Close friend wants to know if Tricor is a "statin"

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Close friend wants to know if Tricor is a "statin"

Postby shadoww » Wed Sep 20, 2006 8:15 am

Hi everyone. When my legs and body aches first started I took myself off the Lipitor that had replaced my Vytorin which had replaced my Zocor. Was on Zocor for several years and somewhere along the way, Tricor had been added. So I took myself off them all and did the replacements Dr. Graveline suggests. Only been doing that a couple months but have added 600 mg CoQ10 and Acetyl L Carnitine, 1500-2000 mg a day. Still have most of the leg pains but some days are better than others.

A very close friend called a few min. ago and asked my husband if Tricor was one of "those statins"? He said for the two weeks he's been on it, he's been having bad charlie horse cramps in his legs. This friend knows the problems I've had with my legs and my husband told him yes they are a form of statin and to get some CoQ10. I plan to direct him to this website for more information. He says he's not taking the Tricor anymore and has left his dr. a message about it, but if my case is any indication, that probably won't get him very far because I have my doubts his dr. will tell him the truth about the statins.

My question is this: Did I do the right thing in telling him that TRicor IS a statin and he should get off it and get some CoQ10? I don't want to give him any wrong information but don't want him to suffer like I have these past few months.
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Postby bunnylady » Wed Sep 20, 2006 1:39 pm

Can't answer you about TRICOR but if he is having leg cramps he should stop it until he gets answers- I went to an orthopedic surgeon to see about the new less invasive knee surgury- he inspected my knee and tapped on it and my legs went into spasms- HE SAID anything that depletes important enzymes from your system and does that is not Good!

Just curious Shawdow- have you tried prednisone- it has abated all my symptoms- they may come back when I stop but I can go and get my hair cut and all those things and have no pain! Wonderful to wake up like normal- no pain- no spending 1/2 a day taking pain killers to get to a point I can function- still take my supplements religiously so when I am off the prednisone I'll be hopefully normal! You seem in a bad way!
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Postby bunnylady » Wed Sep 20, 2006 1:57 pm


sounds the same as the others
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Postby anvilhead » Mon Sep 25, 2006 8:56 pm

Tricor is not a statin - it is a fibrate - lot of the fibrates have a cancer connection
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