q10 and carnitine are both vital in heart action, and reduction of both means that heart muscle weakness starts to appear, with consequent angina and rise in blood pressure, which is where I came in at age 71 and came close to heart failure before Tessa Jupp of poliowa gave me the clues to avert that situation. So much for a drug that is supposed to protect your heart!!
If you have any worries about heart attack problems, I am taking homocysteine protection factors, a combination of B vitamins, folic acid, etc, see spacedoc's page on this subject.
You will have to experiment a bit with Q10 and carnitine dosages and timing of them, but it is well worth the trouble. Now at 85, they are both absolutely essential to my continued existence.
Best of luck with them, and don't let your doctor put you back on statins, I misguidedly let a hospital doctor give me some 18 months ago, while still taking my Q10, but angina soon returned, I might as well have been putting my Q10 down the drain as take the statin, so I stopped them.
CK will come down straight away with carnitine.