Back to the walking wounded

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Back to the walking wounded

Postby harneyn » Sun Dec 31, 2006 9:01 pm

I have just finished a 2 month course of steroid therapy for leg muscle pain. It did relieve the tension in the muscles - and I used L-Carnitine to further help each day.

I slept only 5-6 hours a night while taking the steroids, and moved like a wiz from 6am to midnight each day. Could not stay still. Ran out of things to do. Amazing my poor system did not wear out!

The leg muscle pain is back!

I took 4 20 mg Zocor tablets starting on 1 October. Calf muscle pain showed up the next day and progressed to my knee area, thighs, and hips. My legs were like walking on telephone poles. Stopped on the 4th day. Nothing got better after stopping the statin... Zocor.

L-Carnitine (thanks Darrell) helps, but I know the trouble is there!

What now, Lord?

I take 200 Mg CoQ10 each am, along with L-Carnitine three times a day. Tried 1000 Mg morning, and noon, with 750 in the early evening starting today. Up from 750 / 750 / 750 . Helped a bit more, although it is 9pm and I could use some more. Back to the heating pad!

Also taking the prescribed Vits and Supplements recommended by Dr. Graveline.

I go for another CK test mid month and a Neuro visit the next week. Sound familiar. Bet this is the end of the line for me.

Hope the New Year bring promise of better health for all! There will be a break-through on the ignorance re statins. Hope it is soon!!!

Posts: 25
Joined: Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:07 pm
Location: Virginia USA

Postby adec » Mon Jan 01, 2007 6:49 am

Just remember, things improve EVERY day you're on CoQ10, L-Carnitine (and other supplements) and away from statins. My mom is living proof, as she nears her one year anniversary since stopping statins. She has made such a dramatic turnaround.

For instance, just last at a New Year's Eve party was everyone commenting on just how terrific my mom looked. This is the same person who early last year was a shell of her former self. She was having episodes of amnesia, memory and hearing problems, major head/hand tremors, and muscle aches so bad she would become weak even walking short distances.

In fact, this week she was able to walk a great distance carrying heavy packages, and had no problem remembering everything on her shopping list. She has even fully regained her appetite, and sleeps soundly... totally pain-free. Her general outlook on life is also so MUCH more positive now than last year. I'm very hopeful that this is the very same scenario in store for you, and everyone else posting here. :)

So here's to a happy and healthy 2007, away from statins... and many more statin-free years to come. Keep the faith.
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Joined: Thu Sep 14, 2006 12:31 pm
Location: New York City

Good to hear..

Postby harneyn » Mon Jan 01, 2007 8:53 am

Thanks for the encouragement!
Posts: 25
Joined: Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:07 pm
Location: Virginia USA

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