Vytorin and Abdominal Twinges

A message board to discuss personal experiences of Vytorin and its side effects.

Vytorin and Abdominal Twinges

Postby bnhtwo » Mon Nov 14, 2005 11:31 am

After a bout with Zocor and Lipitor in the past, my MD has prescribed Vytorin. I've been taking Vytorin 10/20 and only a half tablet each evening for about six months now. I'm experiencing the left leg pain as I did with the other statins I was on. Now, for no apparent reason, I lose my balance. I don't experience diziness. My question is this: Does anyone experience abdominal twinges while taking Vytorin? They occur at different areas of the abdomen and have the effect of outwardly feeling like an itch. Is there anyone else out there with this symptom?
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Postby kimsuoil » Wed Nov 16, 2005 4:19 pm

I went on Vytorin as well last December. I had these pains too, about 2 weeks after taking the drug. It was so bad that I went to my doctor and they did a Cat scan and found nothing. They thought I had a virus?
The pains did go away in a months time but I wound up having neck and back aches constantly and finally gave up the Vytorin in June 6 months later. All I know was that I was an extremely healthy 44 year old before I took statins and now have numerous health problems. I have been off all statins since Aug 2005 and I am slowly returning to my pre statin health. Vytorin and Zocor side effects came in full force at about 6 months. I would not continue with any of these statins, but everyone has to make up their own mind.
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Abdominal Twinges

Postby bnhtwo » Wed Nov 16, 2005 6:40 pm

Thanks for your reply, Kimsuoil. Mine is not so much severe pain as it is minimal tingling feelings. It is never in the same spot and varies as to how many I have each day. It's good to know that I'm not "crazy". I have decreased the dosage from 1/2 of a 10/20 tablet every day to the same dosage every other day. Surprise, surprise the twinges have subsided somewhat. I have a doctor's appointment in a few days and I'm going to ask her to take me off the medication. I'd just quit but I don't know if I should taper off and then stop. Thanks again for your input.
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Postby kimsuoil » Thu Nov 17, 2005 9:05 am

bnhtwo, I am not a doctor but I would taper off cutting your pills in half for a week, then in quarters for the next week and then off. Pay attention to the pains and see if they go away. I had been at the point that I had so much pain in my left foot and ankle that my friends noticed me limping. All of these side effects slowly crept up on me until they were bad enough for me to see a doctor.

Interesting that on the warnings on the medication (all statins) say to report abdominal pain to your doctor, which I had done but he just shugged it off.

How high was your cholesterol before you were taking statins?

I would encourage you to read Dr. Graveline's book.

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Abdominal Twinges

Postby bnhtwo » Fri Nov 18, 2005 7:57 am

Kimsuoil, over several years my total cholesterol had held steady at 240. Over the last 1 -2 yrs. it has slowly crept up to 286 in April '05. What concerned my MD more was that my LDL cholesterol had risen to 178. By June '05, while taking Vytorin for two months, my total cholesterol was down to 168 and my LDL was 61. I continue to have good HDL, ranging from the low 80's to the mid 90's. I appreciate your thoughts on tapering off the Vytorin and that's what I've been doing for a couple of weeks now. So far there's no change in how my leg feels but the abdominal twinges are very infrequent now. Once before when I was taking Zocor and had the same leg problem, my doctor had me stop it immediately without tapering off. So, what's a person to do? If you're not your own advocate, medical science will kill you. Thanks again for your input.
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