by Fernb » Wed Mar 26, 2014 12:22 pm
Yes, I had a very different personality--very angry, cried all the time, confused and would even get lost driving or would find myself places not remembering why or how I got there. Forgetful to the point of thinking I was developing Alzheimer. My Drs would not believe it was medication related, they ran many tests and scans and found nothing. One insisted it was "just a bad fibro flare." One decided I was a nut. I finally fired them consulted Dr internet and found this site, I realized it was the Lipitor. I weaned off all my meds starting with the Statin. Within three days of stopping Lipitor I could have the first real conversation I had in the previous month. That was 2 1/2 years ago. I had been on the stuff 3 weeks when the problems set in and less than 2 full months when I quit it. I also developed severe joint and muscle pain, started using a cane and use it to this day. I have taken Ubiquinol , Vit d, and various other supplements. I follow a ketogenic diet. I have made gradual improvement, but not enough to be able to work again, still way too forgetful,confused and physically debilitated. But at least I don't start screaming and crying every time somebody talks to me, I can walk my dogs--slowly--I am planning to try camping again this year, and once again I can enjoy my grand kids. I am now 59 nearly 60 and I feel this toxin has robbed me of 2 years of my life, really I don't think I will ever be able to have, what for me was a normal life, again.