Come One - Come All!

A forum to discuss personal experiences and share information on statins and other cholesterol lowering drugs.

Come One - Come All!

Postby JIMNSC » Mon Nov 27, 2006 3:45 pm

I thought you good folks might like to read an article I got today encouraging younger people to consider taking statin drugs - not only for their cholesterol but also cardiac event prevention. I raised an eyebrow when one sentence said something to the effect that since so many statins are going generic now more people ought to resort to them.

I, in no way poke fun at their claims of reducing the chances of cardiac events - there may be merit to those claims. But when the end of the article has a brief statement that statins "may not be for everybody" because of this and that and avoiding the mention of adverse side effects - it's sort of lke saying, "Folks with these conditions may be goners."

Bottom line, I'm sure money plays absolutely no part in encouraging more and more people to ask their doctors for statin drugs.


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Postby flacorps » Tue Nov 28, 2006 9:22 am

Did anyone notice that the banner ad associated with that article is for Crestor? ;-<
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Money Motivates Big Corporations

Postby Scared by Big Pharm » Mon Jan 08, 2007 10:23 am

I have come to the sad conclusion that money motivates these big drug companies...bottom line...nothing else. :o
I have had experience first hand, not with statins...thank God, but with Migraine meds. These "wonder drugs" you see advertised for Migraines aren't all they are cracked up to be either. Now there is evidence of rebound headaches, neck pain, etc.
These drugs are rushed to market. Make the bucks..big bucks.
Ever notice how all new meds now have the big marketing can't watch 2 hours of tv without seeing the same med ad over and over.
I remember when Lipitor was being pushed big time...I hated those ads. I said back then..."this can't be good" If these are the side effects they are willing to tell you about in the ad, what are the "hidden" ones. Well now we know.
I only hope we can get my mother in law off the statins (MEMORY dr. tells her to go back on...must be important if primary dr. prescribes...) HELLO!!! Don't these people even RESEARCH to see if side effect is valid?
I think these Drs. are so in bed with the Pharm companies and reps. It's sad when Pharm reps are buying Dr. practices lunch EVERY DAY. Hmmm, what does that say.
Drs. now rely on Pharm rep to tell them what drug is good for, etc. What happened to reading/researching on their own? I guess if you are too busy having your free lunch, you don't have time to research any more.
I am starting to feel I have not much use for most Drs.
Good luck to all suffering with these horrible Statin effects.
Scared by Big Pharm
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Joined: Fri Jan 05, 2007 8:56 am

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